
There is a huge room for development when this kind of medicinal material is planted in rural areas.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bletilla striata belongs to the genus Bletilla of Orchidaceae, which has the functions of tonifying lung and stopping bleeding, detumescence and muscle formation.

Bletilla striata

Bletilla striata is a plant of the genus Bletilla of Orchidaceae, which has the functions of tonifying the lung and stopping bleeding, detumescence and muscle production, etc. Bletilla striata belongs to the genus Bletilla striata of Orchidaceae, which is alienated with grass, root of glycyrrhiza, Baiji, magnolia and purple orchid. It is mainly used for the treatment of tuberculosis, hemoptysis, hemoptysis of gastric ulcer, hematuria, hematochezia, external use for traumatic bleeding, burn and scald, chapped hands and feet, etc. The hemostatic effect of Bletilla striata is very good. Now the glue film made of Bletilla striata is used for liver and spleen surgery to stick to the knife edge instead of blood forceps. It has a very good effect and has the effect of rapid blood clotting. It can be used in surgery instead of plasma. It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces, and is cultivated all over the country.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Morphological characteristics

Bletilla striata is a perennial herb with a height of 30cm and 60cm. Its tubers are fleshy, white, with 2 to 3 forks in the shape of a water chestnut, with whisker roots and often several concomitant. Racemes terminal, often with 3-8 flowers; purplish red flowers with irregular petals. Capsule Terete, with 6 longitudinal ribs, slightly pointed at both ends. Seeds small, numerous. The flowering period is from April to May and the fruiting period is from July to August. There are two kinds of Bletilla striata, and there is a yellow-white flower, leaf-shaped lanceolate, narrow leaf Bletilla striata. Among the purple safflower, there are large species and small species, among which the tuber yield of the big species is higher.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Growth characteristics

Bletilla prefers warm, cool and humid environment and is not cold-tolerant. It requires fertile, loose and well-drained sandy soil or humus loam to be cultivated on shady slopes or more humic plots.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Cultivation techniques

1. Land selection and preparation: choose loose and fertile sandy loam and humus loam, warm, slightly humid environment, not cold-resistant. When planting in mountainous areas with good drainage, shady slope wasteland should be selected for planting. Ploughing the soil more than 20 cm, applying stable manure and compost, 1000 kg of farm manure per mu, and 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer without farm manure. Then turn the ground to mix the soil and fertilizer evenly. Shallow ploughing once before planting, the soil is fine, raked flat and made into a high border with a width of 130cm to 150cm.

2. Propagation method: it is difficult to sow Bletilla striata with seed, and it is easy to propagate by tuber. The Bletilla striata was dug out from September to early November, and the medium-sized tubers with many bud eyes and disease-free tubers were selected, each with 1 or 2 buds and planted with plant ash. The distance of trench is 20-25 cm, the depth is 5-6 cm, put a tuber according to the distance of 10-12 cm, bud up, fill, compaction, watering, covering grass, often keep wet, seedling from March to April. 100 kg per mu of seedlings.

3. Field management

① ploughing and weeding: Bletilla striata has strict requirements for weeding in the field. After planting and spraying Acetochlor, the seedlings of Bletilla striata come out. From May to June, Bletilla striata grows very exuberantly, and weeds grow very fast, so weed control is carried out. Weeding should be combined with loosening the border surface, and a shallow hoe should be used when weeding so as not to hurt the roots.

② timely topdressing: Bletilla striata is a fertilizer-loving plant, spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate or thin human and animal feces once a month, stopping growth and entering dormancy from July to August, but to prevent weeds from growing.

③ irrigation and drainage: Bletilla striata likes shade, often keeps moist, should be watered during drought, and should be watered once in the morning and evening from July to September. Bletilla striata is also afraid of waterlogging, heavy rain timely drainage to avoid root damage.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Pest control

1. Root rot disease: in the south, it often occurs in the rainy season of spring and summer. Prevention and control methods: pay attention to waterlogging and waterproof, dig deep drainage ditches.

2, ground tiger, golden needle worm: can be artificially killed and trapped or mixed with poisonous soil, and put it on the bed with the ground worm. Irrigate the bed with 50% zinc and parathion EC 700 times liquid.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Harvest and processing

After planting Bletilla striata for 2-3 years, when the aboveground stem withered from September to October, the dug tuber was removed from the soil and processed. Pick the tuber individually, select the tuber with new stalk as seed, cut off the stem, soak it in clean water for 1 hour, wash the soil, boil it in boiling water for 5 minutes, and remove the Kang until it is completely dry. Remove rough skin and fibrous roots and sift out impurities. General mu harvested fresh goods 800kg to 1000kg, can be processed 20000kg. It is better to have a large, full, white, translucent and solid one. The tuber of Bletilla striata contains starch, glucose and volatile oil, and the root contains Bletilla striata mannan.

After watching the planting technology of Bletilla striata, let's take a look at the planting prospect of Bletilla striata.

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Planting prospect of Bletilla striata

The tuber of Bletilla striata is a traditional Chinese medicine. Bletilla striata is colorful, and it is also a good landscape plant. Due to the expansion of market demand, the market demand for Bletilla striata is very strong. In recent years, wild Bletilla striata in most areas of China has been over-exploited, resulting in a sharp reduction of its wild natural resources, on the verge of extinction, and has been listed as one of the key protected wild medicinal plants. Due to the destructive destruction of wild resources of Bletilla striata, the artificial breeding of Bletilla striata is still limited in technology, and the commodity is in short supply in the market, so it is an inevitable trend for prices to soar. In order to confirm this claim, we demonstrate from the following aspects.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Uniqueness of living conditions of Bletilla striata

1. The uniqueness of the living environment: Bletilla striata is mostly wild in the sunny slopes, sparse forests and grass of mountain valleys, and likes the cool environment with high humidity, rich, loose and well-drained sandy soil. Therefore, the resources of Bletilla striata which requires a unique living environment are limited. at present, the producing areas of wild resources are only remote mountains in a few areas, such as cloud, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan and so on.

2. The uniqueness of asexual reproduction: Bletilla striata is a perennial herb, the plant is short (wild germplasm resources without artificial breeding), the height of Bletilla striata is about 30 cm, and the height of Bletilla striata in Emei, Sichuan is more than 33 cm. Bletilla striata leaves 3-6, long lanceolate, slightly wider in middle, apex pointed. Bletilla striata germinated in March, flowering from April to May and fruiting from August to October. The seedlings fell in December. Although Bletilla striata bears fruit, it cannot rely on seeds to reproduce. The mature seed of Bletilla striata is olive-shaped, yellow powder-like, very small, the seed coat is composed of monolayer cells, the lateral wall is thickened, the organelles and protoplasts have disappeared, it is a layer of translucent dead cells, the embryo is oval, undifferentiated, it is proembryo stage, the peduncle is degenerated, and there is no endosperm. In the natural state, it rarely germinates into seedlings. The research progress of artificial breeding is very slow, which is a key subject in the study of wild species of Bletilla striata. The mystery of this growth link exceeds the understanding level of most producers, so it can be seen that at present, Bletilla can only use pseudo-bulbs as seedlings, and only pseudo-bulbs with old stems and buds can develop into new plants. In order to develop family species, Bletilla striata must face the dilemma of scarcity of seeds and seedlings. In addition, this traditional way of ramet reproduction inevitably leads to low yield, poor resistance to diseases and insect pests, and degradation from generation to generation. Due to the shortage of seedlings, large-scale industrial cultivation is still out of reach at present.

3. The unique distribution of the population: Bletilla striata shows sporadic distribution in nature. So far, it has not been found that it grows as closely together as the peony on the Hulunbuir prairie, and the distribution of this colony of wild Bletilla striata is small and small. it's in its nature. At present, there is no mature experience and technology for the development of domestic species, so the yield per mu is low. Guizhou and Jiangxi, which are the first to change their species in the wild, have a yield of only dozens of kilograms per mu, and the production cost is extremely high, so it is impossible to arouse the enthusiasm of producers.

4. The unique growth cycle of Bletilla striata: the growth cycle of Bletilla striata is long, and the two-year-old pseudo-bulb can only grow 2 new pseudobulbs, 4 in the third year and 8 in the fourth year. Even if the family is successful, it will take at least four years from planting to harvesting. In nature, the false bulb of Bletilla striata, which has been for more than four years, not only does not grow, but will rot because the pseudobulb is too crowded.

5, the uniqueness of the processing process: the processing technology of Bletilla striata after mining is more complex, because Bletilla striata is rich in gelatinous substances, shake off the soil after mining, cut off the roots and soak in water for about 1 hour, step on the rough skin, and then boil it in a boiling water pot for 6 minutes. Keep stirring until no heart is taken out and dried in the sun. It takes more than a month to dry naturally. In the process of drying or drying, repeatedly put into the bamboo basket or cage, hit back and forth, wipe off the rough skin and fibrous roots, so as to form a smooth and white translucent body. In the drying process, a little carelessly, the Bletilla striata will be burnt, can not be used as a commodity. To sum up, the resources of Bletilla striata are becoming more and more scarce, the technology of sexual and asexual reproduction of Bletilla striata in the laboratory has just been cracked, but the industrial cultivation in the field has not yet started, even if the complete production technology has been mastered, but we also have to face the dilemma that the growth cycle of Bletilla striata is as long as four or five years.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

The quality is getting worse and worse, which can be judged and scarce.

The Bletilla striata excavated in the 1980s is as big as a silver coin, full, white, translucent and solid. In the 1990s, about 10% of those with good quality were screened out, which were basically used for export. Today, he is as small as a finger, withered, vacuolated, not peeled, brown and black. And adulteration is very serious, Bletilla striata slices adulteration is an open secret. Fake goods from the original water Bletilla striata, to the small yellow essence, soil yellow essence, sweet yellow essence, flat Bletilla striata and so on more than 10 kinds. The price of fake goods has also risen from more than 10 yuan to more than 100 yuan. This phenomenon reflects the scarcity of Bletilla striata commodities!

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Higher prices prove scarcity

Bletilla striata resources are limited, so the market price has been rising, generally experienced four stages of development.

1. The annual increase is 1.10-1.20 yuan in 1985, 23 yuan in 1986-87, 4 yuan in 1988, 5 yuan in 1989-91, 6 yuan in 1992-93, 8 yuan in 1994, 9 yuan in 1995, 11 yuan in 1996 and 12 yuan in 1997-2001. The market price of Bletilla striata has increased 11 times in the past 16 years, but it has risen slowly after adjusting for inflation.

2. Large shock: the market price of Bletilla striata was 1215 yuan in 2001, 1618 yuan from 2002 to 2003, suddenly rose to 50 yuan in the first half of 2004, and dropped by about 35 yuan from 2005 to 2006.

3. Monthly surge: the market price of Bletilla striata has changed dramatically in 2007. It rose to 40 yuan in April, 50 yuan in May, 60 yuan in June and 70 yuan in July, because large goods sold out in major pharmaceutical markets across the country, producing areas in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.

4. The sky-high price of 100 yuan: the sky-high price of Bletilla striata appeared in 2010, and it has been about 230 yuan until March 2012, and the price is out of stock.

Conclusion: price is the yardstick to measure the scarcity of resources. It is an indisputable fact that things are rare and expensive, and Bletilla striata resources are scarce.

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Bletilla striata planting

Man-made scarcity

1. The demand for Bletilla striata is growing: Bletilla striata is a small variety of traditional Chinese medicine. In the 1950s and 1980s, the national demand for medicine was no more than 200 tons. According to the national survey of traditional Chinese medicine in 1986, the resource status and commodity production, supply, sale and storage of Bletilla striata were not included in the statistical scope, because it was a small variety that could be ignored at that time. However, it is not what it used to be. The demand for Bletilla striata in China is 5-10 times higher than that of 20 years ago, and the demand has reached several thousand tons.

2, a wide range of uses: Bletilla striata can be used as an adhesive when dyeing cloth, as an adhesive for high-grade cigarettes, as an adhesive for mounting Chinese calligraphy and painting, and as a repairing agent for wild ginseng. Bletilla striata has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and its main functions are to stop bleeding, tonify the lung, reduce swelling and promote muscle. Modern scientific research has proved that the bulb of Bletilla striata is rich in a large number of water-soluble polysaccharides, and its chemical composition is grape mannan, which is the main functional component of Bletilla gum. Bletilla polysaccharide gum is not only an excellent natural food thickener, but also a medical raw material with high safety, excellent medicinal excipients and biomedical materials with considerable development prospects. In addition, Bletilla striata polysaccharide gum can also be used in daily chemical products to replace chemical thickeners, and has the functions of reducing irritation, protecting skin, delaying aging and so on. With the deepening of research, the application of Bletilla striata is more and more extensive, which leads to the increasing demand of Bletilla striata.

3. Extinction mining: due to the stimulation of price, wild Bletilla striata does not stay in size, and the higher the price is, the cleaner it is. Because Bletilla striata is propagated by pseudobulbs, this mining method is an important reason why wild populations of Bletilla striata are found to dig one by one and then become extinct. Bletilla striata was supposed to be harvested from October to December, when its false bulb was large and full, high gum content, good quality and high drying rate of fresh goods. However, due to the high market price and scarcity of germplasm resources, it was always dug in advance to April florescence in recent years. As a result, the immature false bulbs are thin and shrivelled, and the fresh goods are extremely low, which can not meet the quality standards for medicine at all. In this way, due to the reduction of production and income of young people year after year, it has also artificially caused a lot of waste of resources.

4. The growing environment of Bletilla striata is getting worse and worse: the scope of human activities is getting wider and wider, the wasteland grass is less and less, and the ecological conditions of Bletilla striata have been greatly damaged, especially in recent years, the forest and fruit economy has been developed in Yunguichuan and other mountainous areas. a large number of wasteland slopes have been reclaimed, and the natural conditions for the survival of Bletilla striata have been destroyed. Bletilla striata has lost the space conditions for survival and reproduction, and the soil resources are becoming less and less. Bletilla striata commodities are becoming more and more scarce.

5. Irreplaceable magical curative effect and wide range of uses: the most fundamental reason for the scarcity of Bletilla striata is the miraculous curative effect of Bletilla striata, which is slightly cold, bitter, sweet and astringent, and has the functions of astringent hemostasis and detumescence. For tuberculosis hematemesis, bronchiectasis hemoptysis, gastric ulcer hematemesis, urine blood, stool blood and other symptoms, but also can be used for traumatic bleeding and other symptoms. The miraculous curative effect and wide use of Bletilla striata also accelerated the extinction of Bletilla striata resources.

Cultivation techniques of Bletilla striata

Scarce future prices

Bletilla striata market price trend in the future, we think that the scarcity of resources, supply exceeds demand, the price will rise has become a foregone conclusion. The sharp rise in the market price of Bletilla striata is due to the extreme shortage of wild resources, wild species has not really started and many other reasons. If the state invests special scientific research funds, strengthen the scientific research of wild varieties of Bletilla striata, and then standardize the expansion of production area can alleviate the shortage of Bletilla striata commodity supply. But it will take at least 5 to 8 years to move from the laboratory to commercial mass production. The task in front of us is arduous and arduous, and there is still a lot of work that we need to keep our feet on the ground and complete step by step.