
A brief introduction to the efficacy, function and Culture methods of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are many kinds of herbs in nature, and the characteristics of each kind of herb are different. Have you ever heard of February orchid? February Lan is also called Zhuge vegetable.

There are many kinds of herbs in nature, and the characteristics of each kind of herb are different. Have you ever heard of February orchid? February Lan, also known as Zhuge vegetable, is said to have picked tender shoots as dishes when Zhuge Liang led the army to battle, so he got his name. In addition, because of the blue and purple flowers in the second month of the lunar calendar, it is named the second month orchid. So how much do you know about the efficacy and effect of February orchid? Do you know its breeding method? So let's learn more about it together with the editor.

The efficacy and function of Zhuge kudzu

1. Zhuge kudzu is rich in nutritional value.

Zhuge kudzu is rich in carotene and vitamins, which is a kind of flower with rich nutritional value. For people, it is edible and good for our health. The nutrient content of Zhuge kudzu is much higher than that of other flowers and even more than that of daily vegetables, which shows that it is rich in nutrients.

2. The seeds of Pueraria lobata can extract oil.

The whole body of Zhuge kudzu is covered with treasures, and almost all of them are edible, especially its seeds, which can be used to extract oil, which is one of the raw materials of rape oil. Today, with the rising oil prices, the competitiveness of salad oil is also slowly weakening. In terms of health and saving money, vegetable oil will certainly rise as a new force in the future.

3. The medicinal value of Zhuge vegetable.

Pueraria lobata can not only reduce the content of cholesterol in the body, but also clean the blood vessels and soften the blood vessels. This effect can avoid the formation of thrombus and reduce the incidence of some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, some people with three high levels of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as middle-aged and elderly, can often eat Zhuge vegetables, which can play a role in maintaining health.

A brief introduction to Eryuelan

In February, the orchid stem is erect and has only a single stem, the petals have fine veins, and most of the flowers are blue-purple or reddish. With the extension of the flowering period, the color of the flower gradually fades, and finally becomes white.

Orchid is a common wild vegetable in northern China. Its tender stems and leaves grow greatly and are rich in nutrition. Its tender leaves and stems are edible. After harvest, they only need to scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness and eat them. The seeds are collected together and can be used to extract oil. Therefore, every early spring season, there will be people who like game to enter the park or other wild fields full of Zhuge vegetables to dig Zhuge vegetables to eat. Excessive feeding will cause damage to the population of Zhuge.

Growth characteristics of Cymbidium

1. Strong cold resistance. Also more shade-resistant, used as ground cover, the covering effect is good, the chlorophyll is lush, a piece of green, make people like.

2. Strong adaptability. It can grow from Northeast and North China to East and Central China. In case of heavy frost and snow in winter, although some leaves will be frozen, they can still sprout, blossom and bear fruit in early spring. It is not strict with the soil.

3. Purple flowers bloom one after another from bottom to top, blooming continuously in May and June, especially when planted in groups, just like a blue-purple sea. Such as planting in the riverside, seawall, green leaves-sea of flowers-sea water-blue sky intertwined together, very spectacular.

4. Pueraria lobata has a strong ability of self-propagation, and it can form its own community every year after sowing. After the seeds mature from May to June every year, they fall into the soil, grow green seedlings in September, overwinter, blossom in late spring, seed in summer, and continue year after year. It is often planted in garden green space, forest belt, park, residential district and viaduct, and it is widely used as a place to watch flowers. The provenance is abundant, the price is cheap, sowing only a few cents per square meter. Therefore, it is adopted by many greening projects, parks and tourist attractions. Experts also suggest that February orchids should be planted in the airport, not only green in winter and purple flowers in spring, but also can continue to propagate without too much maintenance, and can be mixed with other plants, so it is a good variety with a variety of advantages.

Sowing method

First of all, prepare the potted soil and choose a medium-deep and wide flowerpot as far as possible, so that the effect is better. Put a mixture of garden soil, perlite and plant ash in the flowerpot and add a small amount of base fertilizer.

Sow the prepared seeds evenly in the basin, cover with a thin layer of soil, water thoroughly, cover the flowerpot with glass or film, ensure a certain temperature and humidity, normal management can. Replenish the sun in time when the seedlings grow.

The Culture method of Cymbidium

Water and fertilizer requirements

February orchid is a kind of wild vegetable, which is easy to manage. You don't need to be careful. Just remember to water it often.

February orchid like fertilizer, sufficient nutrients can make February orchid grow strong, but also promote flowering. Generally speaking, fertilizer should be applied four times a year: once for flower buds in early spring, once after flowers fade, once after fruit, and once before winter. Of course, in the growth process of February orchid, you can properly spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, the flower color will be more gorgeous, the fruit will be more full.

Change basin and trim

Potted February orchids have higher requirements for potted soil (not comparable to those planted in the open field), so they should be changed once a year during maintenance. Usually choose garden soil, perlite, plant ash, the right amount of base fertilizer.

In order to ensure a good ornamental effect of the orchid in February, it is necessary to control its unsturdiness, so pay attention to its pruning during the fruiting period, with its scissors 10-15 cm high. Don't be reluctant to give up!

Matters needing attention in February orchid culture

The maintenance method of February orchid is very simple, there are no strict requirements for temperature and humidity, as long as the environment is uncomfortable, it can grow well.

On the February orchid culture methods, efficacy and role of the editor has been introduced, if you like February orchid, you can pot culture February orchid, because its ornamental value is very high. When you are breeding, you must pay attention to the correct management methods, you can refer to the method introduced by Xiaobian to breed, which will make your February orchid leaves fat and flowers luxuriant. I hope the editor's introduction can help you all.