
The old farmers in the countryside teach you to plant carnation flowers by hand.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Carnation flower, alias: Chinese carnation, Luoyang carnation, chrysanthemum, embroidered bamboo, carnation. Let's talk about the nursing temperature of flowers: the growth temperature is 7-20 degrees.

Carnation, Chinese Dianthus, Luoyang Dianthus, Stone Chrysanthemum, Embroidery Bamboo, Carnation. Let's talk about flower care.

Temperature: growth temperature of 7-20 degrees, winter resistance, winter care properly, can bloom all seasons. Light: Scattered light is appropriate in summer, appropriate shade, avoid sun exposure

Soil: dry, fertile, loose and well-drained calcareous alkaline sandy soil is preferred, avoid clay. Fertilization: compound fertilizer is applied once a month during the growth period, and calcium fertilizer can be supplemented. Pruning: flower picking promotes branching and flowering, pruning in time after flowering, and secondary flowering.

Pests and diseases: rust, red spiders, aphids are common. Three Rural Editors: Agricultural Standard