
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Hezhou Peony-Taxus mairei

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The cultivation methods and precautions of Hezhou peony-yew every year at Christmas, we often use yew to make Christmas wreath, which is a common one in daily life.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Hezhou Peony-Taxus mairei

Every Christmas, we often use yew to make Christmas wreath, which is not only a common plant in daily life, but also used as a garden landscape tree. How can we raise the yew better?

Culture methods of Taxus mairei

The soil of Taxus

The PH value of Taxus mairei soil is between 5.5 and 7.0. the acid sandy soil with loose moisture, good drainage and high content of fertile organic matter is the best, which can be mixed with pastoral soil, peat soil and sandy soil. plus a small amount of mature organic fertilizer.

Light of Taxus mairei

Taxus likes shade, so it should be properly shaded to avoid direct sunlight so as to avoid water evaporation, resulting in dehydration of branches and leaves and dry leaves. Put it indoors in summer and put it on the windowsill in the evening. Although the yew does not like the sun, but can not do without the sun, in the sun is not strong climate, can be properly exposed to the sun.

Watering of Taxus

The yew should be watered more in the growing season and less in the dormant period. it should be watered every 5-7 days in spring and autumn, 3-5 days in summer and 7-10 days in winter. At the same time, it should also be determined according to the actual growth situation, the normal yew leaves are generally straight and bright, if the leaves are found to be depressed, they should be watered; if the leaves are sagging, indicating that the lack of water is very serious, they should be watered; when you knock on the flowerpot, you find that the sound is very empty, and you also need to water it.

Fertilization of Taxus mairei

In the cultivation of yew should be fertilized in time, each plant with 0.2 jin of organic fertilizer and 0.02 jin of compound fertilizer, at the same time can add some farm fertilizer, cake fertilizer and so on.

The temperature of the yew

Taxus likes cool and humid climate, can withstand the low temperature of minus 30 ℃, and the most suitable growth temperature is 20-25 ℃. You don't need too much warmth in winter, and you should pay attention to shading when the temperature is too high in summer.

Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Taxus mairei

In the normal growth environment, there are few insect pests in the yew. If there are withered yellow or insect pests, it can be irrigated or sprayed with methyl mop and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. During the rainy season, the yew will have root rot, stem rot and rotten roots, so it is necessary to use dimethazone to prevent it. In high temperature and dry season, Taxus is prone to leaf blight and bacterial blight, so Bordeaux solution should be used to control it.

Matters needing attention of Taxus chinensis

Temperature attention

You can't turn on air conditioners in summer or get close to heating in winter.

Attention to watering

Pay attention to fertilization

When fertilizing, it should be applied along the basin wall as far as possible, not close to the root of the yew. The newly bought yew already has nutritious soil and does not need to be fertilized for the first 3 months.