
Anti-cancer and anti-cancer vegetables: which vegetable is the best to prevent and fight cancer? What are the top ten anti-cancer vegetables

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, ​​ 1. Strong kidney plant: okra When it comes to the efficacy of vegetables, the most famous is okra. It has yellow flowers and fruit that looks a bit like chili.

1. Strong kidney plant: okra

When it comes to the efficacy of vegetables, the most famous is okra. It opens yellow flowers, the fruit is a bit like chili, fried in oil, especially scrambled eggs, very delicious. This kind of vegetable is not very common, but it has gained popularity recently. Why? According to the research of scientists, the effect of okra on strengthening the kidney and health is extraordinary in vegetables.  

two。 Prevent colds: lettuce and cauliflower

The vitamin C content of cauliflower is 3-4 times higher than that of Chinese cabbage and soybean sprouts and 2 times higher than that of citrus. Traditional Chinese medicine has always been said that "white into the lungs", white cauliflower is a timely health vegetable, not only can prevent colds and other respiratory diseases, but also a very good vascular cleanser.

3. No acne on the face: lettuce and balsam pear

Lettuce is rich in vitamins and trace elements, and its water content is the best among vegetables. eating more helps to replenish water to the skin and plays an auxiliary role in the treatment of acne caused by poor gastrointestinal function. Balsam pear is rich in crude fiber, vitamin C, calcium, iron and other nutrients, it contains anti-cancer active protein, which can not only increase the activity of immune cells, but also remove toxins from the body and help detoxification.

4. Avoid indigestion: leek and parsley

Leek is rich in carotene, protein, sulfide and dietary crude fiber. Eating leek can play a role in eliminating food stagnation, invigorating the spleen and promoting appetite. Parsley has a unique flavor and has the functions of stimulating appetite and promoting digestion. According to traditional Chinese medicine, coriander has the effect of warming the stomach and invigorating the stomach, and proper eating of coriander can relieve stomach pain, indigestion and other symptoms.

5. Prevent heat: spinach and tomatoes

Rich riboflavin in spinach is an important nutrient to effectively prevent oral ulcer, cheilitis, glossitis and dermatitis. Tomato has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, invigorating body fluid and relieving thirst. It is used to treat dry mouth, loss of appetite, stomach heat and bitter mouth, gingival bleeding, mouth sores and so on.

6. Dark green, brown and red vegetables, eat one jin a day

Autumn is dry, so eat more green leafy vegetables, because the vitamin content is high, it is good to eat more. An adult,

You have to eat at least one jin of vegetables every day. Spinach, green vegetables, celery, chrysanthemum, amaranth, carrots and other dark vegetables, they and brown red vegetables, not only vitamin content, carotene content is higher. Carotene is a treasure of the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can tonify Zhongqi, invigorate the stomach and eliminate food, strengthen Yuanyang and tranquilize the five internal organs, and has a good effect in the treatment of indigestion, chronic dysentery, cough and night blindness, so it is known as "Oriental Little Ginseng". Fry it in oil and eat it in the human body

It can be transformed into vitamin A, which can improve the immunity of the body and destroy cancer cells indirectly. A special reminder is that spicy foods such as chili peppers should be eaten less.

7. Lotus root is the king of oriental vegetables, anti-aging

Autumn can eat some lotus root, "lotus root is the king of oriental vegetables, rich in polyphenols, can improve immunity, but also anti-aging." In addition, after processing the lotus root to ripe, its nature changes from cool to warm, although it loses the performance of eliminating silt and clearing heat, it becomes beneficial to the spleen and stomach, nourishing stomach and nourishing yin, tonifying blood and stopping diarrhea.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather obviously turns cool, the temperature difference between morning and evening is big, the human body metabolism slows down gradually, easy to catch a cold, cough. In addition to upper respiratory problems, some people will have dry skin, diarrhea, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders, so often eat the above seven health vegetables to make you healthier.

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