
Introduction to wax gourd the efficacy and function of wax gourd

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Introduction to wax gourd the efficacy and function of wax gourd

Wax gourd is the most common in our daily life, but it is not enough for us. Wax gourd, as the main ingredient of our daily cooking, plays an important role and has become an indispensable part of our meals today. we often make wax gourd into a variety of delicacies, whether it is stir-frying or stew, everyone's evaluation of wax gourd is full of praise, as a common ingredient in daily life. Wax gourd also has a very rich nutritional value, and then we will introduce the nutritional value of wax gourd in detail.

Introduction of wax gourd

Wax gourd is an annual herb with tendrils on its stems, climbing vines, large leaves and yellow flowers. The fruit is spherical or long cylindrical, with dark green epidermis, hairy surface and a layer of white powder. Wax gourd flesh is white, fleshy, the flesh is wrapped in golden flesh, wax gourd skin and seeds can be used as medicine. Melons are shaped like pillows, also known as pillow melons, produced in summer. As the wax gourd is ripe, there will be a layer of powdery substance on the skin, such as the white frost formed in winter, so the wax gourd is also called white melon.

Wax gourd contains more protein, sugar and a small amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals and a variety of vitamins and other nutrients. Wax gourd is the only non-fat melon vegetable, and is rich in propanol diacid, which can inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat, and can increase the effect of weight loss because of its strong diuretic effect, so wax gourd is also known as "slimming melon".

Wax gourd should be peeled, stuffed and rinsed before eating. Wax gourd meat can be boiled soup, stir-fry, can also be sweetened into preserved fruit, wax gourd seeds can also be processed and eaten. Fresh wax gourd meat is well hydrated and refreshing.

The efficacy and function of wax gourd

Propanedioic acid in wax gourd can effectively control the conversion of sugars into fat, prevent the accumulation of fat in the body, and consume the excess fat of obesity, which has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and weight loss.

Wax gourd pulp is rich in fenugreek, which can help the body's metabolism and inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat.

Wax gourd seeds contain oleic acid, which has the function of inhibiting melanin deposition in the body and has a good moisturizing and cosmetic effect.

Wax gourd is rich in many kinds of amino acids, and the content in seed and peel is higher than that in pulp. These substances can help the human body to relieve the toxicity of free ammonia and have the effect of diuresis and detumescence. In addition, the protein and citrulline contained in wax gourd seeds can moisturize the skin and inhibit the formation of melanin.

The content of dietary fiber in wax gourd is very high, which can effectively improve the level of blood sugar in human body. In addition, dietary fiber can also reduce cholesterol in the body, reduce blood lipids and prevent atherosclerosis. The crude fiber in wax gourd can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and excrete carcinogens accumulated in intestinal tract as soon as possible.

Nutritional value of wax gourd:

1. Diuresis and detumescence: wax gourd contains more vitamin C, high potassium salt content, low sodium salt content, hypertension, kidney disease, edema disease and other patients eat it, can achieve the role of reducing swelling without harming vital qi.

two。 Weight loss: wax gourd contains propanol diacid, can effectively inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat, coupled with the wax gourd itself does not contain fat, calories are not high, to prevent the human body fat is of great significance, but also can contribute to physical fitness.

3. Clearing heat and relieving summer heat: wax gourd cold taste sweet, clear heat Shengjin, secluded heat to relieve annoyance, it is especially suitable to take food in summer.

intended for

Suitable for kidney disease, edema, cirrhotic ascites, cancer, beriberi, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity, and lack of vitamin C to eat more; wax gourd cold, spleen and stomach weakness, kidney deficiency cold, chronic disease slippery leakage, yang deficiency and cold limbs should be avoided.

Wax gourd taste sweet, light, cool, into the lung, large intestine, small intestine, bladder meridian; with moistening lung Shengjin, resolving phlegm and relieving thirst, diuresis and detumescence, clearing heat and heat, detoxification and pus effect; can be used for summer heat and thirst, phlegm-heat cough and asthma, edema, beriberi, fullness, thirst, acne, facial spots, prolapse, hemorrhoids, but also can detoxify fish, alcohol. Wax gourd peel is good at diuresis; wax gourd seeds are good at invigorating spleen and beauty, relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

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