
Prevention and treatment of diseases in meat pigeon breeding

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Respiratory disease 1 pigeon plague is chlamydia, mainly recurrent unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis, rapid infection, more morbidity, less death, pigeons easy to occur.

Respiratory diseases

1 pigeon plague is chlamydia, mainly unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis occurs repeatedly, with rapid infection, more morbidity and less death, pigeon is easy to occur, light green feces can be seen, gradually emaciated and unilateral.

Or bilateral conjunctival inflammation, at first watery, and then become viscous, purulent secretion. Swollen eyes and even blindness. Some have rhinitis, nostril blockage, dyspnea and rales. Drinking water such as erythromycin can be used.


two。 Mycoplasmosis, also known as mycoplasma disease, or chronic respiratory disease, is characterized by severe respiratory symptoms in pigeons, frequently occurring in cold and rainy seasons and strong stress, and suckling pigeons are susceptible.

The course of the disease is long. At the beginning of rhinitis runny nose, later become sticky nostril blockage, open mouth breathing at night pigeon house lights off can hear wheezing, smelly breath, tears in the eyes, swelling and even blindness. The disease can be carried vertically through the egg.

Spread. Can be treated with azithromycin, roxithromycin, stubborn add Shuanghuanglian or astragalus polysaccharides, and add nystatin in health sand.

II. Fungal infectious diseases

1. Aspergillosis is mainly caused by pigeons eating moldy feed, squab and young pigeons are prone to infection, plum rain season, dyspnea, reduced food, heavy ophthalmitis, tears, dysentery and emaciation. Lung

It can be seen that the needle to the large gray or yellowish nodules of soybeans, cut the contents caseous, cashmere mycelium, pulmonary congestion, bleeding, preventive measures are mainly good hygiene, regular disinfection, no mildew feeding

Change into feed. 5% glucose and 2 times the amount of vitamin C were used to drink water during the treatment, and the drug was added to the feed: Demycin.

2. Candidiasis of pigeon is caused by Candida albicans. The bacteria widely exists in the normal digestive tract of pigeons. when fed moldy feed, pigeon immunity decreases, vitamin deficiency and long-term abuse of antibiotics.

Poor sanitary conditions can lead to the disease. It is characterized by white cheese-like pseudomembrane on the mucosa of mouth, esophagus and crop and sour food in the crop. Nystatin can be mixed into health sand for 7 days.

, supplement EDA and Jian Pigeon No. 1 to improve immunity. When the population is large, mold No. 1 can be used to mix materials or drink water.

III. Parasitic diseases

1. Pigeon trichomoniasis is a common parasitic protozoa of pigeons. Adult pigeons often carry worms without getting sick, and young pigeons are infected by swallowing pigeon milk fed by adult pigeons, including pharyngeal type, visceral type and umbilical type.

Pharynx is the most common type. The eye is covered with a yellow-and-white cheese-like substance that is easy to peel off on the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and crop.

Treatment: a single sick pigeon can first use tweezers out of the mouth yellow block, with metronide file half piece plus erythromycin half tablet plus make mycin 1 big 4 tablets. Take orally twice a day for 5-7 days. Water-soluble powder of Trichomonas used in large groups

2 jin of water plus 1 gram. Concentrate on drinking once throughout the day, and drink Ganlishu as instructed in the afternoon for 5 days. Drinking for 5-7 days every 40 days can be effectively prevented.

2. Ascaris lumbricoides is a common parasitic helminthiasis, especially in flocks of pigeons raised in groups and often in contact with the ground. There are no obvious symptoms in mild infection, while in severe infection, diseased pigeons lose weight and feather.

Dyspepsia, dyspepsia, constipation, dysentery alternately, often heteropathic, sometimes seen convulsions and tilted head and torticollis, and finally died of failure. Do a good job in environmental hygiene inside and outside the pigeon house and regularly remove dung.

Then do harmless treatment, regular deworming 3-4 times a year is an effective way to prevent the disease. 70 pigeons with levamisole drink 1 gram of water, drink it in half a day, and drink it again every 10 days.

However, after deworming, the feces were removed in time, concentrated accumulation and fermentation, and 0.1% dichlorvos was sprayed on the bottom of the dung plate and pigeon cage to kill the residual worms.

3. Coccidiosis is easy to occur in summer and autumn in the south and rarely in the north. It is characterized by draining water and sparse feces. Sometimes with mucus and blood, dry feet, sunken eyes due to dehydration, planing and brown swelling of the small intestine

Oh, hyperemia and bleeding. The content is ragged, green or reddish brown, treated with compound sulfonamides, but be sure not to add anti-coccidial drugs to the feed for a long time like raising chickens.

4. Pigeon feather lice parasitize in pigeon feathers, affecting pigeon production, laying and hatching. Main performance: feathers are easy to break, easy to fall off, dishevelled and without luster. Mites are parasitic in the respiratory tract and subcutis of feather airbags

Sucking blood, infecting feathers, skin, lungs, air bags, causing pigeon anemia, itching, breaking eggs, abandoning hatching, emaciation, and spreading pigeon pox and haematogeniasis, prevention and treatment: during feathering and before pairing

In the afternoon when the weather is fine, spray pigeons with louse, pour out feed and health sand before spraying, and spray once every six months. After that, 0.1% dichlorvos was sprayed on the bottom of the cage to completely kill the worms that fell on the ground.

Individuals who find external parasites can lift their wings and spray them on the left and right sides (hatching pigeons and newly hatched pigeons cannot be used within 7 days.

5. Ovulitis, salpingitis and peritonitis are egg-laying pigeon follicles deformed, congested, bleeding, reddish brown or grayish brown, or even ruptured, ruptured in the abdominal cavity of the egg yolk, smelly, sometimes

Follicles shrink, irregular shape, golden or brown, no luster, the disease is slightly longer, intestinal adhesion, fallopian tubes have yellow-white cheese-like things. The increase of abdominal pressure caused by shock and compression during the capture of group transport

The eggshell breaks in the fallopian tube, damaging the fallopian tube; lack of vitamin ADE in feed often causes tubal prolapse, dystocia, etc., sick birds are in pain and restlessness, and there are often blood stains on the eggshell. Egg transfusion

Yellowish-white purulent secretions are often excreted in the tube, which pollute the feathers around the anus, making it difficult to lay eggs, sagging wings, loose feathers, some abdomen leaning against the ground or lethargy, follicular degeneration and hyperemia are examined by autopsy.

Blood, necrosis or atrophy; oviduct edema and thickening, there are a large number of secretions, peritoneal inflammation, congestion and turbidity, severe follicles fall into the abdominal cavity, the formation of yolk peritonitis, intestinal adhesion to the peritoneum

Or adhesion of abdominal intestines and organs; accumulation of turbid liquid in abdominal cavity, stench or yellow-white cheese-like substance. When yolk peritonitis is present, the wall of the fallopian tube becomes thinner and contains abnormal egg-like objects.

The surface is not smooth and the section layer is wheel-shaped. After treatment to promote egg excretion, gentamicin was inhaled with a syringe and injected into the cloaca to flush. Ekang and Shuanghuanglian drink water.

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