
What is the representative meaning of the clover?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What is the representative meaning of the clover?

Seven-leaf clover is a recommended native plant, which grows more in cold and humid places. The seven-leaf clover usually has seven leaves, so it is called "seven-leaf clover", but there will also be four or nine. In the period of Nu WA's creation of human beings, there is also a beautiful legend about the seven-leaf clover, which is also produced during this period. The seven-leaf clover is very beautiful and has a beautiful meaning. If you love the seven-leaf clover, you can make it into a specimen and preserve it forever.

The representative meaning of seven-leaf clover:

The seven-leaf clover has seven leaves, each of which has its own beautiful meaning.

The first leaf means "faith". With your own belief, you can find the courage to move on.

The second leaf means "hope". When you find the seven-leaf clover, you will find hope and light.

The third leaf means "love", and the love of the seeker will be happy and sweet.

The fourth leaf means "luck". You are my little luck, which is also a prerequisite for happiness.

The fifth leaf means "fortune". The seven-leaf clover is also a symbol of wealth and will get a sum of wealth in the days to come.

The sixth leaf means "prestige", and the sixth leaf is a symbol of power, as well as the fame and status it is looking for.

The seventh leaf means "true love". The seven-leaf clover is a symbol of love and will be patronized by Cupid to get an unswerving love.

The method of making specimen of Aesculus chinensis.

First, make the soaking potion-an appropriate amount of glacial acetic acid and copper oxide are mixed in a certain proportion, and then mixed into the distilled water solution until the solution is blue.

Heat the potion to a certain temperature, put the cleaned clover into the potion and boil for a few minutes, wait for the clover to change from green to yellowish green, then remove it, and rinse with distilled water.

The washed clover is wrapped in an old newspaper and weighed on the old newspaper; wait until the next day to replace the old newspaper with a new one, and wait a few days for the specimen to be finished.

The specimens of the seven-leaf clover should also be molded so that they can be preserved for a longer time. You can put the specimen of the seven-leaf clover directly on the plastic film, or you can add a background you like, and then plastic it.

In a large piece of seven-leaf clover, the search is not necessarily seven-leaf clover, more clover, so you need to be patient to find the seven-leaf clover will bring yourself a good luck. There is also a legend that after discovering the clover, you can't tell others. You should keep it by yourself, or else the luck and hope you find will be given to others. When making the specimen of the clover, it must be configured according to the proportional process, and pay attention to the time when cooking, otherwise the clover may go bad.

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