
Are you still making tea with orange peel? You're drinking pesticides! Self-made tangerine peel is safe.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orange peel alias: orange peel, expensive old peel, red peel, yellow orange peel, Guang orange peel, Xinhui peel, citrus peel. It is the mature pericarp of tangerine and its cultivated varieties of Rutaceae.

Orange peel alias: orange peel, expensive old peel, red peel, yellow orange peel, Guang orange peel, Xinhui peel, citrus peel. The mature peel of tangerine and its cultivated varieties of Rutaceae is named tangerine peel because the longer it is placed, the stronger its efficacy is. When the fruit is ripe, the fruit is plucked, peeled, dried in the shade or ventilated, and only dried in the sun for more than 3 years can be called tangerine peel. Tangerine peel is divided into "tangerine peel" and "wide tangerine peel", while when peeling, tangerine peel is cut into 3 to 4 slices.

Main nutrition: volatile oil, hesperidin, vitamin B, vitamin C

Dietotherapy efficacy: invigorating the spleen, treating constipation, appetizer and digestion, reducing blood lipids, stopping vomiting and vomiting, anti-aging

Suitable for people: the average person is suitable for eating tangerine peel. Tangerine peel is suitable for people with spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension, indigestion, loss of appetite, cough and phlegm. People who prevent hypertension, myocardial infarction, fatty liver and acute mastitis are also suitable for eating tangerine peel.

Taboo crowd: Yin and Jin loss, inside with excess heat, children eat carefully.

The efficacy and function of tangerine peel

Tangerine peel tastes pungent, bitter and warm in nature; it returns to the spleen, stomach and lung meridians; Qi fragrance can be dispersed, which can be used to regulate qi and middle, dry dampness and resolve phlegm, diuresis and defecation. It mainly treats disharmony of spleen and stomach, abdominal distension and pain, not thinking about diet, vomiting and vomiting; phlegm-dampness blocking lung, cough and phlegm, chest diaphragm stuffy, head vertigo; edema, adverse urination, constipation; mastitis scabies, fish and crab poison, alcohol poisoning.

1. Tangerine peel helps digestion, because tangerine peel contains limonoid, which is mild in taste and easy to dissolve in water. In addition, tangerine peel contains volatile oil, hesperidin, vitamin B, C and other ingredients. The volatile oil it contains has a mild stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which can promote the secretion of digestive juice, eliminate gas accumulation in the intestines, and increase appetite.

two。 The bitter taste of tangerine peel can be coordinated with other flavors, so it can be used to improve the taste of dishes, not only removing the fishy smell of fish, but also making the dishes particularly delicious; in terms of cold fruits and food, Xinhui tangerine peel plum, tangerine peel duck and tangerine peel wine have their own characteristics in color, aroma and taste. In addition, the production of mung bean paste, red bean porridge and other desserts, if you add a little tangerine peel, the taste is particularly fragrant.

3. Tangerine peel is also a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine with painstaking taste and warm nature. it has the effect of invigorating the spleen, dryness and dampness, resolving phlegm, relieving greasy and leaving incense, reducing adverse reactions and stopping vomiting. In traditional Chinese medicine, "tangerine peel Banxia decoction" and "Erchen decoction" mainly rely on tangerine peel to treat diseases. Proprietary Chinese medicines with tangerine peel as the main ingredient, such as chuanbei tangerine peel, snake bile tangerine peel, licorice tangerine peel, tangerine peel ointment, tangerine peel powder, etc., are good medicines for resolving phlegm and qi, relieving stagnation and strengthening the stomach. It is suitable for people with symptoms such as stomach fullness, indigestion, loss of appetite, cough and phlegm.

4. Jiejiu tangerine peel has a very good antialcoholic effect.

5. Weight loss tangerine peel has a high carbohydrate content, but the fat content is not high, so it has a good weight loss effect.

What should we pay attention to when eating tangerine peel?

1. Tangerine peel is generally used as soaking water, traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, soup material.

two。 Tangerine peel to choose large, fresh color, oily, soft, strong aroma, sweet and bitter taste is the best.

3. Orange peel (including orange red and orange white) tea is suitable for people with spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension, indigestion, loss of appetite, cough and phlegm, and for the prevention of hypertension, myocardial infarction, fatty liver and acute mastitis.

4. Qi deficiency body dryness, Yin deficiency dryness cough, hematemesis and excess heat should be taken cautiously.

5. Tangerine peel should not be used with Pinellia ternata and Nanxing; it should not be used with warm, hot, fragrant and dry medicine.

How to choose tangerine peel?

Tangerine peel is divided into "tangerine peel" and "wide tangerine peel".

Generally speaking, the pericarp of tangerine peel is often peeled into several peels, connected at the base or in irregular fragments. The outer surface is orange or reddish brown, with fine wrinkles and concave dotted oil chamber; the inner surface is yellow-white, rough and spongy, with yellowish-white or yellowish-brown vascular bundles, slightly hard and brittle, fragrant, pungent and slightly bitter.

On the other hand, the pericarp is divided into 3 to 4 peels, the base is connected, the shape is orderly, and the thickness is about 1 mm. The spot-shaped oil chamber is large, transparent and clear to the light, and the quality is soft. But whether it is tangerine peel or wide tangerine peel, it is better to have a large piece, fresh color, oily, soft quality, strong aroma, sweet and bitter taste.

How to preserve tangerine peel?

Place the dried tangerine peel in a bag or jar to keep it moistureproof and keep it away from light, ventilation and shade.

What if the tangerine peel is moldy?

Generally moldy white yarn, if not damaged to the outer layer, you can use a brush or cloth to brush off the mold and drying preservation, if the skin blackened and a wide range is not recommended.

Tangerine peel should be taken out to bask occasionally and sealed.

How to make healthy tangerine peel?

Tangerine peel smell fresh, but also can promote qi, help digestion, tangerine peel plum and other snacks are also popular, is commonly used in medicine and food. Make a pot of tangerine peel tea and drink it three times between meals, you will feel relaxed. However, many people like to dry the orange peel and drink it as tangerine peel, which is not only unhealthy, but also may bring harm to health.

In recent years, orange trees often suffer from diseases and insect pests. in order to prevent insect pests and increase yield, fruit farmers have to spray a large amount of pesticides during the period from flowering to fruiting of orange trees. At present, there are more than 300 kinds of pesticides used in vegetables and fruits, and most of them are not easy to decompose, once the pesticide residues on the surface of oranges, it is difficult to remove. Using such orange peel to make tea directly will do harm to your health. Therefore, untreated tangerine peel had better not be used to make tea.

To get a safe tangerine peel, you need to do this:

1 before eating oranges, rinse off the dirt on the surface with clean water, then cover it with water for about 5 cm and soak in running water for not less than 30 minutes.

two。 Soak in an appropriate amount of alkaline water (prepared by adding 5 to 10 grams of edible alkali in 500 ml of water) for 5 to 15 minutes.

3. Rinse with clean water for about 3 times.

Note: if necessary, you can add cleaning agents such as fruit and vegetable lotions to increase the dissolution of pesticides; you can also put the washed oranges in boiling water for 2 to 5 minutes and then immediately fish them out and wash them with clean water once or twice to get safe and non-toxic tangerine peels.

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