
How to raise cyclamen to teach you 6 tricks of raising cyclamen?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise cyclamen to teach you 6 tricks of raising cyclamen?

How to raise cyclamen? How to raise cyclamen? Many flower lovers do not understand the breeding methods of cyclamen. In fact, if you want to master the breeding methods of cyclamen, you only need to start from several aspects. Here is to introduce the breeding methods of cyclamen and tell you how to breed cyclamen.

First, cyclamen basic information

Alias turnip begonia, rabbit ear flower, rabbit flower, a crown, bonspark, petal lotus, is Primulaceae cyclamen perennial herbs. Cyclamen is a widely cultivated flower. Cyclamen's culture method is suitable for indoor flowerpots and greenhouse in winter. Some cultivated species of cyclamen have strong aroma, while others have light or no aroma.

Second, how to raise cyclamen

1. Potted soil: cyclamen requires fertile, slightly acidic soil with smooth drainage. If the soil is not managed or managed scientifically for a long time, cyclamen will grow poorly, blossom less, lose its color, and reduce or lose its ornamental value. It is better to plant with loose and fertile nutritious soil. Organic fertilizers such as rotting heat and thin human and animal feces and urine are applied every 10 days or so; after budding, 0.1% potassium dihydrogen sulfate is applied twice.

2. Seed selection: select seeds, select full, glossy brown seeds without diseases and insect pests, soak the seeds collected that year in the mixture of 50ppm's GA3 (gibberellin) and 500ppm's methyl thiophanate or chlorothalonil for one day and night, then control clean water, rinse clean in clean water, and control water to dry the surface moisture. Then sow the seeds and blossom about 10 days earlier than the unsoaked seeds.

3. Temperature: the most suitable temperature for growth is about 15 ℃. The suitable temperature for growth and flower bud differentiation is 15 ℃ 20 ℃, humidity 70% Murray 75%; winter flowering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃; if the temperature is too low, the flower color will be dim and easy to wither; if the summer temperature reaches 28 ℃ 30 ℃, the plant will dormancy; when the temperature is above 30 ℃, cyclamen leaves will yellowing and shedding, flowers will fade without ornamental value, and if above 35 ℃, the tuber is easy to rot. At this time, put the plant on the well-ventilated north balcony or under the eaves or under the porch or under the rain shelter, stop fertilization, control watering, and keep the basin soil moist. If it is dry for a long time, it will make the root system dry and necrotic, and the corm will shrink and lose water and die.

4. Watering: cyclamen likes water and avoids dampness. the basin soil needs to be kept moist, but it is necessary to strictly prevent stagnant water or waterlogging, otherwise once the root system rots, the whole plant will die quickly. Because the whole plant of cyclamen is fleshy and not resistant to drought, if the water supply is not timely, the leaves will soon turn yellow and wilt, even after supplementary watering, many leaves will turn yellow and need pruning, seriously affecting the beauty and growth of the whole plant.

5. Fertilization: fertilization is generally carried out in the vegetative growth period, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium need to be balanced, and the application rate of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer needs to be increased in the flower bud development stage, but it is absolutely not allowed to apply thick fertilizer, strong fertilizer and raw fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to cause fertilizer damage and necrosis of the whole plant. If it is a liquid fertilizer, it needs to be irrigated slowly from the edge of the basin, not from the top of the plant, and rinse the leaves with clean water after fertilization.

6. Pest control: the main diseases of cyclamen are bacterial soft rot, bacterial leaf rot, gray mold, anthracnose, leaf spot and so on. Among them, the harm of soft rot and leaf rot is serious, the prevention and control of cyclamen culture methods should pay attention to the following aspects: strict disinfection of seeds, culture soil and tools, strengthen ventilation, reduce temperature and humidity, and avoid rain cultivation as far as possible. timely cleaning of diseased leaves and plants, and should be carried out in dry time to pick leaves, buds and other operations; regular chemical control. In addition, cyclamen culture methods are also vulnerable to root-knot nematodes, mites, aphids and other harm, should pay attention to prevention and control.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.