
Accompany the child to do his homework, the mother is out of control and the father drinks pesticides: the child's education problem is so difficult?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 2017-12-03 indescribable generous reading, generous lifestyle "the road of parenting, there is a long way to go." Good morning! " The other day, on Weibo.

2017-12-03 an indescribable magnanimous reading

Reading, a generous way of life

"the road to parenting is a long way to go. Good morning! "

A few days ago, a piece of news on Weibo said:

A couple in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province had a violent dispute over the issue of accompanying their children to do their homework. Their mother was out of control, and his father drank pesticides. Fortunately, the wife reacted quickly and sent her husband to the hospital in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

This news is not an isolated case. In real life, there are also many parents who are tortured by their children's homework.

Nowadays, doing homework with children has become a problem for many parents, which consumes a lot of energy, but it does not seem to achieve good results.

Some time ago, generous Jun read a book written by teacher Yin Jianli, "A good mother is better than a good teacher". The methods of educating children are very new and effective, and the part about accompanying their children to do their homework is particularly fascinating. it's worth a look at every parent who doesn't know how to educate their children.

It is also more worthwhile for young people without children to learn in advance. With advanced concepts, they will be more comfortable in educating their children in the future.

Parents do homework with them. Avoid these two points.

First of all, it is necessary for parents to accompany their children to do their homework in primary school, especially in the lower grades, because this is the best time for children to develop good study habits. The child is accompanied by his parents:


The concept of time will be stronger.


The attitude will be more serious, which can greatly shorten the time of doing homework and improve the correct rate.


It allows the child to find a sense of balance.

Parents do not sit next to their children as supervisors, but can find their own things to do, such as reading books. If you look at your mobile phone, you must make it clear to your child that the father is not playing games, but in the office or watching the news.

For parents, when it comes to helping their children with homework, there are two things to avoid:


Do not overestimate a child's comprehension.


Avoid being impatient. You must be patient. If the child can't understand it all the time, you can ask the child to consult the teacher the next day. When you get home, let the child tell the parents again. In this way, you can not only see whether the child understands it or not, but also sort out the ideas of the teacher's topic.

Parents should help their children develop learning awareness and habits.

Parents should help their children form a sense of learning from an early age, especially before school and at a specific time in the evening, reading and playing together, so that their children will dock seamlessly after school, so as not to cause maladjustment.

In the first grade, because the child is young, the companionship of parents helps the child to develop study habits, so there is no need for company. Let children understand that learning is their own business, is their own responsibility, to be responsible for their own, blindly accompany has become a matter for parents, children's grades will not be good.

The companionship of the first grade is not to teach the child knowledge, the teacher is the professor in charge of knowledge, so urge the child to listen carefully in class instead of relying on the teaching of parents. Even when first-grade parents accompany their children to study, they should not learn with their children, but do their own things, such as reading, reading newspapers, craftsmanship and so on.

"parents work hard, keep learning, and lead by example, which is the best education for their children."

Treat children "let nature take its course and pay more attention to its advantages"

Every child is very unique, looking at the world and pondering the rules has its own way and rhythm, even if the child does not follow the adult's rules and the right path, it is only because the child looks around, curiosity and personality on the way to grow up.

Parents should let nature take its course, pay more attention to its advantages and find more traits. On the one hand, they evaluate their children comprehensively and objectively, and on the other hand, parents are more balanced, so they are not so competitive. We must look at the problems in children's growth and education from the perspective of development, and look at them in a larger space. In fact, many problems are not problems at all, such as "hanging flowers" or "sweet-scented osmanthus", 5: 6: 11 or 12. Some children will understand earlier and some children will understand later.

Every parent has experienced doing homework with their children, but most of them are in the early age of primary school. how many parents can hold on to the end? What's the right way to help your child with his homework?

Don't stare at your child's homework.

Some parents like to stare at their children's homework. Once they find that there is something wrong or wrong, they criticize, complain and blame their children while helping their children wipe it off. "what's wrong with it? it's always hard to change it." "how many times have I said it, but I can't remember it? it's exasperating!"

In this tense and anxious atmosphere, it is difficult to open the door of children's interest in learning and energy. At this time, no matter how parents preach their children, they can't listen to it or change it.

In fact, the correct way to accompany children to do their homework should be like this: first ask how much homework there is, and then ask the children to do it themselves. Parents do their own things lightly and do not disturb their children lightly.

When the child finishes his homework, the parents check again according to the following methods: when the child is in the lower grade, focus on checking whether the handwriting is correct, and when the child is in the senior grade, focus on checking the child's idea of doing the problem.

How to make children concentrate on their homework

Many children do not concentrate on their homework and like to procrastinate. They can do only a few questions for half a day. What should I do?

1. Time-limited method

First understand the amount of homework of the child, estimate a completion time, and then ask the child, such as "can it be done in Chinese in 40 minutes?" Can you finish the math in 30 minutes? "

If you find that your child is not paying attention to his homework, as long as it is not too much, just let him move.

If the child is not focused and has procrastination, parents can remind them, such as "I've been doing it for 15 minutes, come on!"

2. Midway conciliatory method

When parents feel compelled to stop their child from procrastinating on homework, they can go to the child, touch his head with his hand and ask, "do you have a problem? do you want Mom and Dad to help you?"

This can draw the child's attention back to study. Usually, the child will say that there is no problem, and the parents should show a calm expression: "I believe you will finish it soon. Will Mom and Dad wait for you?"

3. Direct demand method

If the above two methods do not work, try this method instead: know the amount of homework your child has done in advance, and then directly propose the time to complete it. For example, if there is not much Chinese homework today, it can be done in 20 minutes and a little more math. It can be done in 35 minutes.

Parents should be true to their word, and when implementing this rule, they should be calm and not angry. Let the children understand that parents mean what they say, not just for fun. This method is a last resort, with compulsion, it is necessary to get in touch with the teacher in advance and ask the teacher to cooperate.

How to instruct the child to do exercises

Some children really need their parents to point out those "climbing" problems, and it is necessary and necessary for their parents to make corresponding counseling and guidance. Just pay attention to skills when tutoring and dialing:

1. Let the child read the questions over and over again

Many topics are not difficult, but children lack patience to read the original topic, often only read it once and feel that it is difficult to do it, which is a negative psychological implication. If parents always indulge their child, tell him what to do immediately, or even list the layout, the child will develop the bad habit of not thinking about problems and relying on others to solve them.

The correct way is: "Mom believes you, as long as read the original topic several times, you will do it." When the child has done it, the parents should happily praise: "I told you, read the questions carefully and you will do it." This kind of encouraging reading method can "force" the child to take the initiative to learn, thus gaining self-confidence.

2. Use examples as tutoring

For the problem that the child has not made after thinking, parents should not directly tell him the solution of the original problem. It is best to make up a similar example according to the original question, analyze and discuss with the child, figure out the example, and then let the child do the original problem.

Generally understand the examples, most of the children will do the original questions, if still can not do the original questions, then we should go back to the discussion and calculation of the examples. After several back and forth, as long as the parents patiently guide, the child will certainly do the original topic. Although this practice is more troublesome for parents, it can train their children's ability to move by example.

3. Only talk about the key points

For some difficult problems, parents are unable to make up examples for the time being, so we can analyze where the key point of the original topic is, find what conditions are easy to solve the problem, and let children think and calculate according to their parents' hints. You can't list the formula directly, or tell the child what to do in the first step and what to do in the second step. If you tutor the child in this way, it is not easy for him to solve the problem.

Is the problem of children's education really so difficult?

It is difficult, in reality, there are too many factors that interfere with the implementation of good education. There are too many temptations for entertainment, there is a certain deviation in the concept of parents, and the teacher's method is not perfect.

But in fact, it is not difficult, although there are still many problems in how to educate your children, you should know that in order to find a good job, you will spend more than ten or twenty years to learn skills, improve yourself, and become a parent. It seems like an instant.

You have to believe that if there are 100 difficulties, there are 101 solutions.

The road to parenting is a long way to go, don't worry, take your time, learn more, keep improving, and there are no children who can't teach well.
