
Dietary taboos-eating vegetables in response to symptoms (2)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Balsam pear a gentleman's dish from India [nutritional value] balsam pear, also known as cold gourd, is the fruit of balsam pear, an annual vine of Cucurbitaceae. Balsam pear never suffers when cooking.

Balsam pear is a gentleman's dish from India.

[nutritional value]

Balsam pear, also known as cold gourd, is the fruit of balsam pear, an annual vine of Cucurbitaceae. Balsam pear never seeps bitterness into other ingredients when cooking, so it is also called "gentleman's dish". Balsam pear originated in India and has been planted in all parts of our country.

Raw balsam pear is cold, ripe balsam pear is warm and bitter, which belongs to the liver, spleen and lung meridians. Balsam pear contains protein, fat, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, in which the content of vitamin C is relatively high. Balsam pear has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, nourishing the liver and eyesight, invigorating the spleen and kidney, replenishing qi and nourishing blood, suitable for heat stroke, tears, yellow urine, enteritis and dysentery. It is proved by pharmacological experiments that balsam pear is also an ideal food for patients with diabetes.

Many people think that the bitter taste of balsam pear can not be swallowed, but they do not know that a balsam pear contains 0.4% of the weight loss special ingredient as expensive as gold-high fat-clearing hormone, which can effectively resist obesity. Balsam pear can also moisturize, calm and moisturize the skin, especially in the hot and dry summer, apply chilled balsam pear tablets, can immediately relieve the heat of the skin.

[dietary taboos]

1. Balsam pear should not be stewed, suitable for raw food or stir-frying, can retain more nutrients.

two。 Balsam pear and eggs can protect bones, teeth and blood vessels, make iron absorption better, have the effect of strengthening stomach, and can treat stomachache, eye pain, cold, typhoid, diarrhea and vomiting in children.

3. Balsam pear contains quinine, which will stimulate uterine contraction and cause miscarriage. Pregnant women should eat carefully.

Celery is a western "husband and wife dish".

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Celery originated from the Mediterranean coast, has a long history of cultivation in China, widely distributed, produced in most parts of the country. Xuanhua in Hebei Province, Weixian County in Shandong Province and Shangqiu in Henan Province are all famous producing areas of celery.

Celery is cool, sweet and bitter, and belongs to the lung, stomach and liver meridians. Celery contains protein, fat and a lot of plant crude fiber. Celery stems and leaves contain iron, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin P, vitamin A, vitamin C and other nutrients. The content in leaves is much higher than that in stems.

The iron element in celery, which can supplement the loss of menstrual blood of women, is a good vegetable for patients with iron deficiency anemia. eating it can avoid pale skin, dry skin, unglamorous complexion, and bright eyes and black hair. Celery leaves, stems contain volatile substances, unique fragrance, can enhance people's appetite. Celery juice also has hypoglycemic effect. Often eat some celery, can neutralize uric acid and acidic substances in the body, have a better effect on the prevention of gout. The zinc element in celery is an element that improves sexual function and can promote sexual excitement. It is called "husband and wife vegetable" in the West. A Thai study found that eating celery can reduce men's sperm count and may help with contraception.

[dietary taboos]

1. Suitable for cooking with all kinds of vegetables and meat, stir-frying, stewing, cold dressing, or stuffing.

two。 When choosing celery, pinch the stem of celery. The ones that are easy to break are tender celery and the ones that are not easy to break are old celery.

3. Celery leaves to make soup, long-term consumption can help people sleep, so that the skin has luster.

Chinese chives tonify kidney, strengthen yang and soothe liver one by one

[nutritional value]

Chinese chive, also known as sunrise grass and aphrodisiac grass, belongs to the perennial herb of Liliaceae. it is native to East Asia and has a long history of cultivation and wide distribution in China, especially in the northeast. The leaves of leek can be eaten and the seeds can be used as medicine. Leek is a softened variety of leek, which turns yellow because it does not see the sun, and its nutritional value is inferior to that of leek.

Chives warm, taste sweet, with the role of tonifying kidney and Yang, so it can be used for the treatment of impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation and other diseases; chives contain volatile essential oils and sulfides and other special ingredients, emitting a unique spicy smell, help to regulate liver qi, improve appetite, enhance digestive function; chives contain a large number of vitamins and crude fiber, can improve gastrointestinal peristalsis, treatment of constipation, prevention of bowel cancer.

[dietary taboos]

1. Eating non-vegetables in spring is good for the liver. The quality of leek is the best in early spring, the second in late autumn, and the worst in summer.

two。 Leek should not be matched or eaten with cold foods such as balsam pear and aloe; leek is compatible with beef, milk and honey.

3. Leek and shrimp side dishes, can provide high-quality protein, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, keep defecation unobstructed.

4. If dietotherapy with fresh leek juice, then because of its spicy stimulation choking, need to use 1 cup of milk into leek juice 20-30 grams, put white sand essence seasoning, can swallow, stomach hot should not eat more.

Lettuce is the "diet vegetable" of fashionable people.

[nutritional value]

Lettuce is commonly known as leaf lettuce, Compositae lettuce. It is an annual or biennial herbaceous crop, and it is also a popular vegetable in Europe and the United States. Lettuce is native to the Euro-Mediterranean coast and is domesticated from wild species. The ancient Greeks and Romans were the first to eat it. Lettuce has been introduced into China for a long time, and it is widely cultivated along the southeast coast, especially in the suburbs of big cities and Guangzhou, especially in Taiwan.

Lettuce is sweet and cold. Lettuce contains dietary fiber and vitamin C, which has the effect of eliminating excess fat, so it is also called slim lettuce, which is loved by people in today's world of advocating slimness; its stems and leaves contain lettuce, slightly bitter taste, with analgesic and hypnosis, lower cholesterol, auxiliary treatment of furuncle neurasthenia and other effects; lettuce contains mannitol and other effective ingredients, beneficial to urine and promote blood circulation.

The main way to eat lettuce is raw food, which is the head dish of western food Vegetables Salad. The washed lettuce leaves are placed in a cold dish, accompanied by other brightly colored vegetables or meat and seafood, which is a salad with good color, aroma and taste.

[dietary taboos]

1. Extremely sensitive to ethylene, storage should be away from apples, pears and bananas, so as not to cause reddish brown spots.

two。 Lettuce is suitable for rabbit meat and garlic; lettuce is compatible with tofu and vinegar.

3. Whether stir-frying or cooking lettuce, do not take too long, so as to maintain the crisp and tender taste of lettuce.

4. If the lettuce is torn into pieces by hand, it will taste more crisp than a knife.

5. Wash the lettuce and add the right amount of salad dressing to eat it directly. Eating regularly can help women maintain a slim figure.

Rape-- low-calorie and high-nutritious green vegetables

[nutritional value]

Rapeseed, also known as Xiaomai, in some places also known as sowthistle (actually not bitter thistle), belongs to Compositae. It is a pointed leaf lettuce with tender shoots and leaves as its products. The leaves are long lanceolate, green in color, crisp and tender in texture, extremely fresh and fragrant in taste and unique in flavor.

Rapeseed contains a lot of calcium, iron, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other nutrients, is the top grade of raw vegetables, known as "Phoenix tail". Rape has the effects of lowering cholesterol, treating neurasthenia, clearing dryness and moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. it is a kind of vegetable with low calorie and high nutrition.

[dietary taboos]

1. To raw food-based, can be cold, can also be dipped in a variety of seasonings. Cooked food can be fried, can be prepared, and has a unique taste.

two。 Rape can not be fried for too long, cut off, otherwise it will affect the crisp and tender taste and bright color.

3. Seafood soy sauce and light soy sauce should not be put too much, otherwise mature dishes will lose their light taste.