
Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Green onion winter storage high-yield planting skills 1, variety selection: to select suitable for local planting varieties, such as big sycamore, Qi Shaofeng, "Erjiu" and so on. Two.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

First, variety selection: it is necessary to select varieties suitable for local cultivation, such as big sycamore, Qi Shafeng, "Erjiu" and so on.

2. Raising seedlings

1. Intensive cultivation and rational fertilization: the plots with flat terrain, fertile soil, convenient irrigation and drainage and thick tillage layer are selected as seedling fields. 2500 kg per mu of rotten organic fertilizer, shallow ploughing of about 25 cm, flat and fine, into a border with a width of 1.2m.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

2. Seed treatment: the suitable sowing time for raising seedlings of spring onions stored in winter is from September 25 to October 5. Before sowing, 5 kg of diammonium phosphate and 5 kg of urea were applied as seed fertilizer, and the soil fertilizer was evenly mixed with deep hoe. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked in 40 ℃ lukewarm water for 10 hours and hung for 6 hours.

3. Sowing: first watering and moisturizing the ground when sowing, sowing the seeds evenly after the water seeps down, and then covering the soil by 1 cm. 2.5kg of seed per mu. When there are cracks in the border surface on a sunny day after sowing, it is beneficial to the whole seedling to preserve soil moisture and raise temperature. After Miao Qi, strictly control the watering of the head without emergence, and also control the watering of cotyledons before spreading, so as to avoid hardening and silting of the border surface.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

4. Seedling stage management: from sowing and emergence to the end of December, properly irrigate 2mi water for 3 times after the seedling height of 5 cm, and pour anti-freezing water in late November. In early December, a thin layer of horse manure or soil fertilizer, plant ash, the thickness of just exposed leaf tips is appropriate to ensure that the seedlings survive the winter safely. The standard of onion seedlings before overwintering is that the average height of ⑴ is about 10cm, ⑵ has two true leaves and one heart leaf, the diameter of bulb base of ⑶ seedlings is not more than 0.3cm, and ⑷ seedlings are strong but not prosperous.

At the end of February of the next spring, the horse dung covered before winter was first hugged out, and then the missing part of the ridge was filled with soil. You can also spread 2000 kilograms of fine circle miscellaneous fertilizer in the early morning, and then hug it again, which is conducive to preserving soil moisture and heat preservation and promoting early seedling development. Weeds will be pulled out in the first ten days of March. In the middle and late March, the green water should be irrigated late, and the hoe should be poured after watering.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

At the beginning of April, the seedlings were planted for the first time between 15 cm in height. In the middle of April, the height of seedlings was 20 cm, and the distance between seedlings was kept at 4 cm, leaving about 120000 plants per mu. Each time the seedlings are combined with a hoe and watered once.

May is the prosperous period of onion seedlings, and it is also the key period for the cultivation of strong seedlings and the upgrading of three types of seedlings. At this time, 20 kg urea per mu was applied, followed by watering 2 Mu water for 3 times to control diseases and insect pests. In June, onion seedlings were mainly controlled and squatted seedlings.

The standard of strong seedling: the height of seedling is 50 cm and the length of pseudostem is 25 cm. It is about 1 cm thick, the fresh weight per plant is about 40 grams, there are 5 true leaves, and it has the typical characters of this variety.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

3. Planting

1. Soil preparation before planting: select the land with convenient irrigation and drainage, thick tillage layer, no green onion, onion, garlic or leek in 3 years, ditch in north-south direction, the distance between the ditch is 80 cm, the depth and width of the ditch is 30m / 35cm, the ditch bottom is evenly sprinkled with soil fertilizer, 20kg urea, 20kg diammonium phosphate and 10kg potassium sulfate are applied per mu, and there is a loose soil layer with a width of 15cm and a depth of 25cm at the bottom of the ditch. The back of the ridge will be broken and solid, so that people can stand when transplanting.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

2. Planting: the best transplanting time is in the middle of June, but it will be finished in the last ten days.

Pour small water into the seedling bed before raising seedlings, carefully raise seedlings, prevent injury to fibrous roots, remove residual seedlings with diseases and insect pests, select strong seedlings with typical characteristics of this variety, size classification, along with seedling planting.

Generally, there are 1.6-18000 seedlings per mu, that is, 80cm furrow distance, single ridge, plant spacing of 5cm, and the vegetative area of single plant is 0.04m2. Spring onion seedlings can be planted in 4 mu and 6 mu of field per mu.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

After the dung of the ditch is loosened, use a two-tooth hook or a small hoe to flatten the soil surface of the ditch bottom and release water. After the water seeps, insert the onions with 40 cm long, 1.5 cm diameter and bifurcated top. When the green onion seedlings are inserted and pulled out from the ditch, there is a hole, that is, the onion eye, which should be retained, which is beneficial to the root system and the onion white and ventilated, which is called the onion eye in the wind.

Planting depth: the heart leaf of spring onion seedlings should be more than 8 cm from the ditch surface.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

Fourth, field management: green onion seedlings are properly watered half a month after planting. Timely drainage in case of waterlogging, strictly prevent stagnant water in the ditch. After slowing down the seedlings, we should carry out intermediate ploughing and weeding, only scratching but not obstructing the soil, so as to improve the ventilation of the soil.

In August, the green onion growth began to lengthen. Can be spread on the ridge back mature organic fertilizer 2000 kg, or diammonium phosphate 20 kg, and then sprinkle 15 kg of urea, shallow hoe, soil fertilizer and urea with hoe into the ditch, and then irrigate a water.

Planting skills of high yield and storage of green onion in winter

In late August, when the tubular leaves are in full bloom, it is necessary to apply available nitrogen and potassium fertilizer. 15 kg urea and 20 kg potassium sulfate per mu or cake fertilizer, plant ash, ammonium bicarbonate and so on. Water twice after topdressing. When the back of the ridge is dry and wet, ploughing, enlarge the hoe, surround the spring onion first, and then break the ridge and level the ditch.

In early September, onion white began to grow vigorously, and it was still necessary to top up the rapidly available nitrogen and potash fertilizer, and the amount of topdressing was the same as that of leaves. And then cultivate the soil. It is advisable not to bury the leaves. The back of the original ridge becomes a ditch, and the ditch is immediately watered twice.