
The origin of the name of Longtuzhu flower and the introduction of its culture method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [introduction] Longtuzhu flower is a very auspicious flower, from its name we can see that the temperament of this kind of flower is very magnificent. Actually.

[introduction] Longtuzhu flower is a very auspicious flower, from its name we can see that the temperament of this kind of flower is very magnificent. In fact, naming flowers is a knowledge worth studying, because a good name will improve the value of flowers and win it more people's love. Longtuzhu flower is one of the more typical representatives. And the cultivation of dragon spit bead flower, but also from the soil, moisture, light and other aspects of its care can be added.

The dragon spit bead flower, originally a vine flower growing in Africa, was introduced to Europe by a British traveler. It was only after it entered the Netherlands that the name "dragon spitting bead" was determined. The flower pattern of Longtuzhu flower is unique and has irreplaceable ornamental value, so we should pay more attention to it when breeding.

The Origin of the name Longtuzhu

Longtuzhu is a perennial evergreen vine. The plant is 2-5 meters tall, blossoms in spring and summer, the flower is very beautiful, the calyx is white and large, the Corolla is crimson in the upper part of the Corolla, and the red Corolla protrudes from the white sepals like a dragon spitting beads. There was an interesting story about the origin of Longtuzhu's name: in the middle of the 18th century, British traveler Coase Thomson went on a trip to Africa and accidentally saw many black-skinned girls strung into neck chains with dragon beads, decorated with a black and white chest, with a strong contrast, which aroused great interest, so he collected the seedlings and brought them back for trial planting. At that time, botanists thought he was the first discoverer, so they named him after him. By the end of the 19th century, Mali began to operate this kind of flower and changed its name to "Pearl Pagoda", which was better than employing people. At the beginning of the 20th century, Longtuzhu entered the international flower market in the Netherlands, and the initial sales were very small. Fang Fulin, an overseas Chinese worker, suggested that the flower name of "Longtuzhu" be used to attract customers in view of the fact that florists love auspiciousness, which was immediately adopted by the boss. As a result, business is booming and is sold almost all over the world. Since then, the name of dragon spitting beads has become popular all over the world.

The culture method of dragon spitting pearl

Planting: potted dragon spits beads, usually change the pot every one or two years, the time can be in early spring or after the flowers fade. First, the drainage hole was covered with broken tiles, and then a small amount of bone powder was added as base fertilizer, and then loaded with new culture soil (4 parts of rotten soil, 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of sandy soil). The plants were planted and 2-3cm was left along the mouth for fertilization and watering. After changing the basin, pour through the water, put the seedlings slowly in the shade, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

Watering: Longtuzhu is sensitive to water. Stem and leaf growth period to keep saline soil moist, but watering can not be excessive, the amount of water is too large, resulting in only long vines without flowering, even leaves yellowing, withering, root decay and death. Summer high temperature season should be fully watered and properly shaded. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely.

Fertilization: do not apply too much fertilizer, apply mature thin cake fertilizer and water every 7-10 days in flowering season, 3-4 times in a row. If yellowing is found, 0.2% ferrous sulfate can be applied to make the leaves gradually change from yellow to green.

Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Longtuzhu is 1824 ℃, 1830 ℃ from February to October, and 1316 ℃ from October to February of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 8 ℃, and the stems and leaves above 5 ℃ are easy to suffer from freezing injury. The light ones cause defoliation, and the heavy ones cause the tender stems to wither. During the vegetative growth period, the temperature can be higher, the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, as long as the water supply is sufficient, it can still grow normally. On the other hand, the temperature of reproductive growth, that is, the flowering stage, should be lower, about 17 ℃.

Illumination: Longtuzhu needs sufficient light in winter and shade when the summer weather is too hot, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. When the light is insufficient, it will cause vine growth and do not blossom. Flower bud differentiation is not affected by photoperiod, but strong light can promote flower bud differentiation and development. It is not appropriate to leave it in the dark for too long.

Shaping: to shape the beautiful plant type of dragon spitting beads, when the cuttings or sowing seedlings grow to 15cm, cut branches 10 cm away from the pot mouth to promote the germination of sturdy new branches. During the growing period, we should strictly control the height of the branches and pay attention to topping and picking the heart, so that the branches will be neat and blossom in the future. Half a month after picking the heart, the height was controlled by the application of Bijiu or Daizhuangsu, which reached the height of short plant, leaf Mao and more flowers. In spring, the upper branches are cut short by changing pots, so that the plants are round, with many branches and flowers.

Well, that's all for the introduction of dragon spitting beads. It seems that how to name flowers is the same as how to raise flowers. It is a knowledge that needs a lot of research. Look at the boss in the story. Just because he adopted the name "Dragon spitting Ball", he has made a lot of money ever since.

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