
How to improve the Survival rate of Mulberry planting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to improve the Survival rate of Mulberry planting

Mulberry is the ripe fruit of mulberry, and we often eat it as fruit, but because the mulberry is kept fresh for a short time, it is later dried into dried fruit for preservation. The nutritional value and medicinal value of mulberry are extremely high, with the functions of tonifying the liver and kidney, eyesight, diuresis and so on. Today, the editor brings you a way to improve the survival rate of mulberry planting. If you are interested, please remember to read it carefully.

1. Variety selection

There are many varieties of mulberry, and different varieties adapt to different environments. Although mulberry is adaptable to the environment, we need to choose varieties suitable for local planting in order to ensure the survival rate of mulberry planting. Among them, the ones with relatively good quality are the real mulberry in Guangdong and the willow mulberry in Sichuan, their growth and reproduction ability, quality and yield are all very good.

2. Planting time

The selection of planting time of mulberry is also a way to improve the survival rate. Seed propagation can generally be planted in spring, summer and autumn, but spring is the best planting time. If planting is carried out by grafting, it is best to be planted in spring and summer. Cutting planting is the best time to plant in the excessive period of spring and summer. If it is the use of striping propagation, generally in winter striping, wait until spring will grow new roots, form new plants, can be planted in early spring.

3. Planting conditions

Whether the planting conditions meet the needs of mulberry planting is a basic requirement for successful mulberry planting. Among them, we need to take into account the temperature, humidity, light and soil and other aspects of the problem, if a certain condition is not met, the impact on mulberry planting is very great. When planting, the soil of the planting land had better be sandy loam, the soil should be fertile, good permeability, good drainage and strong water retention. Secondly, the temperature is preferably between two and twenty-eight degrees, which is conducive to the growth of the plant. In addition, the humidity in the soil had better be between 70% and 80, the humidity should be appropriate, and the survival rate is high. Finally, the light can not be too strong, so it is easy to cause damage to the seedlings, affect its normal growth, accelerate water loss and improve mortality.

4. Planting method

There are many ways to propagate mulberry seedlings, but they are generally transplanted in the later stage. When transplanting, we should pay attention to the planting density, preferably two meters per plant and about three meters per row. The second is that when planting, we should lift the saplings up, straighten them up, and then fill them with soil. After filling the soil, the ground should be compacted and watered again, it is best to do a good shade treatment, but also to ensure that there is a certain amount of light, otherwise it will cause mulberry root rot.

5. Post-management

The management after planting is the key to improve the survival rate of mulberry, so we should strengthen the management in the later stage. After mulberry planting, we should observe the growth of mulberry, water it reasonably, keep the soil moist and avoid drought, which will affect the growth and development of mulberry new roots. The second is scientific land management, soil cultivation and weeding to reduce the loss of nutrients, improve the efficiency of nutrient use and promote the survival of tree seedlings. Finally, pay attention to pruning branches and leaves, pruning off too many branches and leaves, which can also play a role in improving the survival rate of plants.

This is the end of what the editor wants to share with you today. I hope I can help you. If you have any other questions in the process of planting, you can also leave us a message.