
What kind of medicine is the most profitable to grow? Basic compilation of essential knowledge for growing Chinese Medicinal Materials to become Rich

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, with the decline in grain prices, many farmers in non-traditional medicine-growing areas want to change the passive situation of not making money by planting traditional Chinese medicine.

In recent years, with the decline in grain prices, many farmers in non-traditional medicine-growing areas want to change the passive situation of not making money by planting traditional Chinese medicine. Some farmers are eager to get rich and follow blindly, resulting in great losses. Today, the editor is here to talk to you about the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine planting and getting rich.

Authentic medicinal materials are the right way.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a special agricultural product, which has obvious regional characteristics and is authentic since ancient times. With the implementation of the New Pharmacopoeia in 2015, the issue of content has been raised to an unprecedented height. It is a major trend to respect tradition and grow authentic local traditional Chinese medicine. Do not blindly collect wild medicine varieties for planting. The content of seeds planted in wild Atractylodes macrocephala with cinnabar spots is well known. Growers are advised not to blindly buy seeds or seedlings of wild varieties at high prices, let alone blindly plant southern medicine to the north and move northern medicine to the south by price and other factors.

2. Select varieties according to local conditions

Different medicinal materials adapt to different growth environments.

1. The sandy loam with good drainage, thick soil layer and rich humus is the favorite of most medicinal materials.

two。 Barren mountains and bald mountains can plant dandelion, wild chrysanthemum, Scutellaria baicalensis, Fangfeng, Polygala, Cornus officinalis, forsythia, wild jujube, honeysuckle, Chuanshan dragon and other varieties with strong vitality.

3. Light saline-alkali sandy land can plant Shegan, honeysuckle, Sophora flavescens, sour jujube, burdock, Anemarrhena anemarrhena, licorice and so on.

4. Slightly sour sandy land can plant Fritillaria, Radix Astragali, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Atractylodes macrocephala, lily, peony, Aster, safflower and so on.

5. The main suitable varieties in arid areas are: Bupleurum, Polygala, Shegan, Chinese wolfberry and so on.

6. The clay land should avoid rhizomes and choose whole grass or fruit seeds such as Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Trichosanthes kirilowii, Coix seed, peppermint, patchouli, perilla, cassia seed and so on.

7. Light less shade and moist ground can plant Artemisia angustifolia, Radix Pseudostellariae, Baibu, Angelica, Codonopsis pilosula, Di Ding, Scutellaria barbata, Fritillaria and so on.

8. Barren land suitable varieties are: Solanum nigrum, cassia seed and so on.

3. Select varieties according to your ability

1. Beginners choose bulk varieties that are easy to manage. The layman's impression is that the profit of a kind of medicine is big, the investment is also big, and the risk is also great. In fact, there are herbs called herbs, as the name implies, plants that can grow like grass, such as plantain, motherwort, alternanthera philoxeroides, wormwood, Solanum nigrum, snake seed, purslane and so on. People who do not know this kind of medicinal materials are collectively referred to as "grass". If they have no planting experience, they can choose low-cost land and plant bulk herbs with strong vitality and easy management. although the price of this kind of medicinal materials is lower, the success rate is higher. However, pay attention to the selection of small varieties, because the amount of small varieties is small, the market capacity is small, and the market fluctuation is large.

two。 Those who have experience can choose rhizome varieties with slightly more complicated management. Input and output are usually proportional to output. If you have some planting experience, you can choose varieties with larger investment and more complicated management, such as Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz and Pinellia ternata. Because of the high threshold of planting and processing, the planting area is limited, the price is high and stable, and the income is considerable.

3. Those with generous funds should plant varieties with a longer growth cycle. Shegan, Scutellaria baicalensis, Bupleurum, Yuanzhi, Radix Paeoniae Rubra and other growth cycle of more than two years, these varieties because of the long capital recovery cycle, many retail investors are not willing to plant, so the output is stable and the price is stable.

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