
The "Emperor Purple" bought by the aunt for 50,000 yuan is unexpectedly a fake emerald? She was so angry that she killed herself by drinking pesticides!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It happened some time ago, when an aunt spent 50,000 yuan to buy a jade necklace that was said to be "imperial purple"! The aunt thinks it only cost 50,000.

It happened some time ago, when an aunt spent 50,000 yuan to buy a jade necklace that was said to be "imperial purple"! The aunt thought that she had bought such a beautiful jadeite for only 50,000 yuan, and she had picked up a big bargain, and she was showing off to everyone.

△ is the necklace. What do you think of the fans?

I can't believe that before I was happy for a few days, an old hand who often played with jadeite said to her, "there is only imperial green in jadeite. Where is the imperial purple? don't be deceived!"

Later, after an identification by experts, this so-called imperial purple jadeite is actually a purple chalcedony impersonation! When the aunt learned that she had been cheated, she suddenly picked up the pesticide and drank it! Fortunately, the family found it and successfully rescued it in time, otherwise it would really be a great tragedy.

After all, I still blame the black-hearted merchant who sells fake goods. I don't know how many people he has deceived who love jadeite but do not know about jadeite in this way!

Today, on this incident, Sister Bao decided to give everyone a good knowledge of jadeite, so as to prevent everyone from being deceived by black-hearted businessmen again!

First, "Imperial Purple"? Touch porcelain "Emperor Green"!

The jadeite player who awakened the aunt above said it very well. It has always been heard of the imperial green jadeite. When did an imperial purple come out? I am afraid that some businesses have seen the price of "imperial green" jade soar, so they have made up a "commercial scam"!

1 "Imperial Green", King of Emerald

Although there are many colors in the jadeite family, green has always been the most expensive, and the imperial green is the most valuable and rarest of all green emeralds. It deserves the title of "king of jadeite".

However, not all green oysters can be called imperial green, it must meet the four standards of "strong, positive, positive, and", and none of them can do without, and all of these four standards must reach the best!

Because the conditions are so harsh, it is really difficult to meet an imperial green emerald. At present, there is no bargain for imperial green jade in the market, and even a small ring noodle is worth millions of yuan! And even if you are really rich, you may not be able to buy it. Trying your luck at the auction is the biggest shortcut to it!

△ Imperial Jade combined with Diamond necklace, worth HK $60 million

△ Laokeng glass imperial green bracelet, worth 200 17.25 million yuan!

It is also because it is too famous and too rare, so merchants always want to use the word "emperor" to rub hot spots! Isn't "Imperial Purple" emerald a living example?

2 what is the true face of "Emperor Purple"?

At present, this "imperial purple" mainly refers to two things, namely purple emerald and purple chalcedony!

As mentioned above, jadeite is rich in color, with green as expensive, and in addition to green, purple is also a very popular breed, and there is a folk saying that "red, green, green and purple is expensive". I think this is probably because purple has always been a rich color in everyone's eyes!

△ famous Purple Jadeite "Zhaoyi Star"

Of course, there is also the top color in purple, but it is not "imperial purple", but "royal purple"!

Royal purple is a rich and pure purple, and its saturation is relatively high, and royal purple is also very rare, so it is of great collection value!

The purple chalcedony is so different from the emerald! As a relatively cheap jade, chalcedony has the same hardness as jadeite. Green chalcedony and purple chalcedony are often used by unscrupulous merchants to impersonate high-priced jadeite because they have a very similar appearance. At the beginning of the article, that's how the old lady found the way!

The △ pictures show purple chalcedony and green chalcedony respectively. Does it look very much like jadeite?

Sister Bao teaches you to identify:

① listen to the sound: jadeite under a slight knock, the sound is very clear, while the sound of purple chalcedony is more dull

② weight: the density of jadeite is much higher than purple chalcedony, if the same volume, jadeite will be heavier than chalcedony

③ look at the appearance: jadeite is brittle, through the surface of the jadeite can see the reflection of the internal cleavage surface, but purple chalcedony will never have this feature.

3 why should the best chalcedony touch porcelain?

Of course, there are excellent things in the chalcedony family! Although the best chalcedony is not worth the price of emerald, it is much more valuable than ordinary chalcedony.

For example, the value of marine chalcedony, white material, grass and flowers produced in Madagascar is quite high, among which the water flushing raw material is the best in the world!

△ Madagascar Marine chalcedony

△ white material chalcedony

△ grass flower chalcedony

Two. "Emperor Purple" is not the only one who has made a mistake.

Of course, the gem world is not the only one who likes to get the wrong object. Like the jade world, our common knockoffs are: water foam, Jintianhuang, Malay jade, Bingcui, Dongling jade, and so on. Sister Baojie has also "exposed" them more than once!

☟ Click the following picture to learn about common counterfeiting methods of jadeite, that is, identification.

Today, Sister Bao is mainly here to talk to you about some unpopular counterfeits!

Fake gems that can be bought for 100 yuan

① cubic zirconia

In fact, cubic zirconia is what we often call artificial zircon, which is often used to impersonate diamonds! In addition, it has many different colors and also imitates semi-precious stones such as tanzanite and tourmaline.

All the jewelry on △ is made of zircon.

Identification: cubic zirconia is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, if you really want to buy gems, you must remember to read the certificate!

② kyanite

Kyanite is a very special gem because it has two hardness! Its hardness has obvious anisotropy, the parallel direction friction hardness is 4: 5, and the vertical direction is 6: 7, so it is extremely difficult to process.

The biggest function of gemstones is to process into jewelry or carvings, but it is very difficult to achieve this function, so the value is not high! However, because its blue is very deep, it is often used to impersonate Tanzania stone.

Identification: kyanite and tanzanite are easy to distinguish, because kyanite has obvious tubular stripes that can be seen with the naked eye.

Synthesis of corundum by ③

Corundum is what we often call red sapphire, and synthetic corundum is naturally corundum made by artificial methods, directly speaking, it is a fake!

△ synthetic Ruby & synthetic Sapphire

Identification: the characteristic of synthetic corundum is bright and uniform color, which looks very good! However, most of the natural corundum sold on the market contain some inclusions, so it is basically impossible to be free of impurities.

If the red and sapphire you see is bright and clean, the particles are large, and the price is cheap, then you should be vigilant!

2 inferior jade

The above are all colored gems, now let's talk about the bargains in the jade family!

① marble

We may not know about marble, but we must know about Afghan jade. Some of the Afghan jade on the market is fake marble, but the nature of the two is different, so it can not be generalized.

Afghan jade made of △ marble

Marble made of Afghan jade is rich in production, so the price is extremely low, often as Hetian jade active in the mixed jade market!

Identification: Afghan jade particles are larger, compared with Hetian jade, feel relatively rough; in addition, the hardness of Afghan jade is much lower than Hetian jade, as long as you gently scratch the jade surface with a knife, there will be traces or powder of Afghan jade. Hetian jade is unscathed.

② Imperial Stone

Imperial Stone, also known as Imperial Stone, is produced in Yunnan. You must not be fooled by its domineering name! Its original stone is mostly gray, easy to dye, the texture is somewhat similar to turquoise, but also because of the red turquoise, people also known as its imperial pine, is often used to pretend to be turquoise!

△ Imperial Stone

Identification: the emperor stone is dyed, the color is very unnatural, and the surface of the emperor stone is relatively dry, far less oily than turquoise!

③ Lantian Jade

Lantian jade is still one of the four famous jade in China, but in fact, its essence is marble with jade, mainly composed of serpentine and marble.

The price of Lantian jade is very low, and it is a right-hand man for unscrupulous merchants to pretend to be Mo Cui or Mo Yu!

Identification: the hardness of Lantian jade is only 340; Lantian jade will bubble when it encounters hydrochloric acid, which is its characteristic; Lantian jade is not transparent and often becomes slightly transparent or translucent.

Sister Bao whispered: although there are so many knockoffs, there are still a lot of fish out of the net! So when buying precious stones or jade, fans must remember to buy from regular channels and be sure to recognize the certificate.

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