
Breeding methods and matters needing attention of colorful leaf pineapple

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pineapple growth habits like warm, humid, sunny environment, only in bright light conditions, can blossom normally and get the most beautiful leaves, but still need to prevent direct sunlight at noon in summer. The suitable growth temperature is 20-30 ℃ in summer and 15-18 ℃ in winter.

Growth habits of pineapple with colored leaves

Ornamental pineapple likes warm, humid, sunny environment. Only in bright light can it blossom normally and get the most beautiful leaves, but it is still necessary to prevent direct sunlight at noon in summer. The suitable growth temperature is 20-30 ℃ in summer and 15-18 ℃ in winter. It is difficult to grow when it is lower than 10 ℃, and the lowest at night is 5 ℃. The soil is mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil with neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam.

Culture method of colorful leaf pineapple

Colorful leaf pineapple planting

The seedlings should be planted immediately after delivery, and the planting depth is generally maintained at 1 to 2 centimeters. If it is too deep, the medium will enter into the heart of the seedlings, affecting the growth of the seedlings. In addition, the medium should not be pressed too tightly and keep good permeability as far as possible. Water immediately and thoroughly after planting to ensure a good combination of roots and soil (note: there can be no shortage of water between leaves after planting)

Temperature of colored leaf pineapple

The suitable temperature of ornamental pineapple should be between 21 ℃ and 28 ℃ in daytime and from 18 ℃ to 21 ℃ at night. The high temperature should not be higher than 35 ℃ and the low temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 35 ℃, it will cause high temperature injury, resulting in slow plant growth, small flower shape and few flower branches. If the temperature is below 10 ℃ for a long time, the leaves and bracts will turn red, white spot, white tip or discoloration, and the diseased part will scorch after drying. If the temperature continues to drop, the plant will die.

In general, the seedlings are relatively young, the temperature should be controlled between 20 ℃ and 25 ℃, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is strictly forbidden. After 3 months of planting, the temperature can be adjusted to between 18 ℃ and 28 ℃, and the temperature difference between day and night should be increased appropriately, which is beneficial to growth. The temperature can be cooled by opening the water curtain or fan system in summer, and insulating or heating by using insulation curtain and heating system in winter.

Humidity of colored leaf pineapple

Pineapples like a high humidity environment, and the air humidity should be maintained between 75% and 85%. In this humidity range, the plant will become round and plump, and the leaves will shine brightly. When the humidity is too low (less than 50%), the leaves will curl inward or fail to stretch, and even the leaf tip will scorch. However, the humidity should not be too high. If the humidity is too high, brown spots will appear on the leaves of the plant, and in serious cases, the phenomenon of rotten heart will appear. The relative humidity at seedling stage should be controlled between 80% and 85%, and should be controlled between 75% and 85% after 3 months of planting. The air humidity can be increased by sprinkling water under the planting bed and the aisle, and the cooling effect can be achieved at the same time.

Colorful leaf pineapple illumination

Light intensity is an important factor that determines plant growth rate, plant shape, flower shape, flower color and so on. The suitable light intensity of pineapple is about 18000 lux. In the suitable range of light, the increase of light intensity will promote the plant leaves to become smaller, the plant shape compact, the flower shape larger and the flower color faster. If the light is too strong, it will leave spots on the leaves and, in severe cases, burn the leaves. If the light is too weak, the plant will grow too long, the color is dark, and the inflorescence is slender and discolored. Generally speaking, the light intensity is controlled at about 15000 lux at the seedling stage. Excessive light will affect the speed of slow seedling. The light intensity can be increased to 20000 to 25000 lux after three months. If the light is too strong, you can use the shading system to shade, and make full use of the light in the morning, evening and cloudy days.

Ventilation of colored leaf pineapple

Ventilation is also closely related to the growth of pineapple. Ventilation is not important when the weather is cool, but good ventilation is very important to the plant during the period of high temperature and humidity in summer. When the ventilation is good, the plant is stout, the leaf is wide and thick, the flower ear is large and long, and the flower color is bright; when the ventilation is insufficient, the plant is easy to grow, the leaf is narrow, the flower ear is short, the flower color is not glossy, and it is prone to diseases and insect pests. If necessary, roof window, side window and other methods can be used for ventilation.

Water content of pineapple with colored leaves

Water quality is very important for ornamental pineapples, and the lower the salt content, the better. The water quality with high calcium and high sodium salt will make the leaves lose their luster, hinder the photosynthesis, and easily cause heart rot and root rot. The EC value should be controlled below 0.3 and the pH value should be between 5.5 and 6.5. When the pH value is higher than 7, it will affect the nutrient absorption of the plant.

The root system of epiphytic ornamental pineapple is weak, it mainly plays the role of fixing plant, and the absorption function is secondary. The nutrition and water needed for its growth and development are mainly stored in the leaf cup formed by the clasping of the leaf base and absorbed by the absorbing scales at the base of the leaf. Even if the root system is damaged or rootless, as long as there is a certain amount of water in the leaf cup, the plant can grow normally. Summer and autumn is the peak growing season of ornamental pineapple, which requires more water, watering the leaf cup once every 4 to 5 days and watering the medium every 15 days or so to keep the leaf cup watery and the medium moist. After entering the dormant period in winter, water the leaf cup once every 2 weeks, the medium is not dry and does not water, the root is too wet and easy to rot.

Colored leaf pineapple fertilizer

Among the three elements of fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen can promote leaf elongation and dark green, phosphorus can promote plant transport, while potassium can make leaves shorter and wider and improve leaf quality. Therefore, when preparing fertilizer, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium must be appropriate, which is the prerequisite for cultivating high quality pineapple. The suitable ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1: 1, 0.5: 1. In addition, pineapples are so sensitive to boron that even small amounts of boron can cause pineapples to burn their tops. Maintenance and management of colored leaf pineapple

Change the basin:

It is necessary to change the basin after 4 months of planting. When changing the basin, first put a layer of medium at the bottom of the basin, then take out the pineapple plant from the small basin with soil, put the pineapple plant in the center of the basin, put the medium around it, and gently press it to ensure that the plant is upright. The same medium should not be pressed too tightly to ensure good air permeability. The planting depth should be 3 to 4 cm. Immediately pour clear water after changing the basin, and fertilize it after a month.


After a period of growth, the plant will appear to be too dense and lack of light, which will eventually lead to long and narrow leaves, stagnation of growth and widening of the growth gap. therefore, it is necessary to adjust the plant spacing 2 to 3 months after changing pots.


According to the plant size, the plants need to be graded regularly, which is not only beneficial to improve the light of smaller plants, but also conducive to management.

Removal of old leaves: the breeding method of pineapple with yellow leaves and dried old leaves that have no ornamental value in time

Sowing pineapple with colored leaves

It is difficult to obtain seeds in the natural state of ornamental pineapple, that is, if the seeds are obtained by artificial pollination, the characters of the offspring will also be separated, and the good characters of the mother plant can not be maintained. therefore, sowing and propagation is only used in the preservation of primary qualities and the cultivation of new varieties. Most ornamental pineapple seeds lose their vitality soon after leaving their mother and should be picked and sown. Pineapple usually takes 3-4 months from flowering to seed maturity. Pineapple seeds are very small, a fruit can produce dozens of seeds, a plant can produce thousands of seeds. The sowing method of pineapple can be indoor pot sowing or seedling plate sowing. The sowing medium can be mixed with river sand, perlite and peat soil, and must be sterilized at high temperature before sowing. After sowing the seeds on the surface of the matrix, gently press them without covering the soil and cover them with plastic film or glass to moisturize. When the optimum temperature for germination is 24 ℃-26 ℃, it can germinate in about 7-14 days. When the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, they can be transplanted into flowerpots of 4-5 cm. The sowing seedlings of pineapple need to be cultivated for 3-4 years before the central leaves can change color and blossom for ornamental use.

Colorful leaf pineapple ramet

After appreciating the flowers of the pineapple, multiple sucking buds will be produced in the axils of the basal leaves. The suitable period for ramets is usually from April to June. When the suction bud grows to about 10 cm and has 3-5 leaves, first remove the whole plant from the basin, remove some basin soil, grasp the mother plant with one hand, and clamp the bud base tightly with the thumb and index finger of the other hand, and then break the suction bud with oblique force. The wound was slightly dried after disinfection with fungicide and cut in perlite and coarse sand. Keep the matrix and air moist, properly shade, after 1-2 months there are new roots grow, can be transferred to normal management.

Colorful leaf pineapple cuttage

Small-scale production and family cultivation of ornamental pineapple generally use tiller bud cuttage. There are several tillering buds in the axils of the basal leaves of the ornamental pineapple before and after flowering. When the tillering buds grow to about 10 cm and have 3-5 leaves, cut off the short stems close to the mother plant with a sharp knife, disinfect the wound with fungicides and dry slightly, dip them in naphthalene acetic acid with a concentration of 300-500 mg / kg, cut them in perlite, coarse sand or culture soil, keep the substrate and air moist, and shade properly. New roots will grow after 1-2 months, which can be transferred to normal management. Pay attention to the fact that the cuttings are not easy to take root when the tillering bud is too small, and it is very easy to rot; when the plant is too large, it consumes too much nutrition and reduces the propagation coefficient.

Will colorful leaf pineapple bear fruit? culture method of colored leaf pineapple

Colorful leaf pineapple is one of the highly ornamental flowers and foliage plants. As an accessory of pineapple, will it bear fruit? How to breed it? Next, let's see whether the colored leaf pineapple is the result and the breeding method of the colored leaf pineapple.

Will the colorful leaf pineapple bear fruit

Colorful leaf pineapple has unique flowers and leaves, but it is novel but can not bear fruit. Pineapple flower, also known as pineapple flower, is a crop native to the jungles of Mexico and Brazil, as an accessory to pineapple. The shape is very strange, more like the throne of Guanyin Bodhisattva, very ornamental value, is a very popular bonsai plant in the market.

Second, the culture method of colored leaf pineapple

1. Soil: the culture soil of colored leaf pineapple should have good water retention and air permeability, and peat soil, tree tree fragments and coal cinder should be selected to meet the requirements of regulating water and aeration of colored leaf pineapple.

2. Watering: colorful leaf pineapple is a kind of wettable gas pineapple, so special attention should be paid to watering in daily management. Hot summer, color leaf pineapple evaporation, the need to pour water every day to keep the base water of color leaf pineapple uninterrupted. Properly control watering in winter, as long as you keep the bottom of the leaf tube of the colored pineapple moist.

3. Sunshine: colorful leaf pineapple likes light, and the leaves are more gorgeous in sufficient light, but avoid strong direct sunlight in summer to avoid burning leaves. Generally, the leaves with beautiful colors are cultivated in the strong sun, and then the bright indoor appreciation is put. If the light is too dark, the color of the leaves will be lightened.

4. Temperature: the most suitable temperature for the growth of color-leaf pineapple is 22-25 ℃. In winter, it should be kept in the room with a temperature above 15 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, the growth of color-leaf pineapple will stop, and if it is lower than 10 ℃ for a long time, it will cause freezing injury.

5. Fertilization: compound flower fertilizer or chemical liquid fertilizer was applied once every half month in the growing season of colored leaf pineapple, and the effect of foliar spraying was good. However, the concentration should not be too high, so as not to accumulate fertilizer in the stem of the plant and damage the leaves.

6. Diseases and insect pests: common leaf spot damage of colored leaf pineapple, 100 times Bordeaux solution can be sprayed once every half month, continuously sprayed 3 times for 4 times.

Colorful leaf pineapple is fruitless and can only be used as an ornamental. After understanding the culture method of colored leaf pineapple, you can try to cultivate some potted plants for viewing.

Detailed explanation of the culture method of colorful leaf pineapple!

Caiyefeng pear is native to Central and South America and the West Indies. Its sex likes warm, moist and bright light. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ and 27 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 min. It is best to have 3 Mel for 4 hours of direct sunlight every day to facilitate flowering. Today, I would like to briefly introduce the culture method of colored leaf pineapple for you. The root of colorful leaf pineapple is particularly difficult to wash and dense, and the soil is wrapped tightly. It is best to soak it for a day, then wash away most of the soil with water, and then swing back and forth in the water. Let some attached small pieces of soil fall off, and finally you need to pick the soil from the root bit by bit with your hands. The soil must be washed clean, which is an important step in hydroponics. After washing, trim the roots and cut off all the intricate roots, that is, the roots in the outer circle, it is better to keep more than half of the roots, and then cool and dry, disinfect and domesticate, according to the general flower practice. The colored leaf pineapple has a leaf tube, no matter when it is hydroponic or after the hydroponic culture is successful, it is necessary to make sure that the water in the leaf tube is clean, and it is best to change it every three days. this is the most important step in raising a pineapple. Don't be troublesome. The most important thing to grow flowers is patience. After the colored leaf pineapple is bottled, all the roots can be soaked in the first three days, and only half of the roots need to be soaked in the following days. The root base had better be placed in the planting column, covered with small ceramsite, and then fixed with pebbles. Do not spray water on the leaf surface at ordinary times. Do not spray water on the torch, just spray the ceramsite wet. The root of the colored leaf pineapple is thin and hard, like a small wire. It is not easy to grow roots, and it is easy to produce toxins, so it is best to change the water once a day. Colorful leaf pineapple requires higher air humidity, do not take the sun to the bottom of the exposure, do not put in air-conditioning and heating places, so as not to affect its normal growth. If his leaves curl stubbornly toward the middle, it means that the air is too dry, hurry to change the living environment, and then spray the leaves wet. Many flower shops directly soak the colored leaf pineapple in water and can live for about a month. In northern China, colored-leaf pineapples generally can't survive the winter, mainly because the weather is too cold.