
Japan lists the latest list of anti-cancer vegetables

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many people know that vegetables can supplement the nutrients the body needs, but little is known about the anti-cancer effects of vegetables. Recently, the United States, Japan and other scientific research.

Many people know that vegetables can supplement the nutrients the body needs, but little is known about the anti-cancer effects of vegetables. Recently, scientific studies in the United States and Japan have confirmed that scientific consumption of vegetables plays a positive role in cancer prevention.

Japan lists anti-cancer vegetables

The anticancer effect of vegetables has always been the focus of scientists all over the world. As early as 1995, American biologists found that people who ate more cauliflower had a much lower risk of bowel cancer and lung cancer, while British scientists confirmed the anti-cancer effects of broccoli.

Recently, scientists from the National Cancer Prevention Institute of Japan have conducted a more comprehensive and detailed study on the anti-cancer effects of vegetables. They tracked the dietary habits of 260000 people and found that vegetables did have a certain anti-cancer effect, and 20 kinds of vegetables with obvious inhibitory effect on tumor cells were excreted from high to low.

They are: cooked sweet potato, raw sweet potato, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant skin, sweet pepper, carrot, golden needle, shepherd's purse, tomato, green onion, garlic, cucumber and cabbage.

In response, Chen Xiafei, chief dietitian of the Nutrition Department of East China Hospital in Shanghai, told the Life Times that nutritionists have always regarded vegetables as an important source of vitamins and trace elements for the human body, but studies in recent years have indeed found that there are some phytochemicals in vegetables that can inhibit carcinogens and cancer-promoting factors to a certain extent, so as to better prevent cancer.

Different vegetables have different anti-cancer effects.

However, different vegetables can prevent different kinds of cancer. This time, the National Cancer Prevention Institute of Japan also distinguished the anticancer functions of vegetables on the list.

Sweet potatoes prevent colon and breast cancer. Scientists have found that sweet potatoes contain a chemical called hydroepiandrosterone, which can be used to prevent colon and breast cancer.

Tomatoes prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer. The researchers pointed out that lycopene in tomato can promote the secretion of some cytokines with anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects, and activate the killing effect of lymphocytes on cancer cells. At the same time, studies have shown that the intake of appropriate amount of lycopene can also reduce the incidence of prostate cancer, breast cancer and other cancers, and can also prevent gastric cancer and lung cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables can prevent stomach cancer. Glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and cauliflower can induce the formation of an enzyme with detoxification in the body. Regular consumption can prevent the occurrence of gastric cancer, lung cancer and esophageal cancer.

In addition, garlic can prevent colon cancer, while carrots can reduce the prevalence of lung cancer.

Collocation balance is the key

"these vegetables are especially effective in preventing the occurrence of gastric, colon, lung, oral and laryngeal cancers." Chen Xiafei further explained, "although different vegetables have different anti-cancer ability and anti-cancer effect, you can't eat just one." Chen Xiafei said that if you want to eat healthily through vegetables, the most important thing is to have a balanced diet. Eat different kinds of vegetables every day, so that you can prevent cancer for a long time.

However, Chen Xiafei also pointed out that people eat vegetables not only to fight cancer, but also to absorb a variety of beneficial nutrients. If your body shows signs of cancer, you should go to the hospital in time for diagnosis and adjust your diet under the advice of your doctor.

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