
In view of the 10 scams of farming and getting rich in rural areas, farmers should not be deceived!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the increase of entrepreneurial opportunities in rural areas on February 13, more and more people turn their attention from cities to rural areas, hoping to rely on farming in rural areas.

The aquaculture alliance was organized on February 13

With the increase of entrepreneurial opportunities in rural areas, more and more people turn their attention from urban to rural areas, hoping to get rich by farming in rural areas. No matter which aquaculture project you choose, you must make a survey in advance to see if the aquaculture project is authentic, feasible and suitable for you. Today, I would like to introduce to you what are the scams of farming and getting rich in rural areas?

1 Tu Yuan (Trionyx sinensis)

Is Tuyuan farming true? We can see reports about Tuyuan on various media every day, saying that the price is high and the market is tight, which makes us feel that Tuyuan farming is a good project. moreover, many companies promote small investment, small footprint and simple farming technology, and hundreds of thousands of yuan can be made by investing thousands to tens of thousands of yuan. In fact, is that the case?

In fact, Tuyuan farming is true, but many companies exaggerate the benefits of Tuyuan farming in order to speculate. The recycling price they advertise is more than 100 yuan per jin for fresh soil yuan and more than 200 to 300 yuan for dry soil yuan per jin. And the dry soil yuan sold in the drugstore is 50 or 60 yuan per catty. If the price in the medicine market is even lower, then the price we sell will be even lower, almost ten times different from the price advertised by them. It is suggested that investors should run more often in the medicine market and examine the real price before making breeding decisions.

In fact, these companies advertise in order to sell you worm eggs at a high price, but the recycling contract signed with them will become a piece of waste paper. And Tuyuan culture technology is not as simple as they advertise, and many can not be raised at all.

2 centipedes

The advertisements about centipede culture are similar to Tuyuan, with low cost, small breeding space, simple technology and high efficiency. The false cost is as high as Tuyuan, the real centipede farming requires high technology and environment, and the market is not as hot as they advertise, so we must choose carefully when breeding.

3 scorpions

Tuyuan, centipede and scorpion have always been the three major types of fried seed companies. The technical requirements of scorpion breeding are also relatively high, and the profit is not as good as they advertise. However, scorpions in addition to medicinal value, but also have a certain edible value, at present in the snack stall sales. If there is a market in this area, you can choose scorpion farming, and if there is no technology and no market, you must be careful in breeding.

4 Baiyu snail

Baiyu snail is a new special breeding project in China in recent years, and it is also promoted by some companies as a rich project with small investment, small area, low technical requirements and good efficiency. White jade snails do sell well abroad, but although they have been introduced in China for these years, they have not formed consumption habits, so it is difficult to sell. At present, the domestic breeding of white jade snails is mainly frying seeds, but very few people really go to the dinner table.

5 Chinese black dolphin

During the project holiday, the Chinese black dolphin is named by some companies, which is actually guinea pigs. Swindlers give a worthless animal a new name and call it a cherished species, while they sell seedlings at high prices to earn ill-gotten gains.

6 bullfrog, forest frog

The prospect of bullfrog breeding is good, but the seedlings sold on the market are almost not real. They are all self-bred local frog seedlings, which are difficult for ordinary breeders to distinguish. In the end, they found that they were not bullfrogs, but it was too late.

Forest frog is the treasure of the northeast, can extract forest frog oil, but not every place can be farmed, higher requirements for the environment, so we should not blindly buy seedlings for breeding.

7 hybrid hare

This is a purely deceptive project. Rabbits and rabbits have different chromosomes, and there is no way to cross between them. Some people deliberately promote hybrid hare breeding programs in order to sell seedlings, and most of these seedlings are lower-priced Belgian rabbits.

8 maggot culture

Aquaculture technology is real, but this kind of thing has not been recycled at all, and the cost of farming is relatively high. If you do not raise chickens or fish, do not raise maggots, but the cost of raising chicken fish with maggots is relatively high. If there is no high-end market, we should not raise maggots either.

9 Meat dog breeding

The meat dog breeding program is real, but it is difficult to buy real meat dog seedlings, most of which are impersonated by local dogs. In addition, there are some problems, such as high breeding cost and high technical requirements, so we must choose carefully.

10 black water gadfly

The latest hype is a special breeding project that promotes the ability to eat feces and household waste and produce high-value animal protein. At present, the breeding technology is not mature, and like maggots, no one can recycle it at all. At present, most of them are fried seeds, selling seed insects at high prices under the banner of making money.


Most of the scams for farming to get rich in rural areas are frying seeds under the banner of small investment, small land occupation, simple technology and high income, and sell seedlings at a high price. When you encounter similar projects, you must be vigilant and avoid being deceived. At present, rural farming entrepreneurship is to earn hard money, investment and pay is proportional to the income, there will not be such a good breeding project.