
Will you really buy fertilizer? Growing flowers and growing vegetables, choosing a good fertilizer is true love!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fertilizer, in daily planting, is an indispensable means of agricultural production for us to get more harvest. It is obvious that we must go.

Fertilizer, in daily planting, is an indispensable means of agricultural production for us to get more harvest. It is obvious that we have to buy fertilizer, so will we really buy fertilizer?

It is the same compound fertilizer 15-15-15, but to distinguish between potassium sulfate (sulfur group) and potassium chloride (chlorine group), the price difference will be 1/3. If you spend the money of potassium sulfate and buy potassium chloride, it will not only waste money, but also have a negative impact on crops.

Potassium sulfate compound fertilizer is more suitable for all kinds of melons, fruits and vegetables in general household cultivation, while chlorine-based compound fertilizer can not be used in some crops. for example: tobacco, potato, sweet potato, sugar cane, watermelon, grape, citrus, sugar beet, apple, peach, tea, cabbage, pepper, lettuce, amaranth and so on are all chlorine-free crops.

It can be said that there are many kinds of raw materials for organic fertilizer. Some of them use the remaining scraps in the production process to produce organic fertilizer with better results, such as leftovers after the production of alcohol, bean cakes after pressing oil, and so on. Similarly, there are also some organic fertilizers produced from domestic waste and pharmaceutical and chemical residues, which not only cause soil pollution, but also endanger health through crops such as vegetables.

Online many businesses, in order to increase profits, increase sales promotion at the same time, but the decline in the quality of products, inferior, fake and shoddy. Therefore, in the choice of fertilizer, we must pay attention to, it is not high sales, high-grade stores, the sale of good fertilizer.

The same kind of fertilizer, try to see several, it is best to choose the middle level, monthly sales are not too many stores, before buying, you can communicate more with the stores. If a shopkeeper doesn't even know the source and technology of the fertilizer he sells, can you rest assured?

Buy fertilizer, ask more, and pretend to be reliable or not.

Pay attention to "little knowledge of fertilizer" and learn more about fertilizer.

Welcome to consult Taobao shop "Tian Xiaoer agricultural materials", personally pick up the goods, quality assurance.