
The breeding conditions of the Silver Emperor points for attention of the Silver Emperor

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The breeding conditions of the Silver Emperor points for attention of the Silver Emperor

Silver emperor, alias: silver king bright silk grass, silver king evergreen, silver king thick rib grass. Perennial evergreen herb, extremely short stem, plant height 40-50 cm, leaves densely clustered, 20-25 m long, 5-7 m wide, lanceolate, dark green, dense silver-gray patches on leaf surface, gray-green back. Today, let's learn about its breeding method.

The best breeding time: as long as the temperature is 20-28 ℃, the Silver Emperor can breed all the year round.

The best growing soil: the Silver Emperor does not have high requirements for cultivated soil, and ordinary garden soil can be planted. The demand for cultivated soil is not high, so ordinary garden soil can be planted.

Growth humidity requirements: the Silver Emperor likes the environmental conditions of high humidity, which can withstand both humidity and drought.

The optimum growth temperature: the optimum growth temperature of Yinji is 20 ~ 30 °C.

The best growth light: the Silver Emperor likes scattered light and is more resistant to shade. It can also grow well in shade all year round, and it can be decorated in a place with poor light in the home.

Points for attention in breeding the Silver Emperor:

To apply fertilizer:

The Silver Emperor irrigates liquid fertilizer once a month in the growing season, not too much, otherwise the plant will not be able to absorb the root system to burn, unable to absorb water will also lead to leaf yellow withering.

Watering essentials:

In order to keep the leaves green in winter, the Silver Emperor should gradually reduce watering after November to strengthen his resistance to the cold and increase the room temperature as much as possible. Fully water and spray the leaves in summer.

Pruning essentials:

After the lower leaves of the Silver Emperor become yellow and withered, the top can be cut off about 10 meters at the base (the top can be used as a cutting material). Pay attention to the management of water and fertilizer, and there will be new buds sprouting under the basal incision. After the plant grows tall, the stem is easy to lodge and walk flat, so it is appropriate to use the new plant instead of the old one.

Main points of reproduction:

Most of the silver emperors propagated by cutting or ramets. In spring, when changing the basin, it is cut from the rhizome, so that each clump has a root system, which can be put on the basin. The new stem with 4 ~ 5 leaves is usually collected from April to May, and the lower 1 ~ 2 leaves are removed and inserted in plain sandy soil. it can take root in about 20 days and go into the basin in 30 days. Pot culture soil was prepared by mixing rotten leaf soil and river sand. Liquid fertilizer was applied once a month during the growing period. The water should be fully watered and sprayed to the leaves in summer, the amount of water should be gradually reduced at the end of autumn, the basin soil should not be watered in winter, and the indoor temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter. Turn the basin and change the soil once a year in spring, which can be kept indoors at ordinary times, but pay attention to ventilation. You can't put summer under the hot sun.

Pest control:

The common diseases of Silver Emperor are blight, root rot, bacterial soft rot, bacterial leaf blight and so on.

Epidemic disease: it can be sprayed with 500 times liquid of 25% metalaxyl wettable powder and 500 times of 700 times liquid of 50% germicidal Dan wettable powder.

Root rot: can be sprayed with thiophanate methyl or chlorothalonil.

Bacterial soft rot: the initial stage of the disease can be sprayed with agricultural streptomycin and other prevention and treatment, once it occurs, the diseased plant must be removed.

Bacterial leaf blight: the control method is the same as bacterial soft rot.

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