
Is the incisor implanted?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The problem of missing teeth has always been a very common problem. So far, the most common and effective way to repair missing teeth is to do implants.

Let's take a look at this together.

Can I have my incisor implanted? Whether the effect of anterior tooth implantation is good or not mainly depends on the situation of everyone. At present, the main factors affecting the effect of anterior dental implant are as follows:

1. The quality of dental implants is good or bad. The quality of the implant selected, the dental implant level of the doctor and the technical equipment used will affect the quality of the implant, and the quality of the implant is related to the effect and life of the implant. Therefore, it is necessary to go to formal professional medical institutions, find qualified, clinically experienced implants to plant teeth, and must choose their own implants, so as to ensure the effect of dental implants.

2. Postoperative maintenance of implant teeth. After dental implantation, attention should be paid to the cleanliness and hygiene of the oral cavity to prevent inflammation around the implant, thus affecting the effect and life of the implant. In addition, we should also go to the hospital regularly to check the loosening of various parts of the implant teeth, in order to find and solve the problems in time, and ensure that the implant teeth can be used well.

Dental implants are known as the "third human teeth", both in appearance and masticatory function are comparable to real teeth, and the service life of implants is generally at least ten to several decades, as long as proper maintenance and maintenance, implants can also be used for a lifetime, so it can be said that the effect of dental implants is very good, but the premise is to go to the formal professional dental specialties.