
Breeding meat pigeons: which species of meat pigeons is the best? What is the largest variety of meat pigeons? how much is the price per pair of meat pigeons?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Meat pigeon has good edible value and medicinal value, and it has a reputation of "one pigeon is better than nine chickens" in the folk, so meat pigeon is very popular in the poultry product market.

Meat pigeon

Meat pigeon has good edible value and medicinal value, and has the reputation of "one pigeon is better than nine chickens" in the folk, so meat pigeon is very popular among consumers in the poultry product market. Raising meat pigeons is a new breeding industry developed in China in recent decades. because of the large market demand, it has become a way for farmers to get rich.


Excellent breeds of meat pigeons

Meat pigeon has the characteristics of heavy body, poor flying, early sexual maturity, fast reproduction, mainly meat and egg production, fast growth of squab, short feeding cycle and high feed reward. There are many kinds of meat pigeons. Now we will briefly introduce the famous meat pigeons at home and abroad to facilitate your correct choice. Raising excellent breeding pigeons is a prerequisite to accelerate the production of squab and improve the efficiency of pigeon farms.

Excellent breeds of meat pigeons in China

Kilogram pigeon

This breed is produced in Kunming and contains Ham and other pigeon consanguinity. It weighs about 1 kilogram, so it is called kilogram pigeon. Strong adaptability, strong resistance, strong flying ability. The early growth of young pigeons is fast, precocious, easy to fertilize and save feed. The figure is too long, tile gray is the majority, and there are other coat colors.

Shi Qi pigeon

Produced in Shiqi Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China. It has strong fecundity and produces 7 to 8 pairs of squab per year, but its eggshell is thin and easy to break when hatching. Adult male pigeons weigh 750-800 grams, female pigeons 650-700 grams, and four-week-old squab up to 600 grams. Shi Qi pigeon has many colors, with white as the best product.

Yao an meat pigeon

Produced in Yao Ning, Yunnan Province, for small and medium-sized meat pigeons, precocious, adaptable, weight 600-750 grams, high feed reward, resistance to rough feeding.

Excellent breeds of foreign meat pigeons

King pigeon

King pigeon originated in the United States, commonly seen as White King Pigeon and Silver King Pigeon. White feather king pigeon is one of the best meat breeding pigeons in China. The adult male pigeon weighs 750 to 900 grams and the female pigeon weighs 650 to 750 grams. There are 9-10 pairs of eggs and 6-8 pairs of squab. The average weight of 4-week-old squab is 620 grams.

K species of King Pigeon (American landing King Pigeon)

King pigeon K is a hybrid improved variety of king pigeon, which has many feather colors, strong production performance, short cycle and resistance to rough feeding. The adult pigeon weighs 500g to 750g. The squab is small and weighs about 500 grams at the age of 4 weeks.

French ground pigeon (Mengdan pigeon)

Big, not good at flying, like to walk. The weight of the adult pigeon is about 1000 grams, the annual production of squab is 6 to 8 pairs, and the weight of 4-week-old squab can reach 750g. The pigeon is roughly divided into three types: Crown type, flat head type and claw shank type (hairy and hairless).

Hemp pigeon (hemp pigeon)

Originally from Belgium, England. The Big Ham, which was raised in the United States in 1920, is the best. The weight of adult pigeon can reach 1000 grams, and the weight of 4-week-old squab can reach 600g. The disadvantage is that the number of spawning nests is small, 5-6 pairs per year. The weight of pure Ham pigeon is less than that of Big Ham, 800g and 900g, and it produces 7 pairs of squab per year.

Canu pigeon (red pigeon)

Produced in Belgium and France. The weight is 700g to 900g. Strong fecundity, annual production of about 10 pairs of squab. Like to cluster, poor adaptability, poor disease resistance. Feather to pure red as the precious, pure white, pure yellow are the top grade. The sex of nesting is strong, and the fertilization and hatching rate is high.

Rendi pigeon (pigeon)

Native to Italy, it is the largest breed of meat pigeons, weighing up to 1200-1500 grams, and 4-week-old squab up to 800 grams. The fecundity is strong, with 8-10 pairs of eggs per year, but because of its large size, low fertilization rate and low hatching rate, it has little production benefit as a commercial squab, but it is better for other new breeds to be bred.


Value Analysis of Meat Pigeon

1. Edible and medicinal value of meat pigeon

Squab is not only tender meat, delicious taste, but also high nutritional value, very suitable for the nutritional needs of the human body, is a kind of advanced nourishment, has high medicinal value. As early as 400 years ago, Baifeng, one of the main ingredients of Wuji Baifeng pills, a proprietary Chinese medicine, refers to the meat and bones of pigeons.

2. The economic value of meat pigeons

The main results are as follows: (1) the economic benefit of breeding meat pigeon is higher. According to the investigation, a pair of breeding pigeons was compared with a laying hen and a fattening pig. Raising a pair of meat pigeons can make a profit of 99.5 yuan a year, which is 22 yuan more than that of a fat pig and 2.2 times higher than that of a laying hen.

According to the survey, farmers raise 100 pairs of breeding pigeons every year, and the sales of squab can make a profit of 600-800 yuan per month, with an annual net income of 7000-9,000 yuan. If the excellent squab is further cultivated and sold as a seedling, the value will be more considerable.

(2) the meat pigeon has the advantages of less investment, short feeding cycle and fast turnover. A pair of breeder pigeons can reproduce for 5 years, but breeder chickens can only use 1-2 years; suckling pigeons of meat pigeons can generally go on the market at the age of 25-30 days, but it takes 50 days and 60 days for a broiler to go on the market; the feed conversion rate of weight gain of squab is 2:1, and that of fattening pigs is 4x1, which is 2 times higher than that of squab. It can be seen that the annual cost of raising meat pigeons is low.

(3) the source of export goods can be increased in exchange for foreign exchange. Raising meat pigeons for export, the market is constantly expanding, which can be exchanged for foreign exchange to support national construction.

(4) Comprehensive utilization of pigeon dung. Pigeon dung after fermentation, can be used to feed pigs, can save pig concentrate feed. Pigeon dung is also a good organic fertilizer and a high-quality fertilizer for growing flowers.


Market Analysis of Meat Pigeon

China's pigeon industry has developed rapidly since 2000. There are more than 1200 pigeon farms with a certain scale and more than 10 million pairs of breeding pigeons. The demand for squab continues to grow, showing a booming trend of production and marketing.

Although the amount of breeding decreased in 2001, the demand for squab is still strong, resulting in a shortage of market resources. Shanghai, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong and Macao demand more than 100 million squab every year, while Beijing and other big cities consume more than 2 million squab a year. At present, less than half of them can supply the market.

The export of foreign trade has resumed, with an annual export of more than 2000 tons of frozen squab. Pigeon breeding has the characteristics of low investment, low cost, quick results and high income, which is one of the projects with good profits in the current animal husbandry production.

Treasure Book of profits of Meat Pigeon Breeders


Pay attention to the introduction farm of breeding pigeons

Introduction is the first step in raising meat pigeons. for entrepreneurs who raise meat pigeons, it is best to visit more pigeon farms to get a comprehensive understanding of the breeding pigeons, scale, technology, equipment and reputation of the introduction farms, and then choose the most ideal partner.

The introduction farm had better be a large-scale pigeon farm, in addition to excellent provenance, there are also perfect production facilities and advanced meat pigeon breeding technology, which can not only ensure the improved breed, but also learn the advanced technology, so that the pigeon farm continues to develop steadily.


Be prepared before introduction

(1) first buy two books on meat pigeon breeding and disease prevention and read them carefully in order to understand pigeon breeding and disease prevention.

(2) inspect the local meat pigeon market in advance, such as the outlet and price of meat pigeon products.

(3) to determine the pigeon farm site, we can choose abandoned factory buildings, schools, etc. (save construction cost).

(4) the pigeon house should be built in advance so that it can be put into production directly after introduction.


Rely on the leading enterprises and establish a stable contractual relationship with the enterprises

It can effectively reduce the market risk and ensure no loss. Enterprises generally implement one-stop service, for new breeders, it can well relieve the worries of breeding technology, feed and sales, so that they can devote all their energy to breeding and increase economic benefits.