
Four seasons peony breeding methods and precautions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Four seasons peony breeding methods and precautions

Peony variety, color is also many, to yellow, green, flesh red, crimson, silver red as the top grade, let's take a look at the four seasons peony culture methods and matters needing attention.

Conservation methods of peony flowers in spring

Change the basin

When my temperature is stable at 10 ℃ in spring, I can start watering and change the basin once a year. When you take off the pot, you should handle it gently so as not to hurt the root system. After taking off the basin, cut off the roots of diseases and pests, and plant them in a cool place for 3-5 days.


After changing the basin, do not water for a while, spray 2 or 3 times a day, and put it in a place with high humidity. Half a month later, the peony returned to normal growth, can be a small amount of watering, wait for a month later to grow new roots, gradually increase the amount of water.

Conservation methods of peony flowers in summer


The summer temperature is better, the sun is stronger, put the plant in the morning and evening where the sun shines to maintain, avoid the strong light at noon. At the end of summer, after getting cooler, move the plant to a sunny place for maintenance.


In summer, make sure that the water is sufficient, and the watering is dry and wet. Spray water around the plant many times a day to cool down and ventilate regularly to avoid too muggy environment.

Maintenance methods of peony flowers in autumn


In autumn, red peonies are kept in places with plenty of sunshine and rain to ensure that the basin soil is dry. After the weather turns cool, gradually reduce the watering, let the plant slowly immerse into the dormant state.

Enter the room

When the outside temperature drops to 10 ℃, move the plant to a warm place indoors for maintenance, a closed balcony or interior with light.

Maintenance methods of peony flowers in winter

Heat preservation

Peony is not cold-resistant, the indoor temperature in winter should be controlled above 10 ℃, which can be about 0 ℃. In areas with high temperature in winter, outdoor maintenance should pay attention to heat preservation.

Make-up light

The peony flower will enter the dormancy period in winter, and the potted plant will be placed in a sunny place to accumulate nutrients for photosynthesis to prepare for flowering in the coming year. During this period, pay attention to water control, the lower the temperature, the drier the basin soil will be.

Cultivation techniques of Tree Peony

Planting: the soil is required to be loose, fertile and neutral. Cut off the broken and diseased roots of the planted peony seedlings, soak the insecticidal and fungicides into the prepared pot or pit, stretch the root system, fill to the pot or pit, gently shake the seedlings, firmly seal the soil, and the depth of the rhizome is slightly lower than the basin surface or horizon.

Watering: water once after planting. Peony avoid stagnant water, appropriate watering during the growing season. In the arid areas of northern China, water before flowering, water after flowering and frozen water are generally watered. Potted flowers can be cut off and buried in pots after blooming for ease of management.

Fertilization: one year after planting, it is feasible to apply fertilizer in autumn, mainly mature organic fertilizer. It can be combined with loosening soil, spreading and acupoint application. Chemical fertilizers are often used in spring and summer, combined with watering before and after flowering. Pot load can be combined with watering to apply liquid fertilizer.

Pruning: in the year of planting, there are many rows of stubble. After germination in spring, about 5 branches will be left, and the rest will be wiped out to concentrate nutrition so as to make the flowers of the second year big and colorful. Autumn and winter, combined with Qingyuan, cut off the dry flower stalk, thin, non-flowering branches. When potting, trim it to your favorite shape as needed.

Intermediate ploughing: ploughing in time during the growing season, pulling out weeds and paying attention to the occurrence of diseases and insects. In autumn and winter, ploughing is carried out on the sky blocks of more than two-year-old peony.

Change pots: when potted peonies grow for three or four years, they need to be planted in large pots or ramets with new fertile soil in autumn.

Spray: spray stone sulfur mixture before sprouting in early spring, use insecticidal and fungicide mixture in summer, once every 2 weeks depending on the condition. Combined with fertilization, chemical fertilizers and growth regulators should be added.

Promoting flowers: in order to increase festivals or celebrations, the peony can be heated up about 50 days in advance according to the variety, and the normal temperature is controlled at 10murmur25c, with an average of about 15c per day. Pay attention to keeping the plant moist in the early stage, ventilating and transparent after budding, and controlling the temperature according to the requirements of flowering stage after budding. Foliar fertilization should be applied at ordinary times to ensure adequate water supply. In this way, flowers can be seen at any time in winter and spring.

Viewing: the natural flowering period of a single tree peony is about 10 Mel 15 days, which is shortened with the increase of temperature. 3 Mel 8c can be maintained for more than a month. Field planting can take temporary shelter from the wind and light, prolong the viewing time; pot load should be moved to a place where the sun can not be direct, the temperature 5Murray 10c, ventilation and transparent environment, depending on appearance and basin soil moist degree timely watering, flowers do not drench, such as the longest florescence; the need for flower arrangement when cutting, the wound should be cut or burned in the water. Water for flower arrangement should be added with antistaling agent or a little sugar to prolong the blooming time of flower arrangement.

Growth habits of four Seasons Peony

Sex likes a warm, cool, dry, sunny environment. Like sunshine, but also resistant to semi-overcast, cold, drought, weak alkali, avoid stagnant water, afraid of heat, afraid of direct sunlight. It is suitable to grow in neutral sandy loam soil which is loose, deep, fertile, high dry and well drained. Poor growth in acidic or clayey soils.

Sufficient sunlight is beneficial to its growth, but it is not resistant to hot summer sun exposure. When the temperature is above 25 ℃, the plant will be dormant. The suitable temperature for flowering is 17-20 ℃, but it must be treated with low temperature of 1-10 ℃ for 2-3 months before flowering. The minimum capacity is-30 ℃, but appropriate cold prevention measures should be taken in the northern cold zone in winter to avoid frost damage. The high temperature and humidity in the south is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of peonies, therefore, the cultivation of peonies in the south need to give them specific environmental conditions in order to enjoy the beautiful peony flowers.

Growth habits of four Seasons Peony

Sex likes a warm, cool, dry, sunny environment. Like sunshine, but also resistant to semi-overcast, cold, drought, weak alkali, avoid stagnant water, afraid of heat, afraid of direct sunlight. It is suitable to grow in neutral sandy loam soil which is loose, deep, fertile, high dry and well drained. Poor growth in acidic or clayey soils.

Sufficient sunlight is beneficial to its growth, but it is not resistant to hot summer sun exposure. When the temperature is above 25 ℃, the plant will be dormant. The suitable temperature for flowering is 17-20 ℃, but it must be treated with low temperature of 1-10 ℃ for 2-3 months before flowering. The minimum capacity is-30 ℃, but appropriate cold prevention measures should be taken in the northern cold zone in winter to avoid frost damage. The high temperature and humidity in the south is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of peonies, therefore, the cultivation of peonies in the south need to give them specific environmental conditions in order to enjoy the beautiful peony flowers.