
How to spend the winter with jasmine how to cultivate jasmine

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Jasmine originated in India, sexual love sunshine, whether winter or summer to ensure adequate sunshine, so there is a "sun-immortal jasmine" said. If there is not enough sunshine, Mo.

Jasmine originated in India, sexual love sunshine, whether winter or summer to ensure adequate sunshine, so there is a "sun-immortal jasmine" said. If there is not enough sunshine, the leaves of jasmine will become big and thin, the color will become lighter, the branches will be longer, the flowers will be rare and the fragrance will be lighter. Next, the editor of Wuhan Decoration Network will take you to understand the breeding methods of jasmine and how to spend the winter.

I. the culture method of jasmine

Little knowledge of jasmine:

1. The jasmine is handed down from ancient Persia in the Han Dynasty. Its name is transliteration, and the ancient books may be unprofitable, maoli, Mouli and so on. Jinji contains "southern vegetation": "Nashi camellia (that is, Jasminum) and jasmine, all Hu people transplant the South China Sea from the Western region, and southerners love their fragrance and compete for them."

2. Jasmine is cultivated in China, first in the South China Sea, then in Guangdong and Yunnan, and then all over the country. By the Song Dynasty, it had been widely cultivated. In the Ming Dynasty, the jasmine was used to "steam the oil to extract the liquid, which was used as the head of the noodle fat". Chao Dynasty, used for scenting tea, and Magnolia, Magnolia, daidai, become one of the four camellias. Nowadays, planting is most common in Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places.

Growth habits of jasmine:

The main results are as follows: 1. Jasmine flowers like to be warm and humid, especially when they are hot and humid in summer.

2. Its optimum growth temperature is 2535 degrees Celsius. Afraid of cold, sensitive to low temperature, the minimum temperature can not be lower than 3 degrees Celsius, short-term light frost, that is, it can cause leaf damage and fall off.

3. Like light, afraid of shade, especially suitable for growth and development under direct strong light and long sunshine, and the fragrance of flowers is the strongest. But also resistant to semi-shade, in the shade, the plant leaves light color, slender branches, few flowers, light aroma.

4. Like fertile, loose, slightly acidic sandy and semi-sandy soil, afraid of barren, heavy clayey and alkaline soil. Fear of drought, fear of waterlogging, it is appropriate to keep the soil moist, stagnant water or drought can affect growth and development.

5. Although jasmine has extensive adaptability, it still has relative requirements for its living environmental conditions, such as temperature, light, soil and moisture.

Requirements for jasmine culture:


1. Jasmine has a warm tone, is afraid of cold, and is quite sensitive to temperature. In general, when the daily average temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius, the root system begins to grow slowly, when the daily average temperature is about 19 degrees Celsius, the branches begin to sprout, and when the daily average temperature is above 23 degrees Celsius, they can give birth to buds and form flowers.

2. The temperature of 25-35 ℃ is the best temperature for jasmine growth, and 32-37 degrees Celsius is the most suitable temperature for flowering. If the temperature is lower than 9 degrees Celsius for a month in a row, a large number of leaves will fall.

3. If the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius, there is a risk of freezing to death. Therefore, family potted jasmine, when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, should do a good job of anti-freezing and warm work to protect it safely through the winter.


The main results are as follows: 1. Jasmine is fond of light and is afraid of shade, especially direct strong light and long day light, which is more suitable for its growth and development. If the light is sufficient, the branches are thick and leaves are thick, the leaves are dark green, the flowers are many and large, the aroma is rich, the resistance to diseases and insect pests is strong, the diseases and insect pests are less, and the cold resistance is also strong.

2. if the sunlight is insufficient, the branches are thin and weak, the leaves are thin and yellow, easy to fall off, the flowers are small and few, the aroma is weak, the disease resistance is weak, and the cold resistance is also poor. According to the experimental determination, when the light time is too little or too little, the jasmine plant can not conceive buds.


1. Jasmine likes loose, fertile, slightly acidic sandy and semi-sandy soil, and is afraid of barren, sticky and alkaline soil. Because the root growth of the plant is relatively developed, in the process of plant growth and development, especially in the flowering stage, it needs to absorb a lot of nutrients and water from the soil, so it is required to use deep, fertile and loose sandy loam.

2. Planted in deep, fertile and loose sandy loam, the plant is strong and the flower quality is good. If the soil used has poor air permeability, low fertility and lack of organic matter, the root growth will be hindered, the plant will be short, the stem and branch will be slender, and the flowering will be small.


1. Jasmine is afraid of drought and waterlogging. If poor drainage, the formation of long-term stagnant water or drought, will affect the growth and development of plants. Due to different varieties, the requirements for water are also different.

2. The root system of single jasmine is deep and dry, while the root system of double jasmine is prosperous, but the depth of penetration is not as deep as that of single jasmine, so it requires more water because it is less tolerant to drought.

Propagation method of jasmine flower:

The propagation of jasmine is usually done by cutting. This method has the advantages of high reproduction coefficient, high survival rate, convenient management and so on. Cutting propagation is divided into two kinds: hardwood defence and tender wood cuttage.

Hardwood cutting method of jasmine flower:

1. Cutting time: generally at the end of March. At this time, the temperature began to rise, the sap began to flow, and the trees began to germinate and grow. At this time, the cuttings had faster callus, faster growth and higher survival rate.

2. Selection of cuttings: it is better to have strong, disease-free and pest-free branches in 2023. The surface of this branch is grayish white. The selection of cuttings, generally combined with mother plant pruning, is selected from the pruned branches.

3. Cuttage length: cut the selected branches into 10-15cm branches, cut the upper end flat, and cut the lower end into an oblique shape. Inserted in a loose, fertile basin with good drainage performance. After cutting, within one and a half months, it is necessary to achieve the watering method of "a small amount and many times", that is, watering frequently and watering less, in order to keep the basin soil "dry and wet", that is, the moist state of neither dry nor wet, which is beneficial to the callus and rooting of cuttings, which is the key to the survival of cuttings.

The method of softwood cutting of jasmine flower:

The main results are as follows: 1. The cutting time is from May to August. At this time, the branches have formed a semi-lignified state, the growth is exuberant, and the survival rate after cutting is very high.

2. Cutting soil: the culture soil of cutting can be sifted by tapping, but must be mixed with 40% of rice husk ash or fine gravel, or the culture soil of planting jasmine, the fine soil after sifting. Generally speaking, the requirements of cultivated soil should be fine, loose, fertile and good drainage performance.

3. Cuttage basin: a small basin with an optional diameter of about 22 cm. On the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, cross-cover two pieces of broken basin to block the soil and not block the water; spread a layer of 3 cm thick granular soil, fill the soil particles with culture soil, and gently vibrate the basin to make the basin soil solid.

4. Selection of cuttings: the tender green branches growing in the same year are selected to grow healthily, with at least 3 pairs of leaves. The method of ear selection is to cut off a net branchlet together with an old branch, and then cut it from the middle to form two cuttings (figure 21), and then cut off a pair of leaves at the base of the cuttings. This method is called "heel cutting", that is, with a small section of old branches, after cutting, it is easy to heal and survive. It should be noted that the cuttings must be cut along with the cuttings, not stored for too long, otherwise, it will cause a large amount of water loss of cuttings, and can not survive after insertion.

5. Softwood cuttings, such as early jasmine seedlings, can also blossom in a small amount in the same year.

Second, how to spend the winter with jasmine

The main points of jasmine overwintering management are as follows:

1. Control room temperature:

In the north, jasmine is moved indoors and placed in sunny rooms before the cold dew festival every year. In the whole winter, the lowest temperature at night is 12 °C-14 °C, and the highest temperature in daytime is 18 °C-20 °C. Pay attention to proper ventilation, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf shedding and rotting roots. Generally speaking, the window should be slightly opened for ventilation at noon on a sunny day.

2. Proper watering:

Watering is the key to the growth of potted jasmine. Winter jasmine has entered a semi-dormant state, the amount of water absorbed and evaporated is very small, watering should be controlled. If overwatering, it often causes rotten roots, leaves yellowing and death of fallen leaves. But watering can not be too little, it is generally seen that the basin soil is watered once when it is dry and hard, in order to keep the basin soil slightly moist.

3. Stop fertilizing:

The temperature in northern China is low in winter, and jasmine is in a semi-dormant state in winter, so fertilization should be stopped. Fertilization is generally stopped in October.

4. Pest control:

Due to poor indoor ventilation in winter, red spiders and shell insects are easy to occur, which harm the young branches and leaves of the top tip and affect their growth and ornamental. 1500-2000 times of "1059" solution is often sprayed on the leaves or the whole plant. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to observe the occurrence of diseases and insects and apply medicine to the symptoms.

Cultivation and management methods of jasmine:

Jasmine flowers on the pot:

1. Before putting on the pot, two things must be done: the preparation of the culture soil and the selection of the flowerpot.

2. Culture soil is the basis of flower growth and flowering. Potted jasmine flowers are planted in potted soil with limited nutrients, which requires that the potted soil is rich in organic matter. According to the requirements of jasmine growth habits, the soil must also have good water retention, water discharge and loose air permeability.

4, soil and plant raw materials, such as fallen leaves, vegetable peel, pericarp, green grass, bran, animal raw materials, such as chicken, duck, pigeon dung, barnyard manure, animal offal, feathers, fish scales, fish belly intestines, bone meal, residual water for washing fish and meat, etc., layer by layer in the tank, that is, a layer of soil-layer animal and plant raw materials, stacked and compacted, after more than half a year of fermentation rot, can be used. If the soil is sticky, you can mix in the right amount of fine sand. The composition proportion of cultivated soil is generally 4 parts of soil, 4 parts of compost and 2 parts of fine sand.

5. in winter, the topsoil or vegetable garden soil and ditch mud of the paddy field are frozen and loosely reformed, that is, they are frozen and exposed for a period of time in the cold winter, and then mixed with rice chaff ash. Among them, 7 were from soil and 3 from ash.

6. Use scorched soil ash, that is, 7 parts of turf mud and 3 parts of sand, which have been accumulated and smoked, and mix them fully.

7. The flowerpot of jasmine pot is generally selected as the plain burning mud pot. The pot wall of the burning mud basin is porous and permeable, which is conducive to the control of the dry and wet degree of the basin soil, and is more suitable for the growth of jasmine root system. On the other hand, the glaze basin and porcelain basin have smooth wall and poor water and air permeability, which is disadvantageous to the growth of jasmine root system. As for the size of the pot, generally speaking, the diameter of the flowerpot is slightly smaller than that of the crown, that is, slightly less than the distribution range of branches and leaves of the plant. When planting, first prune the seedlings properly, cut off the dead branches, and appropriately cut off individual long roots, so as to make the roots symmetrical around, which can promote the balanced growth of the roots.

Jasmine watering:

1. According to the habit of jasmine flowers that like to be moist, afraid of stagnant water and breathable, watering mastered the principle of "basin soil is not watered, soil is dry and immediately watered". Soil drying refers to the whitening of basin soil surface. Watering should be thoroughly watered, thoroughly watered and drained, so that the basin soil is dry, wet and wet alternately, because jasmine not only needs water, but also can not lack of air. If the potted soil is often wet and the air cannot enter the human soil, the jasmine plant will not grow well or even die due to lack of oxygen. Jasmine watering must be determined according to the season, climate and the growth of jasmine. In the case of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it can be roughly mastered as follows:

2. From the middle of March to the first ten days of April, the roots of jasmine begin to move after overwintering, and can be watered once every 3-5 days.

From mid-April to mid-May, the temperature began to warm up, but the temperature was not high; the jasmine plant was branching and growing leaves, and the water consumption was not very high. At this time, it can be watered once every 2-3 days, from 10:00 to 2 pm every day. But during this time, Julie's branches and leaves continue to grow, the temperature is gradually rising, and the amount of water is also increasing.

At this time, it can be watered once every two days, before 10:00 in the morning and after 3: 00 p.m. in the afternoon. During this period of time, watering should also be flexible, such as more watering on sunny and windy days, and less watering on cloudy days.

From mid-June to late August, it is the "three volts" hot summer weather, the temperature is the hottest, jasmine flowers are also in the blooming period, water ft is very large. During this period, we should not only water it every day, but also water it thoroughly, even once in the morning and once in the afternoon. When watering, you should also pay attention to sprinkling water on the leaves. Only in this way can we prolong the flowering period and make the aroma more intense. However, there are often showers during this period, such as stagnant water in the basin, it should be poured out in time.

In June, September and October, the temperature decreased gradually, although the jasmine was blooming in autumn, but the number of flowers decreased gradually, and the growth activity was also weakening. At this time, it can be watered once a day or two. In case of continuous autumn rain, stagnant water appears in the basin, it should be dumped in time, or you can use thin wire to drill 1 or 2 small holes in the basin soil to facilitate the discharge of Rain Water.

Starting from July and November, when the temperature turns cold, attention should be paid to controlling moisture to promote the growth and fullness of branches in preparation for safe overwintering. When the weather is dry, it can be watered once every 3 to 5 days.

From late November to early March of the following year, jasmine is protected from cold and overwintering. At this time, water must be strictly controlled; otherwise, too much watering will lead to a decrease in soil temperature, which is not conducive to the safe overwintering of plants. Generally, it can be watered once in 5 to 10 days. It depends on where the pot trees are placed, that is, the pot trees placed in the sunny part of the window are watered once every 5 to 7 days; the pot trees placed in the shade can be watered once in about 10 days, so that the basin soil can always be moderately moist.

Fertilization of jasmine:

1. In jasmine potted plants, rational fertilization is the key to raising potted plants and increasing flowering. In ordinary families, there are a wide range of sources of fertilizer, and the methods of self-made dry fertilizer and liquid fertilizer have been introduced in the previous flowers, but they will not be stated here.

2. The proportion of fully mature self-made fertilizer, human and animal manure fertilizer and water: 2 parts of fertilizer and 8 parts of water. Cake fertilizer, such as bean cake, vegetable cake, etc., can also be mashed into powder without fermentation and used directly. The method of use can be applied either dry or after soaking. The quantity used is generally 25 grams of cake fertilizer for each pot. Granular fertilizers sold in flower and tree shops can also be used in accordance with the instructions.

3. The principles of reasonable fertilization should be grasped due to time, plant, fertilizer type and so on. The method of "applying thin fertilizer frequently" is generally adopted, and less is applied to small plants and more to big plants.

4. the time of fertilization should be controlled flexibly, and it is generally appropriate to apply fertilizer before the evening. When fertilizing, the basin soil should not be too dry, such as too dry, that is, the basin soil is white, which is not only easy to burn the roots of pot plants, but also not conducive to plant absorption of fertilizer. Therefore, fertilization should be combined with watering, such as fertilization in the evening, should be in the next morning, do not have to wait for the basin soil to dry, timely watering, this is called "backwater", which is conducive to the full absorption of fertilizer by the plant. If the misuse of "raw fertilizer" or excessive concentration of fertilizer burns the roots of potted plants, resulting in scorched yellow at the tip and edge of leaves, loss of drooping leaves under water, and a large number of fallen leaves, measures should be taken immediately to "de-fertilize". Wash the potted soil with clean water for 2 or 3 times, watering the landscape more, so that the raw fertilizer or overly thick fat will leak out from the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. at the same time, put the pot in the shade, stop fertilization, after 5-7 days, wait for the new root of the plant to grow again, and then put it back to the original place.

The jasmine turns the pot to change the soil:

The main results are as follows: 1. After 2-3 years of growth, the roots of jasmine potted plants are knotted in the potted soil, and the physical and chemical properties of the cultivated soil have become worse, and the available nutrients have been significantly reduced, which will seriously affect the continued growth of jasmine plants, with thin branches and leaves and obvious reduction of flowering. Some only grow branches and leaves, rarely blossom, or even no flowering. At this time, the basin should be turned in time to change the soil.

2. the time to turn the basin can be chosen in the late spring, when the jasmine will have begun to sprout and branch, it is appropriate to turn the basin in early May in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Zhejiang and Shanghai, not too early, so as not to increase the number of Hu branches. The new soil used for turning pots should be slightly thicker than that used when planting coffin seedlings. The newly used flowerpot, as mentioned earlier, should fill the broken tiles or broken pots on the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, and then spread a layer of coarse-grained culture soil on the bottom of the basin.

Jasmine shaping and pruning:

This can not only make the shape beautiful and improve the ornamental value, but also promote the jasmine pot to sprout early, blossom early and blossom more and better. 1. To fight for the surface layer of 2 cm thick old-fashioned.

2. Picking leaves:

In the areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the daily average temperature has reached about 10 degrees Celsius around early April, so jasmine pots should be generally picked. The specific method is to wait for the basin soil to dry, except for the 2-3 branches retained on the plant and 2 strong old leaves at the top.

3. Pruning:

Including pruning and plastic surgery. While picking leaves, pruning, cutting off withered branches, disease and insect branches, old branches and thin branches. Generally speaking, jasmine can grow five branches in a year: the first cutting is strong, the second is strong, and the fourth and fifth cutting is very thin and weak. When pruning, the fourth and fifth cutting twigs can be cut off (figure 27). Because of these thin and weak branches, they can not give birth to a large number of flowers, which not only wastes nutrition, but also affects ventilation and light, which is not conducive to the growth of potted plants.

4. Picking buds:

Before and after Lesser Fullness of Grain, the new shoots were budding, and then the buds were born for the first time. At this time, the temperature is still low, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the flower camp is stunted, the flower is small, and the fragrance is poor. In order to avoid wasting plant nutrients, promote the emergence of more new shoots, and give birth to more and better buds, these first flowers should be removed in time before they develop and grow, including the buds at the top of the branches (figure 28).

5. Pick the heart:

The jasmine pot plant, after growing in 2012, often produces several long branches from the base of the plant. This kind of person grows branches and usually does not grow buds and blossom. In order to transform the long branch of the apprentice into a flower branch, the heart must be removed (figure 30). The length of the coring is to make the left part equal to that of the main stem, usually cutting off the top of the branch with 2-3 pairs of leaflets. After picking the heart, the lower part of the cut mouth will usually pull out 4 or 8 new branches and grow buds on the tip of the branch. This treatment can not only blossom more, but also be beneficial to the transformation of branches.