
The cause of yellowing of the leaves of iron tree and its control measures

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The cause of yellowing of the leaves of iron tree and its control measures

Iron tree is a very popular green plant, which has been widely concerned by people, so what are the breeding methods for iron tree? I believe we also want to know the answer to this question, through the study of iron tree knowledge so that we can better apply it to our daily life.

The method of potted culture of iron tree

Iron tree pot culture method: watering, spring and summer growth period, the basin should be kept moist, but can not be waterlogged. When it is hot in summer, you should often spray foliar water to keep the leaf color bright green. The iron tree enters the dormant period in winter, the water absorption capacity is very small, the basin soil should be dry, if the basin soil is too wet, it will lead to rotten roots.

Iron tree pot culture method: put in the environment, iron tree should be placed in a sunny, warm, moist, well-ventilated place. It is appropriate to spend the winter indoors in winter. if you overwinter outdoors to the south of the Yangtze River, the plants should be wrapped in buns, straw bags and plastic bags. Or cut off all the leaves and put them in the sunny shelter.

Iron tree pot culture method: fertilization, vigorous growth season, should often apply topdressing, mainly nitrogen and potash fertilizer. It is better to use rotten cake to fertilize and water. Fertilization should pay attention to the frequent application of thin fertilizer, do not be too thick. In order to promote the dark green and glossy leaves, an appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate solution can be added to the fertilizer.

Iron tree pot culture method: pruning, iron tree bonsai in order to look beautiful, the old leaves and withered yellow leaves should be cut off every other year, and the leaves that are too dense or too long should also be trimmed according to the situation to keep the tree shape symmetrical.

The pot culture method of iron tree: turn the pot, turn the basin every 2-3 years, and the suitable time is from March to April in spring. Combined with turning the soil to change the basin, cut off the withered roots and bad roots, remove the old soil, replace it with fertile and loose new soil, and cultivate the soil to make the plant grow vigorously. At the same time, attention should be paid to emptying the basin floor to facilitate ventilation and water penetration.

Iron tree pot culture methods: pest control, iron tree dry and hard leaves, fewer diseases and insect pests. There are mainly shell insects, which can be washed and killed manually. Sometimes the leaves turn yellow and can be irrigated with 1% ferrous sulfate diluent. Note the placement place, ventilated and transparent, clean and hygienic, can prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

The causes of yellowing of Iron Tree leaves and its treatment

1. Water yellow: it is caused by excessive watering, which is characterized by no obvious change of old leaves and yellowing of young leaves, which should be controlled immediately.

2. Dry and yellow. Due to water shortage and drought, it is characterized by the yellow of the old leaves from the bottom up. If the water shortage time is a little longer, the whole plant will be yellow, or even die, so it should be watered in time.

3. Fat yellow. Caused by excessive fertilization or high concentration; characterized by thick, shiny and uneven young leaves; fertilizer, ploughing and watering should be controlled

4. Hungry yellow. It is caused by insufficient fertilizer, low fertilization concentration, and long interval of fertilization; it is characterized by yellow young leaves and tender stems. If you do not apply fertilizer in time after seeing this phenomenon, it will cause yellow leaves and even death of the whole plant. For flowers lacking fertilizer, do not apply a large amount of thick fertilizer at one time, so as not to cause root burning.

5. Iron deficient yellow leaves. Due to the great change of soil fertility conditions, the phenomenon of yellow leaves often appears in the greenhouse, which is characterized by obvious young leaves, light old leaves, yellow mesophyll, green veins and a typical network, which can be solved by using ferrous sulfate solution. the method is as follows: 7 parts of cake fertilizer, 5 parts of ferrous sulfate and 200 parts of water.

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