
Management techniques in the first year of planting Lycium barbarum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chinese wolfberry planting management technology in that year author: I Lali. Chinese wolfberry of Shanbuke is a perennial shrub cash crop that is tolerant to drought, poor hemorrhoids and saline-alkali.

Planting and Management techniques of Lycium barbarum in the same year

Author: I pull. Yeah, Shan Buick.

Lycium barbarum is a perennial shrub economic crop with tolerance to drought, poor hemorrhoids and saline-alkali. It has strong adaptability and likes sunshine. It can be planted in sandy loam and barren saline-alkali soil. The annual dormancy period of Lycium barbarum is from November of that year to March of next year. The annual growth period is 7 months, that is, April to October of each year. There are two large-scale flowering and fruiting periods in a year, flowering in late April, fruit picking in late June, another flowering in late August and harvest in mid-September.

1. Establishment of Chinese wolfberry orchard.

The construction of the garden is selected in the plain where the soil is deep, the content of soil organic matter is more than 1%, and the slope is less than 5%. The first thing is to carry out planning, install water and electricity equipment (including drip irrigation facilities), arrange main roads, operation roads, and shelterbelt around the planting site, play the role of improving microclimate and preventing wind.

2. Seedling preparation

Complete, no damage to the seedlings, do a good deal before fixing, and then plant, for the seedlings that can not be planted in time, dig a deep ditch of 15-20cm, bury the roots of the seedlings down, bury the soil in the soil, and then tread the soil with your feet for pseudo-planting, which should be high-lying and shady.

3. Pruning before planting

The seedlings should be pruned before planting, cut off the lateral branches of the stem to promote the new branches, then dilute ABT rooting powder or mononaphthalene acetic acid to 15-20ppm, soak the seedlings for 12-24 hours and then colonize.

4. Planting method

Before planting, the ditch was dug according to the distance of row spacing 3m, the ditch depth 40cm, the ditch width 60cm, and the planting hole along the ditch according to the distance of 1.5m (wide 40cm, deep 40cm, the bottom of the hole should be the same as the width of the hole surface, the root system of the seedling was extended and the root could not be nestled during planting, one person supported the seedling, one person filled the soil, and finally stepped on the ground. The depth of planting seedlings is the same as that of growing in the original nursery. Drip irrigation belt should be laid after planting, and water should be dripped through one side in time.

5. Management of Chinese wolfberry orchard

April management: a drip should be carried out in the middle and last ten days of April, the dripping depth should be more than 30cm, and the general dripping time is 6-8 hours.

Management in May: when the seedlings grow rapidly in May, it is necessary to set up support poles for the young trees. The practice is to use an upright stick, insert it along the root, tie the trunk branch to the stick with a rope, and let the young trees grow upright. Remove the weeds from the garden. In order to accelerate the growth of roots and shoots, urea and diammonium phosphate 10kg are applied per mu, dripping water on one side after fertilization, so that the fertilizer can be dissolved in time, which is beneficial to the full absorption of young trees.

June Management:

Summer pruning is carried out in June. Pruning 2-3 times a month, select 3-4 lateral branches as trunk branches, cut short at the 20cm from the center of the tree, and then grow new branches at the cut mouth, which will enrich the crown according to the angle. If the angle of the trunk branch is less than 30 degrees, the sparse branches between 30 and 40 degrees can be reserved as fruit branches, the dense branches can be properly thinned, and the branches with an angle greater than 40 degrees can not be cut. The young trees planted that year blossomed in July to remove the grass from the ground, dripping water on one side, ploughing and weeding after dripping water to keep the soil ventilated and ventilated.

Aphids, fly mites and mite mites were found in Chinese wolfberry orchard. 2000 times solution of imidacloprid was selected and sprayed once in advance to prevent them. If the Lycium barbarum fly mite is infected, the leaf surface is sprayed with 2000-2500 times solution of pyridaben, 2-3 times every 7 days, and it is found that the Chinese wolfberry mites are sprayed with pyridabine EC or 2000-2500 times solution of pyridaben continuously 3-4 times every 7 days, which can effectively control pests in the growing period of young trees.

July management: July is the exuberant growth period of worship, and it is the key period to cultivate the tree crown. Therefore, the tree is trimmed with a tree shape of three floors, with a height of 1.8-2m and a crown width of 1.5m. At this time, the foundation was laid for the cultivation of the first layer of crown in the coming year. The first layer of crown was formed on the central trunk above the ground 70cm, leaving 3-5 branches until there were different numbers of fruiting branches on the main branches of the top, and 3-5 branches were left at the spacing of 40cm, and the second and third layers of branches were cultivated.

Drip 4-6 times from July to August. Because the weather is hot, the ground evaporation is large, and the soil water retention is poor, we should observe the soil moisture and the water demand of seedlings in time, and drop water several times more.

In mid-July, young Chinese wolfberry trees grow buds the size of Chinese wolfberry. The flowering period of Chinese wolfberry is 3-5 days. On the first day, the flowers are in bud, blooming on the second day, forming small flowers in the shape of purple pentagram. The purple gradually changes to white on the third day, brown on the 4th and 5th day, slowly falling off and leaving the pulp of the first fruit, and then the young fruit bears turquoise.

Management from August to September: the fruit of Chinese wolfberry planted in the middle and last ten days of August can be picked when the fruit becomes bright red because of its short growth time and relatively few branches and flowers. Mainly manual picking, one hand to support the fruit branch, the other to gently pinch the fruit, can not pick Guoba leaves.

October management: after fruit picking, the branches grown in the young forest of Lycium barbarum were cut short and retracted, which was beneficial to the stout branches. In the spring and autumn season must apply a basic fertilizer, choose completely mature high-quality farm manure, such as: cow dung, sheep dung can. From 20cm to the root of the young tree, dig a fertilizer hole or open a ditch around the young tree for fertilization, the depth is 20-30cm, fill the fertilizer and cover the soil flat. The amount of fertilizer applied per mu is 3000kg, which can not only expand the growth of the crown, but also meet the fertilizer needs of young trees during overwintering.

November management: Chinese wolfberry garden into the winter dormancy period, this is the best use of water diversion for a flood irrigation, there is no flooding condition, dripping side, dripping thoroughly, the general dripping time is 10-12 hours. Providing sufficient water to the young trees in winter is beneficial to the crown expansion and root system development of the young trees. When the average temperature is lower than-3 ℃, the leaves of Chinese wolfberry fall off, and then Chinese wolfberry officially enters the winter dormancy period.

Released by Chinese wolfberry website (