
urgent! Public security intervention heavy fist control of paraquat and other key banned pesticides!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Lingnan Agricultural economy 27, Shandong Province Department of Agriculture, Shandong Province Public Security Department, Shandong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce and other three departments jointly issued a notice that paraquat will be carried out.

Lingnan agricultural economy

On the 27th, the Agriculture Department of Shandong Province, the Public Security Department of Shandong Province, and the Shandong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly issued a notice to carry out a "fast and strict" centralized control action focusing on paraquat to ban the use of pesticides.

According to reports, from August to September this year, the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture organized a large-scale inspection and rectification campaign focusing on paraquat, which banned the use of pesticides, and seized 131.98 kilograms of paraquat water agent and 23.25 kilograms of Fumei arsine produced before July 1, 2014. through the inspection of 205 samples submitted for inspection, 47 samples containing illegal paraquat ingredients were found, and the relevant cities were ordered to be severely punished.

The large-scale inspection and rectification campaign achieved phased results, but in the subsequent uninterrupted supervision and spot checks and market inspections, it was found that a small amount of paraquat remained in the homes of individual business households and farmers, and continued to operate and use illegally in the form of adding paraquat ingredients to registered products. The hidden dangers of prohibited pesticides such as paraquat affecting the safety of agricultural production, the quality and safety of agricultural products, the safety of agricultural ecological environment and people's life and health still exist.

The governance action will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, comprehensively sort out the various links and contents of pesticide supervision and management, find problems, and rectify them in a timely manner; take the pesticide registration test and the various subjects of pesticide production, management, and use as the starting point to urge it to fulfill its legal responsibilities. By carrying out "big, fast and strict" centralized governance actions, we will conduct large-scale, full coverage, and net-pulling investigations into the illegal production, operation, and use of paraquat and other prohibited and restricted pesticides, quickly collect illegal retained pesticides, and severely crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts.

The circular pointed out that the state has widely publicized the new requirements for pesticide development, new policies, and a new system for pesticide supervision, so as to jointly create a strong atmosphere for the whole society to care for, pay attention to, and support the healthy development of the pesticide industry. Make full use of Wechat push, radio and television, agricultural information websites and other carriers and channels to keep abreast of new trends in the field of pesticides, new concerns of the whole society, and new demands of farmers. If the pesticide competent department does not specify the pesticide supervision and reporting hotline, it must set up and publish the reporting hotline as soon as possible, so as to quickly form an efficient supervision mechanism that combines social supervision with the supervision of the competent department.

At the same time, supervise and implement various systems for the production, management and use of pesticides. Pesticide producers, operators and users should strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations on prohibited pesticides such as paraquat. It is necessary to strictly control the source of production and investigate whether enterprises illegally produce prohibited pesticides such as paraquat and whether there is any illegal addition of prohibited pesticides. It is necessary to strictly inspect the distribution links and check whether pesticide management units are still selling banned pesticides, such as paraquat, whether the real name purchase system of highly toxic pesticides has been implemented, and whether a pesticide procurement and sales account system has been established. Strictly control the use of the gate, check whether pesticide users use prohibited and restricted pesticides, and truthfully record the use of pesticides.

At the same time, for paraquat purchased, unsold or not used before July 1, 2016, the agricultural department at the county level shall uniformly organize the recovery according to the market price, and those who return it voluntarily shall not be punished, and other cases verified by the relevant departments shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Pesticide Administration regulations.

In addition, we will focus on investigating and dealing with illegal acts of prohibited and restricted pesticides in the fields of production, management and use. Agricultural departments at all levels will step up sampling and testing of suspicious pesticides, smooth channels for supervision and reporting, collect information on the production, operation and use of pesticides in an all-round way, strengthen coordination and cooperation with public security, administrative departments for industry and commerce, and improve the working mechanism for connecting the execution of punishments. those who have been found to be illegal acts will be resolutely and severely punished in accordance with the law, and those who violate the criminal law shall be transferred to judicial organs strictly and quickly.

The circular stresses that the Agriculture Department of Shandong Province, in conjunction with relevant departments, will track and supervise the development of "big, fast and strict" centralized management actions in various cities, and carry out key spot checks on pesticide production enterprises and business units, so as to achieve strict control at the source. Notify and criticize the illegal production, operation and use of prohibited and restricted pesticides in the administrative areas of districts, cities and counties (cities and districts), and interview the responsible persons of the local competent departments.