
The value of medicinal vegetables in daily life, celery, rape, cauliflower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, We can not live without "eating, drinking, sleeping, clothing, food, housing and transportation". It can be seen how important "eating" is to us. What to eat, how to eat, how to eat.

We can not live without "eating, drinking, sleeping, clothing, food, housing and transportation". It can be seen how important "eating" is to us. What to eat, how to eat, how to make better use of its nutritional value and medicinal value. The medical and medicinal value of vegetable seasoning can not be ignored.

Keep its pharmacology and medicinal properties in mind, and you can become an excellent barefoot doctor at a critical moment!

Today we will talk about celery, rape, cauliflower.

Celery has high medicinal value, the medicinal value of celery root is higher, and the root itself is a traditional Chinese medicine.

Celery is sweet and cool, with the effects of clearing heat, diuresis, reducing blood pressure, removing fat and so on.

[functional indications]

Treatment of early hypertension, hyperlipidemia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, cough, headache, insomnia, menorrhagia, functional uterine bleeding, adverse urination, lung and stomach heat, infantile measles, gills and so on.

[usage and dosage]

Water frying and drinking clothes or external application of tamping juice. The amount of money is 3: 5, as appropriate for external use.


1. Infantile fever: celery 15g, barley malt 15g, plantain seed 10g, fried soup with water.

2. Diabetes: boil the celery juice and take it, which can lower blood sugar.

3. Coronary heart disease: 150g root celery and 250g glutinous rice are boiled as gruel and eaten in the morning and evening.

4, nausea vomiting: fresh celery root 30g, licorice 15g, an egg, medicine fried water, into the egg flushing, usually a dose can be cured.

5. Hypertension: tender celery juice, add a small amount of honey, oral.

6. Gout: boil celery and fresh milk to neutralize uric acid and acid in the body.

7. Icteric hepatitis: celery 200 to 400g, red jujube 50 to 100g, soup taken in stages.

8. Cure insomnia: 90 grams of celery root, 9 grams of sour jujube soup, drink before going to bed

9. for headache: wash and chop celery root properly and stir-fry with other dishes

10. Treatment of tracheitis: celery root 60mur90Orange peel 9g, pan-fry and filter, add appropriate amount of honey, mix and take


Celery and shrimp, sea rice, vinegar, cucumbers, pumpkins, clams, chicken, rabbit, turtle meat, soybeans, chrysanthemums, crabs, clams, clams.

Rape contains vitamin C, carotene and other important nutrients, its whole plant, seeds, rape honey as medicine.

[functional indications]

Stagnation and activating blood circulation, detumescence and detoxification. Can be used for carbuncle erysipelas, fatigue hematemesis, hot sores, postpartum heart, abdominal diseases and lochia, postpartum diarrhea; Ascaris intestinal obstruction, gas-breaking and detumescence, blood dysentery, stomachache, neuralgia, head congestion. Reduce blood lipids, detoxify and detumescence, widen intestines and defecate, beauty and health care, enhance the immune ability of the body.

[nectar efficacy]

Rape nectar has the functions of clearing heat and moistening dryness, relaxing blood vessels, breaking qi, reducing swelling and dispersing knots, and blood tonifying effect. it is often used in patients with hepatobiliary system diseases, weakness of spleen and stomach and treatment of furuncle.

[nature]: cool, sweet, pungent and warm seeds.

Enter the liver, spleen and lung meridians

[choose a prescription]

1. 15 grams of raw rape seed and 15 grams of grilled licorice, pounded into powder, 6 grams each time, fried to 5 minutes with a cup of water, warm before eating, to treat large intestine wind poison and bleeding.

2, rape seed fine powder, apply sesame oil to the affected area, or rub with rape leaf juice to treat infantile erysipelas.

[avoid collocation]

Golden match:

1. Rape + Lentinus edodes. two。 Rape + shrimp. 3. Rape + tofu. 4. Rape + chicken

Taboo collocation:

1. Rape + yam. two。 Rape + pumpkin

Cauliflower is rich in nutrition, Plastid hypertrophy, protein, trace elements, carotene content are all. Cauliflower is a good health product for cancer prevention and anti-cancer, which can improve cellular immune function, reduce estrogen level, prevent breast cancer and sober up.


1. Ziyin jiedu recipe: it is used for stomach heat, bitter mouth, dry pharynx and tongue, not thinking about diet, headache, red eyes or deficiency of both qi and yin caused by radiotherapy. 250 grams of green cauliflower, rinse in small pieces, soak 50 grams of white fungus first, a small amount of chrysanthemum, a little rock sugar, simmer for about half an hour, pick out the chrysanthemums, cool and then eat.

2. Prescription for tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body: suitable for sore waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus caused by weakness of spleen and stomach, dark complexion caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, fatigue and tiredness, etc. Pig or sheep kidney pair, cut open the fascia and soak in cold water for half a day. Soak the black fungus in 100 grams of cold water, break the cauliflower into small pieces, wash and scald with boiling water. Diced pig or sheep kidney, stir-fry with black fungus, add ginger, garlic and salt, stir-fry cauliflower until medium well, stir-fry until cooked.

3. Yiqi Zhike prescription: it is used for cough caused by deficiency of lung qi, deficiency of kidney qi, shortness of breath, lack of phlegm, dry cough and less phlegm, sore waist and legs, emaciation and fatigue. 200 grams of cauliflower, 100 grams of lilies, 50 grams of almonds, 10 grams of Cordyceps sinensis soup, start the pot into 2 firewood eggs, a small amount of humidified starch, add seasoning.

[sober up effect]

1. Cut cauliflower into small pieces, blanch it with boiling water and mix well with sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, salt and other seasonings.

2. Cut cauliflower into small pieces, blanch it with boiling water, and then use vinegar, which is mostly used when drinking alcohol, which has the effect of sour and sweet appetizer.

3. Sliced cauliflower or broken pieces, boiling soup as tea, can cure hot and irritable body after drinking, dry mouth and thirst.

4. Cauliflower juice, take sugar drink, can relieve alcohol and clear heat.

5. Dry the cauliflower and grind it into powder. Before drinking, take about one nail cap.

Friends who drink a lot should remember.

Keep its pharmacology and medicinal properties in mind, and you can become an excellent barefoot doctor at a critical moment!