
Maintenance skills: the culture method of Edo purple

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Edo purple belongs to a plant of crassulaceae, which is native to Somalia in Africa. Because Edo purple has high ornamental value, it has been introduced to.

Edo purple belongs to a plant of crassulaceae, which is native to Somalia in Africa. Because Edo purple has high ornamental value, it has been introduced to all parts of the world and loved by many people. Edo's plant shape is elegant and handsome, the leaves are plump and plump, and there are purple spots and stripes growing on it. Seen from afar, it is like a colorful butterfly dancing, which makes people marvel after watching it. So, is this beautiful Edo purple easy to breed? Next, the warm home, the old gardener and the editor will introduce it to you in detail.

First, proper moisture should be controlled.

In the process of breeding Edo purple, controlling moisture is a very key work, which must attract everyone's attention. When watering, Xiaobian is usually combined with the change of temperature. If the temperature at night is not lower than 12 ℃ and the temperature during the day is above 18 ℃, you can use the normal watering method. If the ambient temperature does not reach this range, it is necessary to reduce the number of watering and promote the plant to enter a dormant state, so as to ensure that Edo purple can successfully survive the midsummer and cold winter.

Second, choose the right soil.

In contrast, Edo purple's requirements for the soil is not too high, as long as to ensure that the soil texture is loose, and has a good drainage. For this characteristic, the editor found sandy loam and rotten leaf soil for Edo purple, mixed the two kinds of soil together, and added a small amount of coarse sand and perlite to increase the air permeability and drainage of the soil. to provide a comfortable soil environment for Edo purple.

Third, the appropriate temperature should be controlled.

Compared with other flowers, Edo purple is more sensitive to low temperature, so in the process of breeding, we must do a good job of heat preservation. In general, the ambient temperature is controlled between 18 and 23 degrees. It is very suitable for the growth of Edo purple. However, in winter, it is not only necessary to control the appropriate ambient temperature, but also to reduce the number of watering to ensure the temperature of the basin soil. If the temperature is below 10 degrees, Edo purple may get frostbite.

Fourth, appropriate lighting should be taken.

Edo purple belongs to a kind of light-loving plant and is more tolerant to semi-shade. In daily maintenance, it should be provided with sufficient light time. If the light is not enough for a long time, it is easy to cause excessive growth of stems and leaves, dim color, and loose plant shape, seriously affecting the overall beauty of Edo purple. However, if the sun is too strong in summer, it will also affect the normal growth of Edo purple, such as plant wilting, leaf wilting and so on. Therefore, in the summer high temperature, it is best to take some necessary sunshade facilities.

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