
What vegetables do you have in autumn?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the vegetables in autumn: okra, water chestnut, lotus root, chili, chestnut, wax gourd, kidney beans, sweet potato leaves, beans, yam,.

What vegetables are there in autumn?

Autumn seasonal vegetables are: okra, water chestnut, lotus root, pepper, chestnut, wax gourd, kidney beans (kidney beans), sweet potato leaves, beans, yam, cabbage, lentils, cauliflower, carrots, lotus root, onion, beans, cucumber, tomato, lotus root, eggplant, lily and so on.

What to eat in autumn?

Dark green, brown red vegetables, eat a catty every day

Autumn is dry, so eat more green leafy vegetables, because the vitamin content is high, eat more benefits. An adult should eat at least one catty of vegetables a day. Spinach, cabbage, celery, chrysanthemum, amaranth, carrots and other dark vegetables, they and brownish red vegetables, not only vitamin content, carotene content is higher. Carotene is a treasure of the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can replenish qi, strengthen stomach and digestion, strengthen yuan yang, calm five internal organs, treat dyspepsia, chronic dysentery, cough, night blindness and so on, so it is known as "Oriental Little Ginseng". Fried with oil after eating, in the human body can be converted into vitamin A, can improve the body's immunity, indirectly eliminate cancer cells. Special reminder is, chili and other spicy food, to eat less.


long-term pickled snow vegetables to aid digestion

Experts strongly recommend mustard. Such as turnip, pickled mustard tuber, clover. Because mustard is high in glucosinolates, its hydrolysate is anti-cancer, eat more can prevent cancer. The weather is cool, pickles are not easy to spoil, you can also eat more. Most people think that pickles have high nitrite content and are easy to cause cancer. In fact, this view is not completely correct. It is very unscientific to marinate snow for two or three days on the dining table, because the nitrite content of short-term pickled vegetables is particularly high, but after marinating for one or two months, the nitrite volatilizes almost, and only rich lactic acid bacteria are left in snow vegetables and pickles, which are digestive aids. Therefore, people will think that pickled cabbage is especially suitable for rice.

White vegetables, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid

White vegetables can nourish yin and produce body fluid, such as radish, cauliflower, lily, yam and so on. The body fluid is severely depleted in summer, and now it's just autumn, so you have to eat more vegetables that nourish yin and produce body fluid." White vegetables are generally more concentrated in body fluid.


Autumn eggplant is cold, unfavorable to spleen and stomach

Early autumn health, there is also a stress is "spleen and dampness". Traditional Chinese medicine stresses the unity of man and nature. In autumn, the human body must first nourish the spleen and stomach before it can prepare for winter. Autumn eggplant cool slippery, spleen and stomach deficiency cold should not eat more. Eating pumpkin is good for the spleen and stomach.


Lotus root is the king of oriental vegetables, anti-aging

Autumn can eat lotus root, lotus root is the king of oriental vegetables, rich in polyphenols, can improve immunity, but also anti-aging. In addition, after processing lotus root to maturity, its nature changes from cool to warm, although it loses the performance of eliminating stasis and clearing heat, it becomes beneficial to spleen and stomach, and has the effect of nourishing stomach, nourishing blood and stopping diarrhea.

crowndaisy chrysanthemum

Compared with other autumn vegetables, chrysanthemum has the highest potassium and iron contents, 220 mg and 2.5 mg per 100 g respectively.

Chrysanthemum contains volatile oil with special fragrance, which helps to stimulate appetite and qi circulation. It is beneficial for people with flatulence caused by indigestion to eat more, and it is also helpful for those with poor defecation. But also because of its spicy and smooth, so diarrhea should not eat more. Chrysanthemum contains high amounts of potassium and iron and other mineral salts, it is suitable for people with high blood pressure and anemia to eat. In addition, it is rich in a variety of amino acids and protein, help regulate the body's water metabolism, pass urine, eliminate edema.

Stir-frying chrysanthemum with meat, eggs and other meat dishes can improve the utilization rate of vitamin A. One of the aromatic essential oils volatile heat, cooking should be quick fire stir-fry.

crowndaisy chrysanthemum


Chinese cabbage is also called cabbage, cabbage. Among autumn vegetables, pakchoi has the highest calcium and zinc content. The content per 100 g of edible parts was 90 mg and 0.51 mg respectively. The calcium content is almost equal to 2~3 times that of cabbage. Pregnant women and children have a large demand for calcium, and children are deficient in calcium and zinc. Therefore, it is recommended to eat more cabbage to supplement.

Chinese cabbage is mild in nature and sweet in taste. Patients with lung heat cough and constipation may wish to eat more cabbage, but those with spleen and stomach deficiency or diarrhea symptoms should not eat more. Chinese cabbage eat more, need to pay attention to is, fry, boil time should not be too long, so as not to lose nutrition.

Chinese cabbage

sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are rich in starch. In autumn vegetables, sweet potato has the highest sugar content per 100 grams, reaching 23.1 grams. But its amino acid, vitamin A, B, C and cellulose content are higher than rice and white flour, it is also rich in essential iron, calcium and other minerals.

Sweet potato starch, sugar content is high, easy to appear postprandial hyperglycemia. However, compared with steamed bread and bread, the content of these two indicators of sweet potato is not prominent, and because of its multi-fiber, coarse grain, slow digestion, diabetics eat some also no harm, even with the regular eat of fine grain staple food exchange, but the body will be better. Sweet potato contains coarse fiber, the fire is more prosperous people, eat more, help alleviate constipation and other symptoms.

sweet potato


The cellulose contained in fresh cucumbers is very delicate, which can accelerate the excretion of spoilage substances in the intestinal tract and reduce cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, patients suffering from obesity, high cholesterol and arteriosclerosis, often eat cucumber has great benefits, but spleen and stomach weakness, abdominal pain diarrhea, lung cold cough should eat less.

Cucumber tail contains more bitters, anti-cancer effect, so do not discard the tail. Raw cucumbers should not be eaten more, but also pay special attention to cleaning. Pickled cucumbers for liver disease, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease and high blood pressure, it is best not to touch. Cucumbers contain ascorbic acid oxidase, which destroys vitamin C when eaten raw, preferably cooked or eaten between meals, so as not to cause vitamin C in other vegetables, fruits and other foods to be destroyed.




celery leaves

In autumn vegetables, vitamin E and magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus content of celery leaves are ranked first. The higher the potassium, calcium and magnesium in food, the less likely it is that blood pressure will rise.

At the same time, celery is cool, because of high blood pressure caused by body heat, eating celery is good. Foreign cardiovascular experts have pointed out that chewing celery has a good antihypertensive effect.

Many people eat celery, only take the stem, discard the habit of leaves is not scientific. Because, the nutrient content in celery leaves is higher than celery stems.



Compared to other autumn vegetables, pumpkin has only 0.1 gram of fat per 100 grams of edible parts. However, eating too much pumpkin can cause blood sugar to increase, and diabetic patients should choose carefully. Really love to eat people, it is best to make pumpkin powder pumpkin, in order to eat a small amount of long-term.

It is best not to eat with mutton, beriberi, jaundice is not suitable for people to eat. Because traditional Chinese medicine believes that these two symptoms are caused by damp heat, pumpkin sweet warm, flat nature, may aggravate discomfort.

Pumpkin storage time should not be too long, otherwise the flesh will produce alcohol through anaerobic fermentation, easy to cause poisoning after eating. Before eating pumpkin, be sure to check carefully. If the skin is found to have ulceration, or after cutting, it emits alcohol smell, etc., it is not edible.



Carotene is a kind of vitamin A, which has the functions of promoting normal growth and reproduction of the body, preventing respiratory tract infection and maintaining normal vision, treating night blindness and xerosis.

Carrots are best not eaten raw, otherwise more than 70% of carotene cannot be absorbed. In addition, long-term intake of excessive carotene will affect ovarian lutein synthesis, and some will even cause amenorrhea, ovulation, or menstrual disorders. Therefore, female friends should consume appropriate amounts, and the daily intake should not exceed two pounds.

