
Cotton Bud stage Management Technology: what is the Bud of Cotton? Causes of cotton bud and boll shedding what are the diseases in the bud stage of cotton

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of field management of cotton bud stage

Cotton is one of the main textile crops in China, which is widely used in various textile industries. There is a large planting area in our country, and there will be many different growth stages when planting cotton. Different growth stages of cotton have different management points, especially in the bud stage of cotton management is very important. Then the following editor brings you the key points of cotton field management, let's have a look!

1. Pruning in time

Cotton branches and leaves are relatively luxuriant, in the cotton bud stage, if the branches and leaves are too luxuriant and overgrown, it will lead to the consumption of too many nutrients. As a result, the cotton field is too closed, the permeability decreases, affecting the growth of cotton. Therefore, we should do a good job of pruning in time. Generally, when cotton is budding, we should remove the branches, leaves and redundant tillering buds. But we need to keep about 3 branches and leaves on cotton plants such as missing plants. Then when it grows about 6 leaf branches, the terminal bud should be removed in time to promote flowering and fruiting and increase the yield.

2. Rational fertilization

The amount of fertilizer needed for cotton bud stage is moderate, but we should pay attention to the proportion of nutrients in the fertilizer, not over the application of nitrogen fertilizer, if the nitrogen fertilizer is excessive. It can easily lead to the phenomenon of excessive growth of cotton, excessive consumption of nutrition, cotton boll shedding and other bad phenomena. However, a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer is also needed, if not enough, the cotton will not grow enough and the yield will decline. Therefore, we should apply little or no nitrogen fertilizer to some cotton seedlings with sufficient fertility and strong growth. On the contrary, soils with poor fertility need to apply more nitrogen fertilizer. The fertilization time should be controlled in the full bud stage, avoid water and fertilizer work at the same time, and reduce the effect of fertilization.

3. Ploughing and weeding

Weeding in the middle tillage has a great relationship with the growth and yield of cotton. Especially in the cotton bud stage, reasonable intertillage can promote the root rooting of cotton plants. It is beneficial to the absorption of nutrient water of cotton and improve the growth ability of cotton. Weeding is to prevent weeds from grabbing the growth and nutrition of cotton and concentrate the nutrition on the cotton plant. After each ploughing, we should also pay attention to do a good job of soil cultivation, improve the heat preservation capacity of the soil, avoid cotton plant lodging and prevent soil erosion. It is necessary to combine drainage work when ploughing in the rainy season to prevent waterlogging.

4. Pest control

Diseases and insect pests will threaten the branches, leaves, fruits and other parts of cotton plants, resulting in a sharp decline in cotton yield, seriously affecting the yield of cotton. Therefore, when we are in the bud stage, we should use drugs reasonably during the prevention and control period according to the prevention and control standards. The main objects of treatment are bug bug, Fusarium wilt and so on. Do a good job in basic work and strengthen management in all aspects. Often observe the growth, when there is an abnormal situation. To check in time, do not use drugs blindly, avoid drug damage caused by improper use of drugs.

The above is a brief introduction of the main points of field management of cotton bud stage, no matter which growth stage of cotton field management is very important. Because it is directly related to the output and the quality of cotton, we must pay more attention to it. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to all of you.