
Cultivation techniques of Badan wood

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of Badan wood

Padan wood is a very delicious nut, many people will confuse it with almonds. But in fact, the two kinds of nuts are completely different, and now the main planting base of Padan wood in our country is concentrated in the area. The cultivated area of Badan wood is also gradually increasing in our country, and there are many people who do not know what to do. So how should Badan wood be planted? The following editor brings you the cultivation techniques of Badan wood, let's have a look!

1. Choose a place to build a garden

Badan tree has a strong ability to tolerate barren, can grow normally in some barren soil, but the yield will be greatly reduced. Therefore, when we plant, we should choose the soil with deep soil layer and strong permeability, which can ensure the growth of Padan, enhance the growth ability and increase the yield. Padan wood is very vulnerable to late frost, so try to plant it on flat land where the wind is sheltered. It is not suitable to build a garden in the direction of the wind, otherwise it will have a certain impact on the growth of Padan wood.

2. Selection and planting

When selecting seeds, we should pay attention to selecting varieties that are suitable for growth according to the local climate and the surrounding environment. The planting time of Badan is generally in spring and autumn every year, and it should be carried out after falling leaves in autumn, and the soil and heat preservation should be done well after planting. In spring, it was planted after the soil temperature rose. When planting, we should pay attention to the planting density, not too dense, mainly according to the soil conditions and geographical conditions, about 35-50 trees per mu. It is necessary to dig the planting pit before planting, keep the root level with the ground during planting, fill the soil while stepping on the ground, and pour enough water after planting to strengthen the management.

3. Water and fertilizer management

After planting, it usually begins to bear fruit in the fourth year, and reaches the fruiting peak period after about six years. At the time of planting, it is necessary to do a good job of ploughing once a year, and combined with topdressing. And keep the garden free of weeds. Then base fertilizer is applied to young trees once a year, while adult trees can be applied once a year or so. The amount of fertilizer should be controlled according to different tree ages, and the older the tree is, the more fertilizer it will be. In addition to adequate watering after planting, it needs to be watered at least three times a year. However, moisture should not be too much, drainage should also be done well in the rainy season, and attention should be paid to better frozen water before entering winter.

4. Shaping and pruning

The branch growth ability of Padan is very strong, and it needs to be reshaped in the year of planting. Dwarfing the tree and crown, strengthening the skeleton and then increasing the opening angle of the crown and increasing the permeability can increase the yield. Trees at different growth stages have different pruning methods. For example, young fruit trees should do a good job of coring and promoting shoots when their new shoots grow to about 55 cm, increase the number of fruiting branches, and then remove excess branches. Cut off useless branches such as too long and dense, diseases and insect pests to prevent the consumption of too much nutrition and improve permeability.

The above is a brief introduction to the cultivation techniques of Padan wood. The risk of planting Badan wood is relatively large, so the investment cycle is long and sufficient funds are needed, so we must pay more attention to it when planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to all of you.