
What kind of food should I eat when it's wet? We should eat more of these five kinds of vegetables.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Both men and women have the problem of heavy dampness, but gout "favors boys over girls" and moisture "favors girls over men". Dampness does great harm to the spleen and stomach.

Both men and women have the problem of heavy dampness, but gout "favors boys over girls" and moisture "favors girls over men". Dampness does great harm to the spleen and stomach, which affects the body of men and the appearance of women. You can choose to make tea in bags at ordinary times for conditioning and dehumidification-Kangerfu red bean corn beard tea (simple and convenient, which can be bought on and Taobao). In addition to drinking tea, cupping and soaking feet, it will also be good to improve it through eating and drinking.

You should eat more of these five kinds of vegetables with heavy humidity.

1. Yi kernel

It is suitable for short red urine, edema beriberi, rheumatism arthralgia, spleen deficiency diarrhea, verruca plana and other diseases.

2. Water celery

It has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis, and is suitable for urination pain, urine bleeding, lower symptoms and so on.

3. Wax gourd

It has the effects of clearing heat and promoting diuresis, detumescence and detoxification, invigorating fluid and removing annoyance, etc., suitable for summer heat, thirst, edema, adverse urination, thirst absorption and water vapor edema and asthma and other diseases.

4. Pumpkin

Pumpkin, pumpkin is rich in nutrients, with Buzhong Yiqi, relieving asthma and thirst, anti-inflammation and pain, detoxification and insecticidal. Enhance the regeneration of liver and kidney cells, discharge lead and mercury, prevent cancer, tonify blood (containing cobalt) and dispel dampness.

5. Chili

Chili peppers are also good food to dispel dampness. Eating chili peppers in summer is very helpful to dispel dampness. Chili peppers are rich in protein, fat, vitamins, iron and other nutrients, which are all important ingredients for human growth. In addition, capsaicin contained in chili peppers can also accelerate the heartbeat after being ingested by the human body, which is conducive to the expansion of pores, which can promote the telangiectasia of the skin. The moisture in the body can also be excreted out of the body.

Damp usually eat less cold drinks, daily life as far as possible to reduce exposure to wet environment. Especially people who are sensitive to moisture.

The weight of moisture should pay more attention to the following:

1. Don't sleep on the floor directly. The moisture in the air will drop and the floor moisture is heavy, which can easily invade the body and cause pain in the limbs. It is best to sleep in a bed at a distance from the floor.

2. Go out less on wet and rainy days.

3. Don't wear wet clothes

4. Water intake should be appropriate. It is less spicy to have a clear talk.