
What is the most profitable planting for farmers in various regions in 2018?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Ministry of Agriculture released the national planting industry structure adjustment plan, made the general plan adjustment to our country's planting industry, in order to help farmers get rich quickly, that 2018 each.

The Ministry of Agriculture has issued a national planting structure adjustment plan, which has made general planning adjustments to China's planting industry in order to help farmers get rich quickly. How can farmers make money from planting in 2018? Let's take a look at it.

Northeast China

Highlight the four essentials of "stabilization, reduction, expansion and construction", that is, stabilize the area of rice, reduce the area of corn, expand the planting of soybeans, miscellaneous grains, potatoes and forage crops, and build a reasonable rotation system. Stabilize the rice area of dominant producing areas such as Sanjiang Plain and Songnen Plain. To reduce the planting area of corn in the fourth and fifth accumulated temperate zones in northern Heilongjiang and Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, as well as in the agro-pastoral ecotone. The reduced area of corn was changed to soybeans, spring wheat, miscellaneous beans, silage corn and other crops to build a reasonable rotation system.

Huang-Huai-Hai area

Stable word is the most important, pressure and protection go hand in hand, and grain economy and feeding are coordinated as a whole. The key point is to stabilize the wheat area, improve the two-cropping pattern of wheat / corn and wheat / soybean (peanut), do a good job in the connection of stubble, vigorously develop high-quality strong gluten wheat, stabilize the vegetable area, and expand the silage corn area.

On the premise of steadily increasing grain production capacity, we should appropriately reduce the planting area of wheat in the seriously over-exploited areas of groundwater in North China, change to drought-tolerant cotton and oil sunflower, and expand the planting of drought-tolerant crops such as potato and alfalfa. Keep the cotton area of coastal saline-alkali land and tidal flat stable. Co-ordinate the production of grain, cotton and rape, and appropriately expand the planting of peanuts, soybeans and forage grass.

The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

"two stable and one mentioned", that is, stabilize the area of double-cropping rice, stabilize the area of rape, and improve the quality. Select and popularize high-quality indica rice and japonica rice varieties with moderate growth period, high yield and good quality, assemble matching technical models, and arrange stubble reasonably. Select and popularize the special varieties of weak gluten wheat with high yield and high quality, integrate the technical model of high yield and high efficiency, expand the planting of high quality weak gluten wheat according to local conditions, and increase the market supply.

Popularize "double low" rapeseed to improve the quality of rapeseed. In addition, the development and utilization of coastal saline-alkali beach resources around lakes along the Yangtze River to grow cotton and expand the planting of ryegrass and other forage crops in winter fallow fields.

Northwestern region

Stable summer and autumn, stable cotton supply, characteristic efficiency. Take the promotion of film mulching technology as the carrier, adapt to the weather, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, stabilize summer crops such as wheat, actively develop potatoes, spring wheat, miscellaneous grains and beans, and develop forage crops such as silage corn, alfalfa, forage rape and forage oats according to local conditions.

We will promote large-scale cotton planting, standardized production and mechanized operations, and improve the level and efficiency of cotton production. We should make full use of the advantages of light and heat resources in Northwest China and strengthen the construction of seed production bases such as corn, vegetables, virus-free potatoes and alfalfa to meet the needs of seed production.

South China

"two stability and one expansion", that is, stabilizing the rice area, stabilizing the sugar area and expanding the winter planting area. We should stabilize the area of double-cropping rice, select and popularize high-quality indica rice, and strive to improve rice quality. We should make full use of winter light and temperature resources, develop winter fallow fields, expand winter growing potatoes, corn, broad peas, green manure and forage crops, strengthen the infrastructure construction of the south-to-north transportation base, achieve misseason listing, balanced supply, and increase farmers' income.

Southwest China

Stabilize grain and expand economy, increase feed and promote grazing, intercropping and multiple cropping, increase production and income. Promote light and simple cultivation and small machines and tools according to local conditions, stabilize the production of rice and wheat, develop ratooning rice, stabilize the area of highland barley in Tibet, and expand the planting of potatoes and miscellaneous grains and beans. Popularize the techniques of rape seedling transplanting and mechanical direct seeding to expand the production of high-quality rape. The cultivated land with slope above 25 °should be returned to forest and grassland, the area of corn in the non-dominant area of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau should be reduced, high-quality forage grass should be planted, and herbivorous animal husbandry should be developed.

Intercropping and multiple cropping to increase production and income. Give full play to the advantages of rich light and temperature resources, diverse production types and flexible planting patterns, popularize ecological compound planting such as corn / soybean, corn / potato and corn / sweet potato intercropping, make rational use of cultivated land resources and increase land output. To increase production and income.

In addition, farmers can receive a lot of subsidies for planting the following crops:


Rotation of grain and beans, restore area, improve quality and benefit. Popularize corn-soybean rotation model in northeast region, popularize corn-soybean rotation, wheat-soybean double cropping or corn-soybean intercropping in Huang-Huai-Hai area, and restore soybean planting area appropriately. By 2020, the area of soybean will reach 140 million mu, an increase of about 40 million mu. Potato miscellaneous grains: expanding area, optimizing structure, processing and transformation, improving quality and increasing efficiency.


Consolidate the japonica rice producing areas in the north and stabilize the double cropping rice production in the south. By 2020, the proportion of high-quality rice will reach 80%, and the breeding of new hybrid rice varieties with high yield, high quality and high resistance will be accelerated. At the same time, speed up the purification and rejuvenation of conventional rice varieties and improve the planting efficiency.


In the cold areas of Northeast China, Hetao region of Inner Mongolia and northern Tianshan region of Xinjiang, we should properly restore spring wheat and vigorously develop high-quality strong gluten wheat for processing bread and high-quality weak gluten wheat for processing biscuit cake. drive the improvement of the quality of medium-gluten or medium-strong gluten wheat used for processing steamed bread and noodles. There is a shortage of high-quality wheat for making bread and cakes, so we should reduce grain corn, expand silage corn and develop fresh corn appropriately. By 2020, the area of silage corn will reach 25 million mu, and the area of fresh corn will reach 15 million mu.

Source: agro-technical service consultation