
Planting method and Propagation of Flowers-- Plum Blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many types of plum blossoms are not only cultivated in the open field for viewing, but also can be planted as potted flowers to make plums, together with orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums as "four gentlemen". So how is the plum blossom.

Many types of plum blossoms are not only cultivated in the open field for viewing, but also can be planted as potted flowers to make plums, together with orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums as "four gentlemen". So how are plum blossoms raised? Is there any good method in breeding? What matters do you need to pay attention to in breeding plum blossoms? Please read on with me with questions.


Culture methods of plum blossoms (basic knowledge):

The best breeding time: the breeding time of plum blossoms is usually in early spring or late autumn.

The best growing soil: plum blossom is lax in soil requirements and resistant to barren. Clay, loam, sandy loam and slightly alkaline soil with good drainage can grow well (ph value is 6-8).

Growth humidity requirements: plum blossoms should master the principle of dry and wet, no dry and no watering, pour it in time in rainy days, avoid stagnant water, and water once a day during the peak growth period. Water was irrigated once in the morning and evening in summer, and water was sprayed to the basin plant and the ground to improve the air humidity.

The best growth temperature: plum blossom likes warm and sufficient light, except that apricot plum varieties can withstand-25 ℃ low temperature, generally tolerate-10 ℃ low temperature. It is resistant to high temperature and can grow under the condition of 40 ℃, and the growth and development is the best in the area with annual average temperature of 16-23 ℃.

The best growth light: plum blossom growth period should be placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place, if in the shade environment, lack of light, then the growth is thin and the flowering is rare.


Matters needing attention in cultivating plum blossoms:

Application of fertilizer: plum blossoms are more resistant to barren, generally do not need to fertilize too much, too many branches and leaves grow, flower buds are not easy to form. However, too little can lead to poor growth. The principle of fertilization is a small amount, multiple times. Nitrogen fertilizer was the main fertilizer before flower bud differentiation.

Watering essentials:

The main results are as follows: (1) during the growing period of plum blossoms, we should pay attention to watering, often keep the basin soil moist and partial to the state, neither stagnant water, but also too wet and too dry.

(2) generally less watering when the weather is overcast and the temperature is low, otherwise more watering. It can be watered twice a day in summer, once a day in spring and autumn, and thoroughly dry in winter.

Pruning essentials: plum blossom plastic pruning time can be carried out within 20 days after blossom. Mainly in the shape of a natural tree, cut off cross branches, erect branches, dry and withered branches, over-dense branches, etc., and cut short lateral branches to promote flowers and leaves to flourish. After the potted plum blossom is put on the pot, it should be re-cut to lay the foundation for the production of bonsai.

Pot soil replacement: plum blossoms should be changed at the end of March and the beginning of April. Cut off the old and rotten roots when changing the basin. The bottom of the basin should be fully fertilized with organic base fertilizer and replaced with neutral or slightly acidic loose and fertile soil.

Main points of reproduction: plum blossoms are mainly propagated by grafting, commonly used for cutting and budding.

Pest control:

1. Leaf shrinkage disease: it can be sprayed with topiramate or carbendazim, or 1% Bordeaux solution can be sprayed every other week, 3 or 4 times.

2. Anthrax: at the initial stage of the disease, 70% topiramate or 1000-fold solution of Dysen zinc can be sprayed for prevention and treatment. When other diseases are found, spraying the above two kinds of solution can also be effective.


Experience of cultivating plum blossoms:

1. Plum blossom needs enough water during the whole vegetative growth period. Only with reasonable water supply can the plum blossom grow well. Although the plum blossom has strong drought tolerance, it is seriously short of water, which can also cause poor plant growth and even death. In the cold areas of the north, plum trees often cause physiological freezing damage due to lack of water in the soil. Therefore, more attention should be paid to preserving soil moisture in winter. From spring to early summer, water should be watered to prevent drought.

2. Plum is most afraid of waterlogging. in case of a large amount of stagnant water, it is often easy to rot and die.

3. Potted plum blossoms are generally watched by the family. Leave the leaves indoors after defoliation in winter, keep the temperature at 0: 5 ℃, then gradually heat to 5: 10 ℃, and receive full light every day, often spray water on the branches, the moisture should be close to the room temperature.

4. Mei likes warm climate, cold tolerance is not strong, drought tolerance, waterlogging tolerance, long life, up to thousands of years; flowering is particularly sensitive to climate change, Meixi air humidity is high, but flowering avoid rainstorm.