
Culture methods and Disease and Pest Control of Cat's Eye Taro

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cat's eye bamboo taro growth habits like warm, humid and bright environment, not cold-resistant, not drought-resistant, afraid of hot sun exposure, the growth period should be fully watered to keep moist, but the soil should not be stagnant water, it is appropriate to use loose and fertile soil with good drainage and permeability, and slightly acidic soil rich in humus.

Growth habits of Cat's Eye Taro

Like warm, humid and bright environment, not cold-resistant, not resistant to drought, afraid of hot sun exposure, the growing period should be fully watered to keep moist, but the soil should not be stagnant water, it is appropriate to use loose and fertile soil with good drainage and permeability, and slightly acidic soil rich in humus.

Propagation mode of cat's eye taro

Ramet propagation

Taro generally propagates separately, and the propagation is the best when the temperature is about 20 ℃ in spring, but it can also be carried out throughout the year as long as the temperature and humidity are suitable. When propagating, use a sharp knife to cut the root mass with stem leaves or leaf buds; a small amount of propagation can put the cut root mass with stem leaves and leaf buds directly in the mud basin; when propagating in large quantities, it should be placed on the seedbed; when the temperature and humidity do not meet the requirements, the film should be covered with a film; be sure to make the temperature in the film reach 20-28 ℃, humidity more than 80%.

Cuttage propagation

Cutting propagation generally uses top shoots, cuttings are 10-15 cm long, leaves are retained 1/3 or 1/2 depending on leaf size, cuttings are treated with 500ppm's NAA for 2-3 seconds, and they can also be treated with indoleacetic acid, indole butyric acid and ABT rooting powder. After the cuttings are treated, they are inserted into the seedbed with a row spacing of 5 × 10 cm. It is covered with thin film bow shed, and the management method is the same as ramet propagation. Cutting propagation can be carried out at any time when the temperature is not lower than 20 ℃. Cuttings take root in 30-50 days, but the survival rate of cuttings is not as high as that of ramet propagation; it is generally about 50%.

Culture method of Cat's Eye Taro


The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions and likes high temperature, multi-humidity and semi-shade environment. the suitable growth temperature is 20-30 ℃, the best growth temperature is 18-21 ℃ in daytime, 16-18 ℃ at night, and the safe overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. Therefore, in summer to prevent high temperature exposure, put it in a cool place; winter should pay attention to cold, plants can be moved to a windless, warmer indoor winter.


Avoid direct sunlight and grow better under indirect radiation or scattered light. Especially in summer, direct sunlight can easily cause leaf burns, so the production is cultivated in a shading net with a refractive index of 75% and 80%. If leaf burns are found, they should be moved immediately to places without direct light or shaded facilities or in the shade of trees, and the burned leaves should be cut off to prevent other pathogenic bacteria from invading from the wound. At the same time, the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened to promote its re-distribution of leaves and restore its new appearance.

Moisture content

The peak growth season of bamboo taro is from March to October every year, and the most suitable air relative humidity for its growth is 75% RHI. The high air humidity is beneficial to the development of leaves. Especially during the period of new leaf extraction, if it is too dry, the leaf edge and tip of the new leaf are easy to wither and become deformed later. The leaves could not recover after wilting. Therefore, it is necessary to water frequently in the growing season, and often spray to the leaf surface, 3-4 times a day in summer, and in time, the best watering method is to spray foliar surface in the morning, soil surface at noon or afternoon, and whole plant irrigation in the evening, but pay attention to the soil not to be too sticky and too wet, otherwise it is easy to rot roots and cause diseases. After entering autumn and winter, the growth of bamboo taro slows down, and the amount of water should be gradually reduced. According to the weather change, it can be decided to water once a day or once every 2-3 days, especially when the temperature is low, the soil should be kept dry to avoid cold damage.

Fertilizer application

Cultivated soil is required to be fertile, loose and well drained, and soil consolidation and stagnant water are avoided. Fertile humus and porous coarse media are often used as substrates. It is generally mixed with rotten leaf soil and peat soil in the same amount; it can also be mixed with pond mud, peat and perlite at the proportion of 2:3:1, or it can be made by adding loose rotten leaf soil rich in organic matter and perlite with a small amount of base fertilizer.

Pest control

Cat's eye bamboo taro has strong resistance and less diseases and insect pests, but diseases and insect pests still occur when they are poorly managed in the process of cultivation. The common insect pests are shell insects, red spiders, etc., and the common diseases are white silk disease and leaf spot disease.

Shell worm

The scale insect is mainly pink scale, which occurs on the edge or back of the leaf, and sometimes on the leaf surface. They suck plant juice with piercing mouthparts, and the light leaves turn yellow and aging, affecting plant growth, and in serious cases, withered leaves, fallen leaves, until the death of the whole plant; at the same time, the wounds invaded by shell insects are very easy to be infected with the virus. Scale insects have strong reproductive ability and can reproduce for many generations a year, and May is the peak incubation period. Because the adults of scale insects have a waxy shell, it is difficult for pesticides to enter, but once it occurs, it is difficult to control. When the indoor cultivation is not well ventilated, it is vulnerable to the harm of shell insects.

Prevention and control methods:

According to the occurrence of shell insects, spray during the peak period of nymphs. Therefore, most nymphs hatch soon, the body surface has not yet secreted wax, the shell has not yet been formed, and the drug is still easy to kill, spraying once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times continuously. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate or 1000 times of dichlorvos and 3000 times of 2.5% deltamethrin.

Red spider

The harm of red spider to plant is more common, its body is small, reddish brown to orange, with a sharp needle to absorb nutrients in the leaves, and cause plant water and other metabolic balance imbalance, affecting the normal growth and development of the plant. In the high temperature and dry environment, red spiders reproduce rapidly and do serious harm.

Prevention and control methods:

Keep the environment ventilated and keep the humidity above 40%. Spraying water on the back of leaves can control the reproduction of red spiders. As pesticides are difficult to kill eggs, they are generally controlled in the adult and nymph stage after hatching, and can be sprayed with 1000 times of dicofol EC or 1000 times of omethoate EC.

White silk disease

The disease occurs more frequently. When it occurs, the base of the stem or leaf turns brown and decays near the soil, and a white silky mycelium grows, which is radiant and can spread in the rhizosphere soil, and then cause the aboveground part to wither and die; it is white at the initial stage, and then turns yellow at the later stage, and finally turns brown or tea-brown like rapeseed, and then causes the aboveground part to wither and die. The disease is more serious from July to August, and the pathogen is Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. It is easy to occur when the soil is too wet, barren and lack of fertilizer.

Prevention and control methods:

70% of the soil weight of pentachloronitrobenzene can be added to the soil to disinfect the soil; before the sclerotia is formed, pull out the diseased plant and dig out the surrounding diseased soil, add new soil; pay attention to ventilation during cultivation to prevent overplanting

Leaf spot disease

The disease mainly harms leaves and can also harm leaf sheaths. At the beginning of the disease, it showed a small spot with a diameter of less than 1 mm, and then turned into a reddish-brown spot with a diameter of about 2 mm, without any halo around the spot. The disease can occur all the year round, with two peak periods from September to October and March of the following year. In the peak period of the disease, a large number of leaves can be withered. Where poor management, poor ventilation, over-dense cultivation, stagnant water, poor soil, insufficient shade and poor plant growth are seriously harmful, the disease residue is the source of the first infection of the disease.

Prevention and control methods:

Increase the application of base fertilizer to enhance disease resistance; remove diseased leaves in time to reduce the source of bacteria; master the culture method of spraying 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500,600 times or spraying 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1000 times plus 1000 times of methylthiothalonil wettable powder to control bamboo taro.

Nowadays, people like to cultivate plants indoors to beautify and green the home environment. At present, there are many kinds of plants that can be raised indoors, and cat's eye taro is one of them, but many people don't know much about cat's eye bamboo taro. What is the role of cat's eye bamboo taro? What are the breeding methods of cat's eye taro? Let's go with the editor to get to know it.

What is the function of cat's eye taro:

When it comes to the role of cat's eye taro, usually originated in tropical and subtropical areas, shade-resistant, easy to breed, and colorful, elegant shape, its main function is not only ornamental, but also has a certain purification effect. Let's take a look at the following introduction:

1. Ornamental value:

Cat's eye bamboo taro has the characteristics of shade tolerance and easy to feed, and at the same time has a beautiful growth form: the plant is generally clumpy, the leaves are broad, the growth is dense, and the appearance is stretched erect. Because both sides of the main veins of the leaves are intertwined into pinnate white bands and dark green bands, the color is bright and colorful. In addition, its leaves are covered with black spots, just like the eyes of pandas, round and interesting. This is also the origin of its name.

Cat's eye taro is suitable for home decoration and beautification, used to decorate balconies, studies, bedrooms, etc., to add a sense of elegance, and can also be used to decorate commercial places, such as shops and guesthouses. In South China, it can also be seen planted in courtyards, parks, roads and other places for landscaping.

2. Purification effect:

Purifying the air is also a major role of cat's eye taro, although it cannot be compared with hanging orchids, but the role of cat's eye taro in purifying the air cannot be underestimated. The effect of cat's eye taro in absorbing formaldehyde, ammonia and other harmful gases is far better than that of many plants. Therefore, for a house that has just been decorated, cat's-eye taro is also a good choice.

Such as the above is a brief introduction to the role of cat's eye taro, I believe that through the above introduction, people will have a further understanding and understanding of this plant, cat's eye bamboo taro leaves are broad, the round black spots on the leaves are as interesting as panda eyes, which is the main reason why people like to raise it indoors. However, the cultivation of cat's eye taro is also different from that of other plants. What are the cultivation methods of cat's-eye taro? Let's take a look at the following introduction:

Culture methods of Cat's Eye Taro:

1. Temperature:

Amorphophallus maoyan originates from tropical and subtropical regions and is resistant to high temperature. it is suitable to grow in the environment of 20-30 ℃, and the growth temperature should be maintained at about 16-18 ℃ in winter.

2. Lighting:

Shade-tolerant plants, sexual preference for semi-shade, should be placed in bright indoor light, avoid direct sunlight, exposure, etc., in order to avoid burning leaves, shade and ventilation should be done well in summer.

3. Watering:

During the growth period of the cat's eye taro, it is necessary to fully water the soil and keep the soil moist. At the same time, we should also pay attention to avoid causing stagnant water in the soil, so as not to cause rotten roots or even cause plant death. Because the leaves of the cat's eye taro are larger and the water evaporates quickly, in order to maintain the high air humidity around it, we can often spray the leaves to keep the air around the leaves moist, which is conducive to the growth and extension of the leaves. Once the leaves are found to curl and atrophy, it means that the plant is in a state of lack of water.

4. Fertilizer:

In accordance with the principle of "frequent application and light application", stop fertilizing during the dormant period in winter and the continuous high temperature in summer.

5. Change the basin:

Change the basin every other year, it is appropriate to choose fertile, loose, good air permeability and drainage, containing rich humus slightly acidic soil.

6. Pest control:

The main common pests are shell insects, red spiders, etc., for shell insects, according to the disease, 40% omethoate 1000 times, 50% dichlorvos 1000 times, 2.5% deltamethrin 3000 times can be sprayed to control red spiders, generally during the adult period after egg hatching, 20% triclofenac EC 1000 times, or 40% omethoate EC 1000 times.

7. Disease control:

The common diseases are mainly white silk disease and leaf spot disease. For white silk disease, 0.2% pentachloronitrobenzene can be added to the soil to disinfect the soil, and at the same time, diseased plants and soil can be removed, new soil should be added, and ventilation should be done. For leaf spot disease, diseased leaves should be removed in time and base fertilizer should be applied to enhance disease resistance.

The Culture method of Cat's Eye Taro

Temperature of Culture method of Cat's Eye Taro

Cat's eye bamboo taro is native to tropical and subtropical regions and is resistant to high temperature. It is suitable to be in the growth environment of 20-30 ℃. The most suitable growth temperature in winter should be about 16-18 ℃.


Shade-tolerant plants, sexual preference for semi-shade, should be placed in a bright indoor light. Avoid direct sunlight, exposure, etc., in order to avoid burning leaves. Shading and ventilation should be done well in summer.


In the growth period of cat's eye taro, it is necessary to fully water the soil and keep the soil moist. At the same time, we should also pay attention to avoid causing stagnant water in the soil, so as not to cause rotten roots and even cause plant death. As the leaves of the cat's eye taro are larger and the water evaporates quickly, it is necessary to maintain a high air humidity around it. The leaves can be sprayed frequently to keep the air around the leaves moist, which is beneficial to the growth and extension of the leaves. Once the leaves are found to curl and atrophy, it means that the plant is in a state of lack of water.


Follow the principle of "giving frequently and sparingly". Stop fertilizing during the dormant period in winter and the high temperature in summer.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Cat's Eye Taro

Change the basin every other year, it is appropriate to choose fertile, loose, good air permeability and drainage, containing rich humus slightly acidic soil.

Pest control

The main common insect pests are shell insects, red spiders and so on. For scale insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times or 50% dichlorvos 1000 times and 2.5% deltamethrin 3000 times can be sprayed to control the disease. For red spiders, the control is usually carried out during the adult period after the eggs are hatched, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of dicofol EC or 1000 times of omethoate EC.

Disease prevention and cure

The main common diseases are white silk disease, leaf spot and so on. For white silk disease, 0.2% of the soil weight can be added to 70% of the pentachloronitrobenzene to disinfect the soil, while the diseased plants and soil are removed, new soil is added, and ventilation is done. For leaf spot disease, the diseased leaves should be removed in time and base fertilizer should be applied to enhance disease resistance.