
What does the iron tree blossom represent the conditions for the iron tree to bloom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What does the iron tree blossom represent the conditions for the iron tree to bloom?

The iron tree blossoms presumably many friends have not seen it, the iron tree around us basically does not have the phenomenon of blooming, so how is the iron tree blooming? Iron tree blooming is very rare, so today we are going to enjoy some pictures of iron tree blooming, and what is the meaning of iron tree blooming?

I. the understanding of Tieshu

The maximum height of cycad-iron tree can grow to 8 meters high, which is equivalent to more than 2 stories. Potted stem lines are less developed, with a maximum height of 2 MULLY 3 meters. The stem of the iron tree is stout and cylindrical. Its surface is closely distributed with dark brown dried leaf bases and leaf scars. The stem of perennial plants often germinates from adventitious buds to small stems, which is called sucking buds. The roots are fleshy. The iron tree will blossom, probably in July and August. It is dioecious, the male flowers are yellow and the inflorescences are pine-shaped. Its female inflorescence is oblate, palmately shaped. After flowering can produce oval, slightly flat, scarlet full of luster.

Second, the growth environment

Iron trees like sunshine and are most suitable for growing in a warm, moist air with clear air. It is not resistant to severe cold, so it mainly grows in the north of the Yangtze River basin. If you plant iron trees in the north, you should avoid the fierce wind and sun in the spring and autumn season. Avoid stagnant water in the soil in extreme heat. Alkaline soil is easy to yellowing leaves, while acidic soil is the best time to grow. Strong fertilizer tolerance, poor soil is not conducive to growth, will not sprout. The iron tree has a long life but slow growth, with an increase of up to 2 centimeters a year.

Third, the implication of iron tree blossom

It is very rare and irregular for iron trees to blossom. So there is the saying that "thousands of years of iron trees blossom, ten thousand years of fruit trees will sprout". For this reason, iron trees blossom implies a symbol of auspiciousness, wealth and happiness. With a unique posture and upward characteristics, it brings people a bright hope of vitality and positive progress. It indicates that life is full of beauty, wealth and wealth.

IV. Key points for the maintenance of iron trees

Famous large and medium-sized evergreen foliage plants, potted or planted in large buckets. Pot soil is required to be well drained; liquid fertilizer is applied once every 3 weeks during the growing season; always keep the basin soil moist, but avoid stagnant water. Strong ability to withstand drought, not watering for many days will not have a big impact. Like plenty of sunshine, spring, summer, autumn three seasons moved to the outdoor sun cultivation. The new leaves must be cultivated in the sun during the germination period, otherwise the leaves will become slender and the plant shape will become bad. Dioecious plants can be seeded by artificial pollination after flowering. Like warmth, overwintering temperature above 5 ℃.

Conditions for the flowering of the iron tree

Lighting: like strong light, not resistant to shade (sufficient light).

Moisture: growing in moist soil.

Temperature: slightly cold-resistant, able to withstand-5 Murray 0 ℃ low temperature.

Humidity: medium relative humidity, 50% Murray 60%.

The above is the introduction of the knowledge related to the flowering of the iron tree. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!