
Gingko saplings cultivation skills master the method to survive

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If you want to plant ginkgo trees, you should first know which planting method is suitable for this kind of tree. Ginkgo this kind of tree sowing planting effect is slow, and grow too long effect...

If you want to plant ginkgo trees, you should first know which planting method is suitable for this kind of tree. Ginkgo this kind of tree sowing planting effect is slow, and grow too long effect is not good. The more suitable planting method is to plant seedlings, that is, select healthy and sturdy ginkgo seedlings to find suitable soil for planting. Saplings should be more than a year old, too young saplings are not easy to survive.

Since the saplings are selected, they need to select soil. Ginkgo saplings like fertile and soft soil. Therefore, choose fertile soil to plant, do not plant ginkgo trees in yellow or red soil. When planting, one tree should be spaced more than one meter apart. The spacing is to allow the ginkgo saplings to absorb nutrients better.

After planting, we should water it in time. Ginkgo trees will take root and grow only when there is water and sunshine. The first watering should be thoroughly watered. The second watering should not be too hasty. Wait until the soil surface is dry before watering. This is because the newly planted saplings do not have so many roots, so too much water is easy to absorb and soak in the water is easy to rot roots.

It would take about half a month for the gingko saplings to take root and sprout. As long as the small shoots grew out, the gingko trees would grow rapidly. Make sure you have enough water during this time. After a month and a half, ginkgo trees need to be fertilized, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers sold in the market or organic fertilizers can be used. Fertilize once not too much, to less frequent fertilization fertilization, 20 days a cycle is better.

Wait until autumn gingko trees will bloom, do not fertilize after flowering. But be careful not to let gingko trees attract insects, usually after the bud needs to do a pest control. You can go to the nursery stock market to buy pesticides, diluted with water and sprayed to ginkgo trees. Wait until the flowers bloom before gingko will bear fruit, do not rush to pick after the results. When the fruit ripens, you can enjoy the joy of harvest.

[Originally written by Yi Xiu. Reproduction is not allowed without permission!]