
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium sinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Morphological characteristics of Magnolia lanceolata, also known as Cymbidium, is a perennial herb with clustered cylindrical fleshy roots and short rhizomes. Leaves basal, striate to long lanceolate, entire or slightly undulate, scape drawn from leaf axils, long 30~50cm, curved and drooping to form new stolons. raceme

Morphological characteristics of Cymbidium chinense

Yinxin Cymbidium, also known as Cymbidium, is a perennial herb with clustered cylindrical fleshy roots and short rhizomes. Leaves basal, striate to long lanceolate, entire or slightly undulate, scape drawn from leaf axils, long 30~50cm, curved and drooping to form new stolons. Racemes, white florets, flowering in spring, summer, and indoor flowering in winter. The underground part has roots, fleshy and short, horizontal or oblique, leaves slender, linear-lanceolate, with yellow-white longitudinal stripes in the center, clasping at the base, bright green. Leaf axils take out creeping branches, protruding clumps, curved outward, apical plants with aerial roots. Flowers white, perianth 6, flowering spring and summer season spring and summer

Culture method of Magnolia chinensis

The cultivation and propagation of Cymbidium should have the substrate, water, fertilization, temperature, light and other conditions needed by the general Cymbidium, and the propagation methods can be propagated by cutting, splitting, sowing and so on. the control and protection of diseases and insect pests have the characteristics of general Cymbidium.

Characteristics of cultivation conditions


Magnolia lanceolata has strong adaptability to all kinds of soil and is easy to cultivate. It can be cultivated with fertile sandy loam, humus, peat soil or fine sand plus base fertilizer, or hydroponic culture.

To breed:

It is usually propagated by the method of dividing plants, which can be carried out in other seasons except when the temperature is too low in winter. Potted seedlings with roots on flower stems can also be cut.


Like the humid environment, the basin soil is easy to keep wet. However, the fleshy root of the plant can store a lot of water, so it has a strong ability to resist drought and will not dry to death without watering for several days. Under 5 ℃ in winter, less watering, basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing.


Liquid fertilizer was applied every two weeks in the growing season. The varieties of flower and leaf should apply less nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the yellow and white spots on the leaves will become less obvious, and the fertilization will be stopped when the environmental temperature is lower than 4 ℃.


The plant grows in a semi-shady environment and can be cultivated in a bright indoor environment all the year round. Cymbidium grown outdoors can also grow well in strong direct sunlight in summer. However, Cymbidium, which has been cultivated indoors for a long time, should avoid strong direct sunlight and cover 50% to 70% of the sun.


High temperature resistance. The suitable temperature is above 15 ℃, not lower than 10 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is above 4 ℃ in winter.


Like the moist environment, in order to make the orchid fresh and fresh green, you can often spray water to clean the leaves. The air humidity should be more than 75%, not less than 50%.


Usually cut off the yellow leaves at any time. The basin can be turned once in March every year to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. Cutting off some of the old leaves of Cymbidium in the first and middle of May will promote the germination of more new leaves and small orchids.

Propagation method of Magnolia chinensis

Yinxin Cymbidium can be propagated by cutting, ramet, sowing and other methods. Cuttage and ramet propagation. It can be done at any time from spring to autumn. Magnolia lanceolata has strong adaptability, high survival rate, and is generally easy to reproduce. When cutting, as long as the stolon 5~10cm with new buds is inserted into the soil, it can take root in about 1 week, transplant in a pot in about 20 days, and keep it in the shade after pouring water.

Ramet propagation

The plant of Cymbidium can be lifted out of the pot, the old soil and rotten root can be removed, and the old root can be cut open, so that there are three stems on the split plant, and then transplanted and cultured respectively. The clustered stems and leaves on the stolon of Cymbidium can also be cut (in fact, it is a new plant larva, with leaves on the top and air roots on the bottom), and can be planted directly in the flowerpot.

Seed propagation

Can be carried out in March every year. Because the seed grain is not large, the covering soil above the seed should not be thick after sowing, it is generally 0.5cm. Under the condition of 15 ℃, the seeds can germinate in about 2 weeks, and then transplant and culture after the seedlings take shape. When the varieties with leaf art were propagated by seeds, the offspring were degenerated into all-green varieties. Any container that can hold water can be used to raise orchids, it is best to use transparent utensils to raise them, and you can enjoy the dazzling white roots in the water. The glass cups, teacups and mineral water bottles around are both economical and beautiful containers for water-raised orchids.

Notes on silver heart and orchid

1. Cymbidium is a kind of fertilizer-tolerant plant with yellowing leaves due to insufficient nutrients and easy to scorch head senescence.

two。 It is better to be semi-overcast in spring and autumn, and it is appropriate to see light in the morning and evening in summer, shade at noon, avoid the sun exposure, and see more sunshine in winter. During the growing period, the basin soil is moist and cannot accumulate water.

3. The basin is changed once a year in spring (mid-late March). After mid-October, hang the flowerpot indoors close to the sunny surface and easy to watch. In winter, the basin soil should be watered after it is dry at a depth of about 1 cm.

4. When the climate is dry in summer and autumn, measures such as spraying water should be taken to increase the air humidity around the plant. In winter, the basin soil should be kept dry. Too damp basin soil will induce Botrytis cinerea and rotten leaves. Watering should avoid pouring into the plant heart, otherwise it is easy to cause tender leaves to rot.

Culture methods and points for attention of Magnolia lanceolata

Silver heart hanging orchid like

Only when we fully understand the preferences and habits of silver orchids, can we according to the preference of silver orchids, so that its growth is most exuberant and its vitality reaches the strongest state. Cymbidium does not like sun exposure and likes shady places. unlike some orchids, Cymbidium likes a humid environment, but many orchids prefer a dry environment at this point. Cymbidium likes to be moist. Cymbidium grows rapidly, and the best growth temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, even in cold winter. It must not be placed in an outdoor environment of less than 5 degrees.

The requirement of Light in the Culture of Cymbidium

Silver-hearted orchids like the sun, but they should also avoid direct sunlight. In general, if it is mild sunshine, it can be exposed for six to eight hours a day. When the weather is colder in winter, try to avoid putting it outside at night, so as not to freeze the soil, but if it is hot in summer, you should carry out appropriate shading treatment to avoid long hours of sunshine during the day.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Magnolia

In fact, there are still a lot of precautions for Cymbidium culture. In terms of lighting, we have already mentioned one point in the article: avoid direct sunlight in summer, proper shade, and avoid being placed outdoors at night in winter, especially in the north. In addition, it should be noted that the temperature had better be kept between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius. In order to ensure the normal growth of Magnolia.

Breeding methods and points for attention of Magnolia lanceolata in Green Home

Magnolia is a variety of hanging orchids, because of the beautiful appearance and has the role of purifying the air, more people breed. But when raising the magnolia, we should pay attention to the methods and matters needing attention, so what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

Cymbidium is a kind of Cymbidium, which is named because it is different from other orchids because it has its remarkable characteristics: there is a silver stripe about 1 cm wide in the middle of each green leaf. Culture method 1, substrate: Cymbidium has strong adaptability to all kinds of soil, and it is easy to cultivate. Fertile sandy loam, humus, peat soil, or fine sandy soil with a small amount of base fertilizer can be used as potted soil. Second, reproduction: it is usually propagated by split-plant method, which can be carried out in other seasons except that the winter temperature is too low to be suitable for plant division. The seedlings with aerial roots on the flower stems can also be cut and raised in pots. Third, watering: the hanging orchid likes the wet environment, and the basin soil is easy to keep wet. However, the hanging fleshy root can store a lot of water, so it has a strong ability to resist drought, and it will not dry to death without watering for several days. Below 5 degrees in winter, less watering, basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing. 4. Fertilization: liquid fertilizer is applied every 2-3 weeks in the growing season. Flower and leaf varieties should apply less nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the white or yellow markings on the leaves will become less obvious. Stop fertilizing when the ambient temperature is below 10 degrees. Fifth, lighting: hanging orchid prefer semi-overcast environment, can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round. Hanging orchids cultivated indoors should avoid strong direct sunlight and cover 50% to 70% of the sun. Only in this way can the leaves grow luxuriantly and the leaves look beautiful. Temperature: the orchid is resistant to high temperature. The suitable growth temperature is between 15-30 ℃, and the winter overwintering temperature is above 10 ℃. Humidity: like the moist environment, in order to make the orchid fresh and fresh green, you can often spray water to the leaves. 8. Pruning: cut off the yellow leaves at any time. The basin can be turned once a year in March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. Cutting off some of the old leaves of Cymbidium in the first and middle of May will promote the germination of more new leaves and small orchids. Note: too much fertilizer exceeds the requirement of the plant. At the beginning, the leaves are shiny and uneven, after the roots rot, the leaves will be yellow. Should stop fertilizing, irrigate more water, or turn the pot to clean the root and replace the new soil. If you don't turn the basin and change the soil for a long time. All kinds of nutrient elements in the basin soil have been exhausted, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have not been replenished in time, the plant is lack of nutrients, and the leaves are yellow and thin. Fertile loam and fertile water should be replaced in time. Although the orchid is a semi-negative flower, at least four hours of astigmatism should be seen every day, otherwise the chlorophyll will decrease and the leaves will turn yellow. If the air permeability and water permeability of the basin soil are poor, the water accumulation of the basin soil does not dry for a long time, and it is difficult for the root system to breathe, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves. The soil should be loosened and moisture should be controlled in time. Fifth, it is impervious to water for a long time. The roots of Cymbidium lose water, and the lower old leaves turn yellow. It should be watered thoroughly to keep the basin soil warm and moist. These are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Magnolia. At present, Cymbidium has been used as a potted plant in many people's families, especially after the house has just been decorated, putting one or two pots of Magnolia has a good effect on air improvement.