
The culture method of tortoise back bamboo points for attention in the culture of tortoise back bamboo

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The culture method of tortoise back bamboo points for attention in the culture of tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise-backed bamboo is a kind of radiation-proof plant. With its elegant and elegant feeling, it attracts the attention of many flower friends, and more and more people include it as a potted indoor ornamental plant. The following editor introduces the culture method of tortoise back bamboo.

The culture method of tortoise back bamboo:

1. Lighting: tortoise back bamboo originally grew in the tropical rain forest, like a warm environment, can not be placed in the sun exposure environment, in order to appear withered leaves. It needs to be placed in a place of sunlight scattering in summer.

2. Temperature: suitable for growing in warm and humid places, shady and not cold-resistant, room temperature not less than 5 ℃ in winter, will be frozen, it can be moved into the greenhouse. When the temperature is less than 10 ℃, the growth will be delayed, and the best temperature range is between 20 and 25 ℃.

3. Watering: because the leaves are relatively large, which leads to the rapid loss of water, it is necessary to often water, keep the soil moist, and must not be too waterlogged and rot the roots. in summer, spray water on the leaves 3-5 times a day, so as not to cause branches and leaves not to grow. It is reasonable to control the amount of water, irrigate more water in dry hot days and prosperous periods, and water as little as possible in winter and seedlings.

4. Fertilization: the growth of tortoise back bamboo needs sufficient fertilizer. In the peak period of growth, fertilizer is applied about once every two weeks. The amount of fertilizer should be controlled to maintain its beauty.

5, diseases and insect pests: its diseases generally have stem blight, leaf spots, gray spots and other diseases, often have shell insect diseases, usually need to strengthen prevention and control, usually use an old toothbrush to clean the surface, and then spray 1000 times of omethoate.

Points for attention in culturing tortoise-backed bamboos:

1. Like warmth and avoid severe cold: tortoise back bamboo is native to the Mexican rainforest. It likes warm environment and avoids freezing cold weather. The temperature above 5 ℃ will not suffer frost damage, and the temperature above 12 ℃ will grow well.

2. Like shade and cool and avoid strong light: the tortoise back bamboo has a strong ability to tolerate shade. In the semi-shade environment, it grows rapidly, grows vigorously, the aerial root is well developed, the leaf is hypertrophy, and the leaf color is bright and dark green.

3. Like wetting and avoiding waterlogging: tortoise back bamboo likes to grow in a humid ecological environment. There are many Rain Water in the south, if the waterlogging accumulation time is too long, there will be rotten roots, rotten stems and leaves.

4. Bogey lean soil: tortoise back bamboo likes fertile soil, especially fertile sandy loam. Although it can grow on thin red and yellow soil, its growth becomes weaker, tree posture is deformed, leaves become smaller and leaf color becomes lighter, which affects the ornamental effect.

5. Like soil fertilizer and avoid chemical fertilizer: tortoise back bamboo often applies organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, artificial organic fertilizer, livestock and poultry manure, soil fertilizer and so on. Its tree is strong, the leaves are as big as plates, the leaves are thick, and the leaves are dark green and glowing, especially the tortoise shell pattern is more clear.

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