
Planting techniques of Hawaiian fruits

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Hawaiian fruits

The scientific name of macadamia fruit is macadamia nut. As its name implies, macadamia fruit is native to Australia. However, after years of cultivation, there is now a certain cultivation area in tropical areas all over the world. The main cultivation areas in China are also located in Guangdong, Yunnan and other tropical provinces, and now the planting industry of Hawaiian fruit is constantly developing. So how to grow Hawaiian fruit? The following editor brings you the planting technology of Hawaiian fruit, let's have a look!

1. Select the place

Hawaiian fruit is a tropical cash crop with strong adaptability and is more suitable for planting on flat land. Although it is a tropical plant, the temperature should not exceed 34 degrees, and the winter temperature only needs to be kept above zero. Then select the soil with deep soft soil and rich humus, the soil PH value should be controlled at about 5, and the soil permeability should be strong, which can ensure normal water supply in summer drought. Finally, due to the poor wind resistance of Hawaiian trees, windbreaks should be established in areas where there are few strong winds and strong winds.

2. Selection and planting

The selection of varieties is very important, we should pay attention to its growth ability, wind resistance, yield and tree shape when selecting varieties. Usually the cultivation of Hawaiian fruit is based on clonal bud grafting, which is cultivated for about two years, and then ready to be planted in time. When planting, we should pay attention to avoid high temperature, rainy, dry weather, it is best to carry out after the rain, because this can promote the growth of young trees as soon as possible. We should control the planting density and keep the number of trees per mu within 35. And because Hawaiian fruit trees have a high chance of self-sterility, at least two or more varieties should be maintained per mu.

3. Young tree management

After successful planting, it is necessary to do a good job in the management of young trees, often watering to prevent soil drought and improve soil water content. Then, about two months after planting, the young trees should be fertilized properly according to the actual growth situation, and the principle of more topdressing should be maintained. When the new shoots of young trees are mature, they can begin to fertilize. In the first three years of planting, it is basically the young stage of Hawaiian fruit trees. During this time, if the terminal bud grows too vigorously, then the top should be properly cut off to remove the ineffective low-hanging branches, and no pruning can be done in the rest of the case.

4. Put into production tree management

After the third year, Hawaiian fruit trees will basically begin to bear fruit. At this time, Hawaiian fruit trees consume a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to press them reasonably when cleaning up the garden every winter, and then apply an appropriate amount of farm manure and compound fertilizer under each fruit tree. The amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the age of the fruit tree. the older the tree is, the more fertilizer will be used. The pruning work at this stage is mainly retracted, and low-hanging branches, overlong dense branches and branches of diseases and insect pests should be cut off in time. It can not only avoid consuming too much nutrition, but also improve the permeability of the tree.

Hawaiian fruit has a great demand for water, and it is necessary to keep the soil moist at all times during the flowering and fruiting period. if there is a shortage of water during the period of fruit oil accumulation, it will have a great impact on the quality and yield of Hawaiian fruit. When you find the leaves are weak and dim, you should water them in time. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.