
The main points and matters of planting Xianglong Blood Tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dragon blood tree alias-alias: Brazilian wood, Brazilian iron tree, Brazilian millennium wood, fragrant millennium wood. Origin: originally from tropical Asia and Africa, in.

Fragrant dracaena alias-alias: brazil wood, brazil iron tree, brazil millennium wood, incense millennium wood. Origin: Originally produced in tropical Asia and Africa, it is distributed in Yunnan and southern Guangxi of China. Dracaena gets its name because of the dark red juice it secretes from wounds or incisions, known as "dragon blood." Its tree posture is upright and towering, very beautiful, very tropical taste, excellent for indoor foliage plants. So what are the main points to be planted? The following is an introduction:

1. Selection of soil: Fragrant dracaena tree vitality, like fertility, humus-rich, loose soil and smooth drainage of sandy soil or slightly acidic soil growth, can not stand barren.

2. Cultivation: ① In May to June, cut off mature and healthy stems with a length of 5 to 10 cm as cuttings.

2. Insert it into the culture soil, control the air humidity at about 80%, control the indoor temperature at 25~30℃, and grow it after 30~40 days, and plant it in the pot after about 50 days.

3. When putting on the pot, lay a layer of small stones at the bottom of the pot to facilitate smooth drainage and lower the center of gravity, so as to avoid unstable plants.

④ New plants should be replaced once a year, old plants can be replaced once every two years, suitable for spring.

3. Watering: ① Fragrant dragon blood tree likes humidity, can endure drought more, also afraid of water, watering in the growing season to do "see dry see wet".

② In the heyday of leaf growth, the pot soil should be maintained in a humid state, and the air humidity should be maintained at 70~80%.

③ In summer, water can be poured once a day, and water should be sprayed on the surface of the leaves from time to time.

④ From late autumn to early winter, less watering should be done, and 0.2%~0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed on the leaves to enhance the ability of plants to resist cold.

In winter, we should pay attention to control watering and keep the pot soil slightly dry.

4. Pruning: weekdays as soon as possible to the lower part of the leaves have been aging, dry, withered leaves cut off.

5. Fertilization: Fragrant dragon blood tree is more fertile, with "thin fertilizer and frequent application" as the principle. During the growing season from April to September, low concentration of decomposed liquid fertilizer should be applied once every 2 to 3 weeks, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, not too much nitrogen fertilizer. Apply less fertilizer after September. Do not apply fertilizer to plants in winter.

6. Temperature: Fragrant dragon blood tree likes warm, can not resist cold, suitable temperature for growth is 20~30℃, which is 24~30℃ from March to September, and 13~20℃ from September to March of the following year.

7. Propagation: Fragrant dragon blood tree often used cuttage method for propagation, with soil or water can be inserted into the law.

8. Light: Fragrant dracaena has a strong adaptability to light, in the case of sufficient light or semi-shade, the stems and leaves can grow normally, but to prevent direct sunlight, otherwise it will burn the leaves or make the color of the leaf surface pale.