
Details of the flower language and legends of Gardenia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Details of the flower language and legends of Gardenia

The white flowers of gardenia can be seen from spring to early summer. The elegant aroma makes it impossible to ignore her existence. Let's take a look at the details of gardenia flowers and legends.

Details of the flower language and legends of Gardenia

The Flower language of Gardenia

Gardenia flower words-joy.

The terrible summer is coming, and summer is like a fever, regardless of the pain and suffering of the world. At this time, the gardenia is still in full bloom, bringing people unknown hopes and surprises.

Gardenia flower language-eternal love and agreement.

Gardenia begins to bud in winter and does not bloom until summer. You may complain that it takes too long to conceive, but without such a long preparation time, how can you get fragrant flowers? Perhaps waited so long, just for an agreement, every summer to reveal the fragrance of the agreement.

Gardenia flower language-a lifetime of waiting, adhere to.

The green leaves of gardenia are evergreen all the year round and do not wither after wind and frost. Bloom every year in the hottest season, seemingly inadvertently blooming, indeed experienced three quarters of waiting. Waiting for a lifetime is the most beautiful sustenance as well as the sustenance of love. Beneath the insipid and refined appearance is the beautiful and tough nature of life.

The legend of gardenia:

I wiped the thick dust off the table and finally found the ancient code. A blooming gardenia on its dark red cover is still beautiful, painted by Claire himself.

Suddenly remembered that gardenia is Claire's favorite. At that time, gardenia was planted outside the city, and it opened together in summer, filled with moving fragrance. Claire sat among the flowers, raising her eyebrows and smiling gently, her plain and elegant face reflecting a piece of white gardenia, dignified and elegant. At that time, my armor was as bright as silver, and the long gun in my hand shone with determination in the faint blue night. At that time, Christham was the capital of the country; at that time, I was the cavalry guarding the capital, guarding our goddess Claire.

Claire is a high ruler, but he has clear pupils like a spring and a delicate shy smile. I passed the garden where gardenia was in full bloom and saw her. I took off my helmet and saluted. "good afternoon, your Highness." "thanks for your hard work." Claire smiled gently, gentle and quiet. "look how beautiful the gardenias are blooming this year." She was dressed in a plain white robe, as holy as a boundless sea of gardenia.

According to the code, the kings of this country are the incarnation of the sun god, and when they succeed, they will begin to pray endlessly, and when they finally grow old, the witches will choose a new successor to continue to pray. According to legend, people who become monarchs have no feelings. They were born in the dazzling golden sunshine. As messengers of God, they felt at ease.

Claire disobeyed his fate, and the old witch living at the top of the tower said that Claire was born on a rainy day, gray clouds covered the sky, and there was only a strong fragrance of gardenia flowers in the air. Claire was born with great spiritual power and dusty appearance, and later she became our queen, the only goddess of the sun born in the rain.

In the late autumn night, I patrolled the courtyard of the palace. Suddenly a slender voice floated from the heavy night: "this season, I can't see the gardenia." Looking for a voice, Claire sat alone on the tower, his eyes deep and sad.

"No, your Highness, it will be beautiful again next summer."

"Thank you." She looked at me, her pale face gradually showing a smile, as cold as the moonlight in early winter. "but I know it won't blossom again."


She did not answer, closed her eyes and sighed deeply. On many subsequent nights, I could always see Claire, who was sad and melancholy, in the bright and starry night. She smiled and asked me to sit next to her and said, "when there's no one else, just call me by my name."

"Claire." I got down on one knee and kissed the back of her hand. Claire smiled, and crystal tears slid down from her eyes and fell on the palm of my hand, cold.

"this year's gardenia blossoms are very beautiful, exhausted all the fragrance, so they will never bloom again. No, I won't. "

Edible value of Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia salad

Gardenia 500 grams of chopped onions and shredded ginger. Wash gardenia flowers in boiling water, boil them in boiling water, drain water, cool them with chopsticks and sprinkle them with chopsticks on a white porcelain plate, sprinkle chopped green onions, shredded ginger with sesame oil, old vinegar, salt and monosodium glutamate. This dish has the effect of clearing heat, cooling blood, detoxification and relieving dysentery. It is suitable for lung heat, cough, carbuncle, swelling, intestinal wind, blood and other diseases.

Gardenia egg flower

Gardenia 200g eggs, 3 chopped onions, shredded ginger. Wash gardenia flowers in boiling water, slightly mourn chopped eggs, beat well, put gardenias in eggs, stir well, cook until 80% hot, deep-fry gardenia eggs, sprinkle with chopped onion, shredded ginger, salt and monosodium glutamate. This dish has the effect of clearing heat, nourishing stomach, wide intestines and benefiting qi. It is suitable for diseases such as stomach heat, bad breath, gum swelling, pain, defecation and so on.

Fried bamboo shoots with gardenia

Gardenia 200 grams of shelled bamboo shoots 150 grams of bacon 100 grams of chopped onions, shredded ginger. Remove gardenia, wash and blanch bamboo shoots obliquely cut into thin slices of bacon, cut into small diced meat and cook until 60% hot. Pour gardenia, bamboo shoots and bacon into the pan and stir-fry several times, add chopped onion, shredded ginger and stir-fry until cooked, add monosodium glutamate and salt. This dish is light, fresh, crisp, tender and refreshing with the effect of invigorating the spleen, appetizing, clearing heat and promoting intestines. It is suitable for diseases such as stomach, stagnant diet, reducing abdominal distension and stool.

Gardenia egg flower

Gardenia 200g eggs, 3 chopped onions, shredded ginger. Wash gardenia flowers in boiling water, slightly mourn chopped eggs, beat well, put gardenias in eggs, stir well, cook until 80% hot, deep-fry gardenia eggs, sprinkle with chopped onion, shredded ginger, salt and monosodium glutamate. This dish has the effect of clearing heat, nourishing stomach, wide intestines and benefiting qi. It is suitable for diseases such as stomach heat, bad breath, gum swelling, pain, defecation and so on.

Fried bamboo shoots with gardenia

Gardenia 200 grams of shelled bamboo shoots 150 grams of bacon 100 grams of chopped onions, shredded ginger. Remove gardenia, wash and blanch bamboo shoots obliquely cut into thin slices of bacon, cut into small diced meat and cook until 60% hot. Pour gardenia, bamboo shoots and bacon into the pan and stir-fry several times, add chopped onion, shredded ginger and stir-fry until cooked, add monosodium glutamate and salt. This dish is light, fresh, crisp, tender and refreshing with the effect of invigorating the spleen, appetizing, clearing heat and promoting intestines. It is suitable for diseases such as stomach, stagnant diet, reducing abdominal distension and stool.