
A kind of vegetable + a kind of fruit, treat flatulence is very good!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many of us have the problem of flatulence, some people do not understand their own stomach, often tell me that always stomachache, hiccups after eating, can not eat no appetite.

Many of us have the problem of flatulence, some people do not understand their own stomach, often tell me that always stomachache, hiccups after eating, can not eat and have no appetite. In fact, the general situation is flatulence, there is usually belching, diarrhea, diet is not normal.

There are many reasons for flatulence. Indigestion is a, some people's own poor physique, lack of gastric power, eat irritant or eat too much without digestion will flatulence. Gastrointestinal dysfunction, waste gas accumulated in the intestines, there will also be the phenomenon of flatulence. Another reason is that stomach acid is too much, stomach acid is easy to produce carbon dioxide, which is why always flatulence, hiccups.

Of course, flatulence also has a lot to do with eating habits. Some people like to talk and chew with their mouths open while eating. Some people like to gobble up, gulp down, and drink soup while eating. Overeating and overeating are all very easy to cause digestive problems and cause flatulence.

From the perspective of dietotherapy, the most important dietotherapy materials to relieve flatulence are oranges and turnips.

White radish is ventilated, can be lower qi, digestion and moistening the lungs, diuresis and laxation, can dredge the intestinal tract. And white radish is a very common food in our daily life, from the clinical practice, white radish itself has medicinal value, people also often use it to help digestion.

As the saying goes, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, but it is not necessarily winter. Eating more radish is also very good for your health. We usually have some stomach flatulence that is difficult to digest, so it is very effective to eat more white radish.

Recommended recipe: White radish spareribs soup

Efficacy: it can eliminate food and strengthen stomach, regulate qi and resolve phlegm. White radish qi digestion; ribs deficiency and strong muscles, stewed with radish, delicious not greasy, radish contains more fiber, rich in water, as well as the effect of health care and beauty.

Materials: 500g spareribs, 1 radish

Seasoning: sliced ginger, chopped onions, refined salt, chicken essence, pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine


1. Wash the ribs, chop them into small pieces, rinse the radish, peel them and cut them into cutters.

2. Put the chopped ribs in a large bowl and marinate with salt, chicken essence, pepper, cooking wine and soy sauce for 10 minutes.

3. Prepare a casserole and bring to a boil with clear water and radish over high heat.

4. Heat the pickled ribs in oil in another pot, stir-fry the pickled ribs until the color changes and there is no blood, then pour into the boiled radish soup, then add the sliced ginger and onion, then simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, season with salt and chicken essence.

Note: 1. White radish is compatible with some foods, such as carrots, oranges, persimmons, ginseng and American ginseng; if you are taking other drugs, do not choose this soup.

Let's talk about oranges. Oranges can regulate qi and get rid of distension. As early as in the Compendium of Materia Medica, oranges have been evaluated as follows: lower qi quickens the diaphragm. For qi stagnation abdominal distension, as well as food stagnation abdominal distension, it is very effective to drink orange soup or bubble water.

Many people like to eat oranges. In fact, oranges can be regarded as a good traditional Chinese medicine. Their peels, kernels, collaterals and flesh can all be used as medicine. Here we need to talk about the misunderstanding that we usually eat oranges:

First of all, when many people eat oranges, they will habitually rip off the white veins outside the orange flesh and feel that they are just peeling off the peel. In fact, this way of eating is a bit thankless. The white reticular veins and collaterals outside the orange petal, like the flesh, are very good things. These seemingly useless tendons and collaterals can dredge collaterals and resolve phlegm, smooth qi and activate blood circulation, and have a very good effect on people's body. For some other chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease is also very effective.

Secondly, after eating oranges, we used to keep the orange peel to soak in water and drink, thinking that it can dry, damp and resolve phlegm, health care and disease prevention. In fact, this is very incorrect. Tangerine peel has the effect of regulating qi, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, but tangerine peel does not refer to fresh orange peel, it is made of mature orange peel after drying in the sun. Fresh orange peel contains more volatile oil, which not only does not have the medicinal effect of tangerine peel, but also has a strong smell of volatile oil and irritates the intestines and stomach.

Orange meat with tendons can be eaten directly, and orange peel, we recommend a kind of orange peel tea:

Materials: orange peel, ginger, peeled red jujube, a pack of green tea.

Step: put all the ingredients into the pot, boil over medium heat for 5 minutes, filter and drink directly.

Efficacy: promote digestion, relieve stagnation and appetizer.

Author: Li Zhigang, spleen and stomach expert of traditional Chinese medicine and lecturer of BTV Health Hall, Wechat follows yihaojiankang, input 8001, Professor Li Zhigang teaches you massage to treat stomach disease.