
11 kinds of potted green plants that can't be killed by novice flower growers are not suitable for raising flowers.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many indoor plants can grow and regulate their own growth, and they only need a little care. Today, I will introduce some plants that I have raised that are very difficult to die.

Many indoor plants can grow and regulate their own growth, and they only need a little care. Today, I would like to introduce to you some plants that are very difficult to die, which do not require too much care, and have few diseases and insect pests. Let's take a look at what you have raised.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe juice can be used to make skin moisturizer, but also to allow wounds or sunburned skin to heal slowly, is a very useful plant.

Aloe is also very resistant to maintenance, maintenance must pay attention to less watering, give appropriate scattered light, avoid freezing, the lowest maintenance temperature to maintain more than 5 degrees before the soil can be watered.

2. One-leaf orchid

One-leaf orchid can grow in a harsh environment, especially when it is cool indoors or unattended. It likes a shady environment and is very resistant to drought.

Maintenance pay attention to the use of well-drained, porous sandy soil, and pay attention to occasional watering to avoid exposure to the sun.

3. Evergreen flowers and leaves

Evergreen flowers and leaves have a very good ability to adapt to the environment, it does not like too much water and freezing, like scattered light or shade environment, maintenance attention to avoid frequent watering, the lowest maintenance temperature is kept above 4 degrees.

When watering, you can wait for the basin soil to dry for a few days and then replenish the water and give a little light.

4. Crab claw orchid

Many people can also raise the crab claw orchid to death, in fact, it is easy to ignore the plant, like scattered light or half-yin and half-yang environment, in the bright light can blossom, after flowering can be properly pruned.

Light can be scattered properly during the day in October, but it should be completely dark at night and can be trapped in cardboard boxes for 12 hours, so that flower buds can be easily formed. It is also necessary to reduce watering, and it is most appropriate to keep the temperature around 12 degrees.

5. Pink Daiye

Pink daiye has very charming beautiful leaves, it is a kind of plant that is very difficult to die, like the warm and moist environment, suitable for keeping in front of the window, can give proper light.

Curing Fandai leaves can wait until the basin soil is dry before watering, maintain the lowest temperature above 5 degrees, and spray water regularly to maintain a certain humidity.

6. Thick skin

Thick-skinned also known as Yushu, it is one of the most popular indoor potted plants, is a succulent plant, like adequate light, but also more shade-tolerant.

Maintain thick skin must be less watering, pay attention to prevent frostbite in winter, more water is easy to root rot, but also easy to drop leaves, be sure to wait for the basin soil to dry after watering, the temperature is kept above 7 degrees.

7. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo is one of the most common indoor potted green plants, which can be maintained directly with water culture, keep the light bright and ventilated in the environment, and pay attention to maintain a certain degree of humidity.

The lowest temperature of lucky bamboo maintenance is above 7 degrees. Hydroponics only need to change the water in time after the water is turbid.

8. Tiger tail orchid

If you want to raise shady and drought-tolerant indoor green plants, then tiger tail orchid is a good choice, it also has a lot of varieties, beautiful leaves, with fresh flowerpots, ornamental is also good.

As long as the maintenance environment is warm and slightly dry, avoid frequent watering, and keep the maintenance temperature above 5 degrees in winter, Hu Pilan will not be able to die.

9. White palm

White palm is a very durable indoor potted plant, its flowers look very fresh and beautiful, with flame-like white inflorescences, as well as white buds.

White palm is slightly resistant to drought and has good shade tolerance. It is suitable for indoor cultivation and can be maintained by hydroponics or soil culture. Soil culture care should not be watered frequently, as water can easily cause rotten roots or withered branches.

9. Green apple

Green pineapple is an indoor potted plant that is very easy to grow, and almost no one can raise it to death, unless it is exposed to the potted green pineapple or often makes the soil stagnant water, which is easy to dry, and the soil often accumulates water and tends to rot its roots.

In addition, we should also pay attention to the temperature, green pineapple is a tropical foliage plant, the conservation environment should be kept warm all the year round, and the lowest maintenance temperature should be kept above 7 degrees. Watering should wait for the basin soil to be dry and thoroughly watered, and when the air is dry, you can often spray water on the branches and leaves.

10. Ornamental bamboo taro

Ornamental taro likes a warm, humid and semi-shady environment. If the light is too sufficient or let the sun shine directly, it will easily turn yellow, seriously causing the plant to wither, while the newly bought flowers can not be taken to bask in the sun immediately.

Maintenance of bamboo taro should not be moved frequently, the soil should be watered, ventilated and shaded, and the soil should be slightly moist and not moist.

11. Hanging orchid

Cymbidium is a kind of fleshy root, which has a certain ability to withstand drought. As long as it ensures proper conservation environment, loose drainage soil, appropriate supplement of scattered light, and perennial warm and humid environment, Cymbidium can maintain exuberant growth.

Maintenance of orchid can be thin fertilizer frequently, but should be based on organic fertilizer liquid fertilizer, avoid giving thick fertilizer, summer overheating and winter too cold should stop fertilization, so as to ensure the exuberant growth of Cymbidium.