
How does the Green Emperor breed to make the air at home fresh?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How does the Green Emperor breed to make the air at home fresh?

Raising plants at home is a hobby of many owners, one of which is loved by everyone, it is the Green Emperor. It is a green plant with environmental protection function, and its leaves are used for viewing. It's environmentally friendly because it absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Make the air in your home cleaner. So, should we breed rate emperors?

Best breeding time: Green emperor in spring, summer and autumn three seasons growth exuberant;

Best growing soil: Green Emperor should be planted in acidic soil;

Growth humidity requirements: green emperor suitable humidity in 50-70%, if the humidity is lower than 50% easy yellow leaves dry edge, available air spray to increase air humidity;

The best growth temperature: green emperor likes warm environment, afraid of cold, suitable temperature between 20-30℃, winter temperature should not be lower than 10℃, otherwise vulnerable to freezing injury, lead to death, about 13℃ began to grow;

The best growth light: green emperor likes bright scattered light, avoid direct sunlight.

Green Emperor's Notes:

Fertilizer application:

Green emperor should use mature farm manure as base fertilizer, growth can be carried out topdressing. From April to September, it grows vigorously, and liquid fertilizer is applied twice a month to ensure that the leaves are plump and shiny.

Watering points:

Green emperor grows exuberantly in spring, summer and autumn, requiring sufficient water and fertilizer. Watering should be done to irrigate thoroughly, and according to the season, temperature flexible control, in principle, keep the pot soil wet state. Also pay attention to foliar spray, in order to maintain high air humidity, conducive to the leaves of the thick green two.

Trimming essentials:

Green emperor in the spring of each year for a pot, and to remove the branches, old leaves, in order to maintain a dry shape beautiful.

Basin soil replacement:

The green emperor changes pots once a year in spring.

Breeding Points:

The propagation of Green Emperor mainly adopts tissue culture, cutting and plant division, but also hydroponic culture.

Cutting propagation: cutting incision should be under the node, cutting temperature at 25~30℃, and maintain humidity, easy to survive. Plant division can be combined with pot change, and the method is simple.

Water insertion method cultivation, it is appropriate to cut off the upper branches of stems and vines, and insert aerial roots into water, 10~15 days or so to sprout new roots. Family hydroponic green emperor, appropriate to use small plants, often spray water to the surface of the plant, keep the leaves fresh. Green emperor stem stout, use this characteristic, do upright cultivation, ornamental effect is better. and appropriate diffuse illumination.

When dividing plant, cut plant again first, wait to germinate young plant from stem node place, can cut off direct potted plant. Cut the stem into 2 to 3 sections, insert them directly into coarse sand, keep them moist, and take root about 20 days after insertion. Can also cut off the top stem node inserted into the water bottle, every two or three days to change the water once, 2 weeks to 3 weeks after the new roots implanted in the pot. During the vigorous growth period from April to September, liquid fertilizer is applied twice a month, or liquid fertilizer is sprayed on the leaves to ensure that the leaves are plump and shiny, and sufficient water is supplied to keep the pot soil moist.

Winter growth is slow, should stop fertilizing and reduce the amount of watering. Summer, autumn direct sunlight will make leaves appear brown spots and yellow leaves, so summer and autumn in the outdoor need to cover 50% of the light, winter indoor maintenance needs sufficient sunlight. Green emperor is vine, such as large-scale potted plants need to pick the core repeatedly to lower the plant shape, increase the plant's own support capacity or set up pillars, binding modeling.

Disease Control:

root rot

Root rot can occur if the substrate is too wet for a long time, watered after the substrate is dry, EC value of substrate is too high, and roots are damaged.


Too much humidity and leaf damage can easily lead to anthracnose. In the middle of production, the diseased leaves can be cut off, and then chlorothalonil and methyl thiophane 800 times alternate control.

Spodoptera litura harm

It can be controlled by 1000 times mothamate.

Green Emperor's advice:

1. The culture soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus a small amount of river sand and pearlite, and bone meal or cake fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer.

2. Organic liquid fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times a month during the growth period.

3. Keep the basin soil moist during the growth period. Spray water on the leaves and the ground around the basin in summer to humidify and cool down; control water and stop fertilizer in winter to keep the basin soil slightly wet.

4, should be placed in the indoor light bright place maintenance, but can not be placed in the dark for a long time, easy to cause branches and leaves to grow.

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