
The fiery red cockscomb gives you sincere and eternal love.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The fiery red cockscomb gives you sincere and eternal love.

In our life, there is a kind of cockscomb flower whose inflorescence is very similar to the cockscomb, which is not only a lovely common flower in summer and autumn, but also can be made into good medicine and delicacies, and has a good effect on physical fitness. We all know that there is a moving legend behind almost every kind of flower, so what will the flower language of cockscomb be? Let's have a look together.

Legends of cockscomb flowers

Once upon a time, on the bank of the Mu School River, there lived a little girl named Liu. One day the little girl went to Jiguan Mountain to pick wild vegetables. She went farther and farther away and got lost in the mountains. Because she was so hungry, she picked wild fruits and wild vegetables to satisfy her hunger. Because she eats everything and the river she drinks is not clean, she has diarrhea and abdominal pain. She suddenly found a purple cockscomb-style wild flower by the river. She thought that picking some flowers and eating them might cure diarrhea. So she picked some flowers and ate them, and sure enough, her stomach hurt less, and then she ate the purple flowers again and again, and as a result, she stopped having diarrhea. But because she had not eaten for several days, she did not have the strength to walk, so she leaned against the shack under a tree and suddenly heard a noise in the grass, mistakenly thinking that a wild animal was coming. She hurriedly crept into the tree hole next to the hut. After a while, the sound was getting closer and closer, and it turned out to be the sound of human footsteps, so she climbed out of the tree hole and ran out of strength after getting out of the head. Her father and villagers carried her out.

After returning home, the little girl rested for a few days and gradually got better. The little girl told her mother that she had diarrhea in the mountains after eating wild fruit and cured her illness by eating purple flowers. The little girl's mother often had diarrhea. After listening to this, she went to Jiguan Mountain with her husband a few days later, picked some with roots and took them home and planted them in front of the house. The little girl's mother used purple flower soup for several days, but she didn't have diarrhea again, and then she told others the news that the flower could cure the disease.

Second, the words of cockscomb flowers: sincere and eternal love.

The cockscomb flower through the wind and frost, the flower posture does not decrease, the flower color does not fade, is regarded as the everlasting love or the constant love symbol. In Europe and the United States, the first flower given to a lover is the fiery red cockscomb, implying eternal love. There is always a vibrant color. Especially from summer to autumn, cockscomb is almost the representative of "autumn". Because of its "fiery red, warm" color, symbolizing "sincere and eternal love".

Chicken crown flower scientific name-CelosiacristataL, Chinese alias: chicken bun flower, old red flower, Reed flower chicken crown, pen chicken crown, small head chicken crown, Phoenix tail chicken crown, big rooster flower, chicken horn root, red chicken crown. Annual herbs, blooming in summer and autumn, flowers are mostly red, showing a chicken crown shape, so it is called cockscomb flower. Native to Africa, tropical America and India. Like plenty of sunshine, hot and humid, not resistant to frost. Do not tolerate barren, like loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Widely cultivated all over the world, common garden plants.

The cockscomb grows in autumn. When the enthusiasm of summer is replaced by the bleak autumn wind, when people feel melancholy day by day, the cockscomb blooms like fire, red colors and flowers, so people give it the flower words of "true love is eternal". Cockscomb represents love, as if in the autumn environment gradually cool, but the feelings between lovers can be as red as cockscomb so warm, on behalf of the eternal love for lovers will not be shaken by difficult circumstances.

The cockscomb still blooms brilliantly in the bleak autumn day and gives it a stubborn and haughty character that can be seen in the environment. It is still so gorgeous in a depression. People think that this flower can dress up so well and express itself. However, because of its close to the people's appearance, people will not think that it is cold in high places, and still love it so much. It exists in many places of our lives. I don't know if you found it.

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