
Breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of Hongyun

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Good luck is a kind of flowers of the pineapple family, because the flower core is bright red, so it is called Hong Yun. The morphological characteristics of the flowers bloom at the top or middle of the plant, the flowers and leaves are luxuriant, the flowers are red, and they are very festive. The leaves are broadly banded and dark green. Spikes resembling panicles, bracts densely bearing

The Encyclopedia of good luck

Hongyun is a kind of pineapple flower, which is called Hongyun because its core is bright red.

The morphological characteristics of Hong Yun

The flowers bloom at the top or middle of the plant, the flowers and leaves are luxuriant, the flowers are red, and there is a festive atmosphere. The leaves are broadly banded and dark green. Spikes resemble panicles, with dense bracts and yellow tips. It is precisely because the top of this pineapple plant is covered with red flowers, so it is named by the idiom "Hongyudang" to express good luck. Its flower language is perfect, in people's eyes, good luck is auspicious and noble flowers.

Growth habits at the head of good luck

Hongyun prefers the warm and humid environment. The suitable growth temperature is 21-28 ℃ during the day and 18-21 ℃ at night. The highest temperature can not exceed 35 ℃. High temperature is bad for growth. The mode of reproduction at the head of good luck

Main points of reproduction: Hongyun is usually propagated by split-plant method, which is combined with turning basin and changing soil in spring. Hongyun head can also use the method of cutting propagation, but also the use of tissue culture method of mass propagation, breeding with seeds.

1. Hong Yun is the head of cutting propagation.

The axils of the leaves at the base of Hongyun head will continue to grow small buds, and when they grow 5 to 6 leaves, they can be cut off and propagated, and roots can be produced in about 1 month. After the small plant has grown, it can be cut off from the mother plant with a sharp knife and planted separately. In general, the old plant will no longer blossom, and it can be used as the mother plant to propagate the new plant.

2. Hongyun is the first to propagate separately.

In the ramet propagation of Hongyundang, the tiller buds of the adult mother plant can be divided and planted in spring, and the young leaves are mostly used as explants in tissue culture, and the buds are induced by callus differentiation clumps, then rooting and seedling formation is induced, and it takes about 4 months from inoculation to seedling transplant, and flowering 2 ~ 3 years after planting. The sucking bud that occurs at the base of Hongyun head is cut off, the incision should be cut flat, planted in plain sand, and the basin mouth is covered with a plastic bag to keep warm and moisturizing. It took root quickly under the condition of 25 ℃ in a sparse shade and ventilation environment.

The method of breeding at the head of good luck

The best breeding time:

The best breeding time for good luck is in spring.

The best growing soil:

Hongyun is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus-containing soil. In family cultivation, 2 parts of peat soil can be mixed with 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil, which is more beneficial to the healthy growth of Hongyun.

Growth humidity requirements:

In order to keep the basin soil moist in hot weather, clear water can be sprayed on the leaves once or twice a day.

The optimum growth temperature:

The suitable growth temperature of Hongyundang is 15 ℃ ~ 22 ℃.

The best growth light:

In order to make the leaves bright and blossom regularly, Hongyun needs a certain amount of photosynthesis, and needs 4-5 hours of direct light every day in winter. In case of Rain Water weather, apply lighting to increase illumination. The seedling pot should be placed in the shade in summer to avoid bright light shining directly on the head of good luck, and indoor cultivation can set up a shade net according to the growth of good luck.

Good luck is the most important choice.

At the head of Hongyun, the soil is required to be rich in humus, loose, fertile, breathable, well drained and slightly acidic (pH5~5.5). The longest family uses rotten leaf soil, river sand, a small amount of cake fertilizer, or rotten chicken manure. Of course, in order to save trouble, you can buy it directly from the florist when changing the soil.

The watering method at the head of good luck

Hongyun likes a humid environment, and it is necessary to ensure high air humidity and sufficient moisture in the basin during the growing period. To ensure that the basin soil is moist, it is appropriate to control the aircrew humidity at 70% to 80%. The usual watering frequency is 5-7 days. For some hard leaf species that need less water, keep the basin dry. For the species of soft leaves that need more water, the basin soil should always be kept moist and the topsoil should not be dry. It is necessary to keep water in the leaf tube, and the lack of water in the leaf tube can easily cause plant wilting.

Proper watering control in autumn

After the beginning of autumn, the growth of Hongyun slows down, so watering and spraying should be properly controlled. After entering the dormant period, it is necessary to control watering, keep the basin soil slightly tidal, the basin soil is not dry, do not water, the basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots. Keep the bottom of the vane moist, but do not feed too much water to avoid decay.

The method of fertilization at the head of Hongyun

Fertilize once every 10-20 days in the growing season, choose fermented cake fertilizer or chemical fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers usually choose nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the concentration is controlled at 0.1%-2.3%. When fertilizing, try not to apply fertilizer in the center of the plant, so as not to cause harm. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, dormancy and summer.

Lighting requirements in the face of good luck

The growth of Hongyun needs sufficient light, and the light time is controlled at 12-16 hours per day. Under the condition of sufficient light, combined with high humidity and good ventilation, the growth will be faster and better. The plant will become short, fat and sturdy, with wide, short and rigid leaves and bright and beautiful flowers.

Matters needing attention in the face of good luck

To apply fertilizer:

Watering essentials:

Hongyun likes the moist growth environment, so you should keep the basin soil moist. In order to improve the ornamental value of Hongyun, the leaves were watered once a day, and dust was removed to make the leaves bright, conducive to the absorption of photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants.

Pruning essentials:

After half a year of ornamental period, the inflorescence extracted by Hongyun in winter and spring has gradually faded, so it can be cut off to reduce the consumption of nutrients to facilitate the growth of lateral buds.

Replacement of basin soil:

When Hongyun changes the basin, scrape off the old soil around the root about 1 beat 3 or 1 hand 2, and properly trim the old root, withered root, curled root and poor growth root near the edge of the basin with scissors, and remove only a little from the surface of the soil mass, generally without any treatment, but be careful not to make the soil mass break when planting. After treatment, use a larger basin and plant it according to the basin operation procedure. Prevention and control of diseases and pests at the forefront of good luck:

In the environment of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation, Hongyun is prone to diseases and insect pests, such as soot disease, red spiders, shell insects and so on. If diseases are found, carbendazim can be sprayed in time, and pests can be sprayed with omethoate. No matter which solution is sprayed, it must be carried out outdoors to prevent pollution of the indoor environment. In addition, you can also buy sterilization and insecticidal tablets in the flower market and bury them in the basin soil to eradicate diseases and insect pests. Red spot is the symptom of brown spot, which needs to be prevented and treated by spraying carbendazim or chlorpromazine, Aimei, agricultural streptomycin and other powerful fungicides in time. This is because the timing of spraying water is too late, do not spray water again in the evening, it is easy to breed germs, and there can be no water on the leaves at night.

Identification of the leading species of good luck

① Meiye light calyx

Leaves basally folded into a tube; leaves broadly banded, covered with silver-gray scales. The leaves have tiger-like silvery-white stripes. Spikes erect, dense into broad paniculate globules, bracts light pink, florets light blue.

② color leaf wind pear

The leaves are yellowish green, with milky yellow or pink broad stripes on the edge; the leaf margin is sharply serrated, and the back of the leaf is slightly whitish. Total pedicel round, stout, terminal trapezoid, aggregated into ovoid. Berries are orange and red. It is a flower and leaf variety of edible pineapple, the fruit viewing period is as long as half a year.

③ Hongji pineapple

The leaf margin is wavy. Serrulate; leaves rose red. There are two yellowish white stripes, the back of the leaves are powdered, the flowers are small and white.

④ fruit vine

Perennial epiphytic vegetation. The stem is short and the base is sprouting. The base of the leaves overlap each other into a tube, into a loose rosette; the leaves are leathery, glossy, entire. Spikes, bracts bright red envelopes, florets creamy yellow. Flowering in spring.

⑤ variegated lip pineapple

The leaf margin has yellow or white banded stripes and the leaf margin is serrulate. When flowering, the leaves turn bright red near the center, and the inflorescences are short without protruding leaves; the flowers are small, blue-purple.

⑥ Zihuafeng pear

(iron orchid, powder palm iron orchid) the plant is low, the leaves are narrow and long, and the gray-green base has purple-brown stripes. Scalloped flower

The inflorescence is elliptic, the flower stem is short, the bracts are pink, the florets are blue-purple, and look like butterflies. It blossoms in spring and the viewing period is as long as 3 months.

⑦ tiger-striped pineapple

(red sword) leaves with purple-black transverse markings on both sides, entire. Spikes erect, sword-shaped, bracts bright red or yellow, florets yellow. The florescence lasts as long as 5 months.

⑧ Yingge pineapple

Leaves emerald green, pedicel tip flattened bracts neatly stacked in order to form the crown hairy, bracts red at the base, tip light yellow or yellowish green. The florescence lasts as long as 5-6 months.

How to raise Red luck head Flowers methods and matters needing attention

Aquaculture luck can not only beautify the family environment, but also produce good moral meaning and ideas. in addition, it also has a certain effect of defusing bad spirits, so it is very appropriate to raise a pot of good luck at home. The editor is here to provide you with some good luck planting methods.

How to raise the first flower in good luck

Hongyun likes a hot, humid, semi-shady environment, which can be placed in a warm and bright room all the year round. There should be full sunshine in winter, morning and evening in spring and autumn, and no direct sunlight in summer. The light is bright and the leaves are brightly colored.

The suitable growth temperature of Hongyun is between 15 and 20 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. But more than 20 ℃, it is not conducive to plant dormancy, will affect the growth and flowering in the coming year.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention in Hongyun

1. Selection of basin soil

At the head of Hongyun, the soil is required to be rich in humus, loose, fertile, breathable, well drained and slightly acidic (pH5~5.5). The longest family uses rotten leaf soil, river sand, a small amount of cake fertilizer, or rotten chicken manure. Of course, in order to save trouble, you can buy it directly from the florist when changing the soil.

2. the method of changing the basin.

The growth life of Hongyun is not very long, usually 3-4 years old will blossom, gradually wither after flowering, wither and renew the plant after withering. Therefore, the basin should be changed every 1-2 years to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients in the soil.

3. Watering method

Hongyun likes a humid environment, and it is necessary to ensure high air humidity and sufficient moisture in the basin during the growing period. To ensure that the basin soil is moist, it is appropriate to control the aircrew humidity at 70% to 80%.

The usual watering frequency is 5-7 days. For some hard leaf species that need less water, keep the basin dry. For the species of soft leaves that need more water, the basin soil should always be kept moist and the topsoil should not be dry. It is necessary to keep water in the leaf tube, and the lack of water in the leaf tube can easily cause plant wilting.

After the beginning of autumn, the growth of Hongyun slows down, so watering and spraying should be properly controlled. After entering the dormant period, it is necessary to control watering, keep the basin soil slightly tidal, the basin soil is not dry, do not water, the basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots. Keep the bottom of the vane moist, but do not feed too much water to avoid decay.

4. Fertilization method

Fertilize once every 10-20 days in the growing season, choose fermented cake fertilizer or chemical fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers usually choose nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the concentration is controlled at 0.1%-2.3%. When fertilizing, try not to apply fertilizer in the center of the plant, so as not to cause harm. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, dormancy and summer.

5. Lighting requirements

The growth of Hongyun needs sufficient light, and the light time is controlled at 12-16 hours per day. Under the condition of sufficient light, combined with high humidity and good ventilation, the growth will be faster and better. The plant will become short, fat and sturdy, with wide, short and rigid leaves and bright and beautiful flowers.

6. Points for attention

The humidity of the growth is very important, and the suitable relative humidity is 50%, 75%. Ventilation should be strengthened when it is higher than 80%, otherwise it is prone to disease or overgrowth. When it is less than 40%, it is easy to cause leaf tip withering, so it is necessary to spray water regularly to moisturize.

The maintenance of Hongyun should also be determined according to magenta. For varieties of happy light, such as colorful leaves, Hongyudang should shine more light and put it on the windowsill and balcony for maintenance.

The quality of watering is also very important to Hong Yun. It likes to grow in acidic soil and requires that the water quality be weakly acidic. It doesn't like salt, especially calcium and sodium.

The role of good luck

1. Good luck will be the first to make natural oxygen for you.

Hongyun is the flower of the pineapple family. Among the varieties of pineapple, it is an ornamental pineapple. As an ornamental pineapple, luck can release oxygen at night. The leaves of most plants open their stomata during daytime photosynthesis, and at night the plants go to sleep and the stomata close. In the pineapple family, on the other hand, the technical term is the acid metabolism of crassulaceae. Under this effect, good luck can inhale a large amount of carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the first night, so putting a pot of good luck at home means that there is a family oxygen bar.

2. The symbol of happiness in the face of good luck

Good luck is a very beautiful indoor potted flower that can watch both flowers and leaves. With its rosette-shaped plant type and bright spikes, it is called the darling of the flower market. Especially the bright red, suitable for people who like vitality. Hongyun is regarded as the boutique of flowers, with home furnishings to breed, to add a beautiful scenery. Imagine how delightful it is to see such a bright pot of flowers every day.

How to make good luck blossom

The normal luck can not blossom until 2-3 years, and basically bloom in autumn, and enter the winter dormancy period after anthesis. But many times people want to be able to control its flowering time and control good luck, which gives rise to the following flowering techniques:

First of all, stop fertilizing, in good luck when the growth is relatively strong, stop fertilizing for half a month, basically one month without fertilization.

Secondly, the leaf cup is irrigated with "ethephon solution" or "acetylene solution". The preparation concentration is generally 1RV 1000 (to control the concentration, otherwise it will be counterproductive), as long as it is watered 1 to 3 times.

Finally, when promoting flowering, control the temperature at 15: 18 ℃, not too high, gradually strengthen the fertilizer and water after a month, and it will blossom soon.

Good luck is really good luck only after it blossoms, so it is very important to maintain the blooming state of good luck. In the article, there are methods to promote flowers, there are requirements, and friends who are willing to operate can give it a try, and it will not have any bad impact on good luck.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of Hongyun

Farmed plants are very common in family life, good luck is a kind of plants, the flower language of good luck: perfect. What is the breeding method at the head of good luck? What are the matters needing attention in breeding at the head of good luck? The following editor will take you to learn some knowledge about this. I hope it will be helpful to you. Let's have a look.

The aquaculture method with good luck

First, the most suitable growth temperature is 21-28 ℃ during the day and 18-21 ℃ at night, and the highest temperature can not exceed 35 ℃. Of course, the temperature is lower in winter, but the temperature can not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise, the plants will be frostbitten and the leaves will turn yellow. Therefore, attention must be paid to the control of temperature. Second, the growth of sunny plants is inseparable from sunlight, but different plants have different requirements for sunlight. In summer, they should be placed in the shade, and shade nets should be set up. In winter, at least 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight is needed every day. Only when the sun meets certain requirements can it remain evergreen and bloom normally. Third, the growing soil at the forefront of the good fortune of farming soil must be fertile and loose. If possible, we can use peat soil and fine sand to mix at 2:1 to make our own culture soil. Fourth, the application of fertilizer usually blossoms in winter. In winter, because the climate is relatively bad, the demand for fertilizer is very high. It is usually necessary to apply dilute organic liquid fertilizer twice a month, such as soaked water from soybeans and fermented rice-panning water. Fifth, pay attention to watering Hongyun likes the wet environment, so we should pay attention to keep the wettability of the basin soil, especially in the climate with high temperature, there is usually no need to water on cloudy and rainy days, when watering, do not directly use tap water, use dried water, in order to maintain its beauty, it is best to spray clear water on the leaves once a day, which can remove dust, keep clean, and make it look brighter. At the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis, promoting the robust growth of plants and the improvement of indoor environment. Sixth, the good luck of pest control if the temperature and humidity are too high, it is easy to breed diseases and pests, such as soot disease, shell insects and so on. Once diseases are found, carbendazim should be sprayed in time; if pests are found, omethoate should be sprayed. One thing to note here is that when spraying medicine, do not stay indoors, otherwise it will pollute the indoor environment. Seventh, like water at the moment, but you must pay attention to the watering time, not at noon, preferably in the morning, and in the morning and evening in summer. Special attention should also be paid to the watering part, which should be watered in the leaf cup, not just in the basin soil. Some people like to water it with fertiliser and water, which is fine, but we must pay attention to it. After watering the fertile water, the clear water should be changed for a week, otherwise the plant heart will rot. Eighth, air humidity

Hongyun also has high requirements for air humidity, and the air humidity most suitable for its growth is 75-85%. It must not be too dry. According to the experiment, once the air humidity is less than 50%, it will have a great impact on its growth.

Matters needing attention in breeding at the head of good luck

During the daily maintenance of breeding at the head of Hongyun, Hongyun must remember not to fertilize when blooming, otherwise it will lead to nutritious prosperity. And the flowers can be cut off in time after blooming, and then fertilized. Generally, cuttings are selected in the growing period of small plants. Lucky luck blossoms only once, and cuttings or transplants should be carried out in time after flowering. Flowering usually occurs in the third year after the mature plant. Its growth environment should be placed in a semi-shady and long-term ventilated place, always moist, because it is a parasitic plant, the soil will not take root very deep, if it is too much fertilizer is harmful, it will lead to root rot. Therefore, home cultivation is suitable for small pot planting. Watering is usually watered before noon or in the morning and evening, and needs to be watered thoroughly. If photosynthesis cannot be carried out after watering at night, it is easier to survive germs. And if the temperature is too high, insect pests will occur, so it is recommended to control the temperature.